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Posts posted by DSchultz

  1. Hello! Excellent question.

    Yes, as long as Axe's conditions are met, their ability isn't limited to once per attack.
    Axe could resolve their ability for each instance of damage as described in your example, but is limited by the following rule "A defense token cannot be spent more than once during an attack". So Axe cannot resolve their ability more than twice in the same attack and are able to only resolve it twice, if they have two defense tokens to spend.

    As a note, Axe could resolve against such abilities like Anakin Skywalker (Delta-7) or Ten Numb which take place "during an attack". It could not be used against such abilities like Mauler Mithel or Soontir Fel, as those abilities take place outside of an attack.

  2. Hello!

    Great questions here.

    Yes, they can be moved away from the initial obstacle they were placed touching.
    Yes, they can be moved as specified by the effect that moved them and per the rules on moving obstacles. They can be touching no other obstacles, the same obstacle, or another Exogorth obstacle.

    No, only an obstacle they are currently touching, if any, are moved. You wouldn't be able to move the same obstacle twice.

  3. Hello!
    Yes, it appears the reprint text is incorrect, as Shriv Surgaav has not received any errata. It appears the offensive retrofit icon was printed twice by mistake.

    The correct version of this card is the original text found on the original upgrade card, which is the following text.

    "When you reveal a command, you may discard a Squadron dial or token and this card to choose 1 enemy ship at close range. Choose and discard 1 Weapons Team, Support Team, Offensive Retrofit, Defensive Retrofit, Ordnance, Ion Cannons, or Turbolaser upgrade card equipped to the defender."

  4. Hello!

    Please review and read the card carefully.

    1) The objective doesn't state to place the station in the center of the table, it states to place the station in the center of the play area. To determine the center, both players should work together. The station should be placed centered in the center of the play area.

    2) Yes, You must still follow all obstacle placement restrictions when placing obstacles unless otherwise clearly specified by an objective.

  5. Hello!


    A ship can deploy overlapping a proximity mine token, however a ship that is overlapping a proximity mine token cannot attack it.


    Yes, other ships would be able to attack that proximity mine token. To determine if the attack is obstructed, follow the provided guidelines in the Rules Reference Guide when determining line of sight.

  6. Hello!
    Usually, questions that are not rules interaction issues are deleted as to not clutter the forum. But this question has come up a few times so I'll allow this answer this to remain.

    Once a ship has received damage cards equal to its hull, it is immediately destroyed and removed from the game. You would not deal more damage cards to the ship unless due to some other effect.
    In the case of Rieekan's ability, the ship is still in play and thus, can still suffer damage and damage cards until it is removed from play.

    Important things to remember from the "Damage" and "Destroyed Ships and Squadrons" topics in the Rules Reference Guide.
    "Damage cards are dealt one at a time."
    "When a ship has damage cards equal to its hull value, it is immediately destroyed."
    "A ship is destroyed when it has damage cards equaling or exceeding its hull value."
    "When a ship is destroyed, remove it from the play area and place it next to the matching ship card."

  7. Hello!


    If I resolve a command by spending a Dial and a Token I have to spend both at the same time

    Yes, correct.


    If I have some other effect that shares a timing window with resolving that command, can I split up the Dial and Token effects of the command and resolve the other effect between them?

    No, using your example, you would not be able to resolve the Concentrate Fire command effect in the manner described.
    When you choose to resolve the Concentrate Fire effect, you must finish the effect in full before moving on to another effect unless otherwise specified by another cards ability. 

  8. Hello!

    As Repair Crews state, "instead of" spending engineering points, you can resolve the Repair Crews card effect. This wouldn't allow for the spending of engineering points for any other effects.
    Correct, you can only resolve a command once and using Repair Crews requires that you fulfill its effect instead of spending any engineering points.

  9. Rules Reference Correction: Official errata have been made to the following card:

    •Grav Shift Reroute (Experimental Retrofit Upgrade)

    Should read: "Before deploying fleets, place 1 Grav shift token anywhere in the play area. After deploying fleets, you may move each obstacle at distance 1-3 of that token to within distance 1-2 of that obstacle's current location. Obstacles cannot overlap tokens, obstacles, or ships."

    (Changed card text to enforce intended effect.)

  10. Rules Reference Correction: Official errata have been made to the following card:

    •Moff Jerjerrod (Commander Upgrade)

    Should read: "While a friendly ship executes a maneuver, during its Determine Course step, that ship may suffer 1 damage to increase the first yaw value of that maneuver to II."

    (Added a specific timing window and duration of effect to fix interactions with other upgrades.)

  11. Hello!

    The answers you seek are found within the Rules Reference Guide.

    Per the Range and Distance topic,


    "The range side is divided into three range bands: close, medium, and long."

    and as the Ignition Range keyword topic states, 


     If a ship has multiple ignition [range] keywords, (such as those granted by upgrade cards) its targeting token can be placed within any of the specified ranges

    In short, long range is not close range, nor medium range.
    So for example, if your ship has the upgrade card Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannon equipped, you could choose to place your ignition targeting token only within long range, or short range. You could not place it within medium range.

  12. Hello!

    Please let me know if this prior answer helps at all 

    Also, Iden Versios ability provides an alternative way to spend Evade defense tokens; an Evade defense token spent in this way does not also produce its normal effect.
    See Mon Mothma + its card clarification for similar wording.

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