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Posts posted by DSchultz

  1. Hello!

    Please read the card effect carefully as it answers this question.


    "While a friendly ship is attacking a ship, if the attack is obstructed by a ship or obstacle, the attacker does not remove a die (even if the attack is also obstructed by a card effect), and may add 1 red die to the attack pool."

    As it states, General Romodi's effect can only resolve if the attack is obstructed by a ship or an obstacle, and not due to a card effect such as Early Warning System or General Cracken.

    In the simplest terms,

    1. If the attack is only obstructed by Early Warning System or General Cracken. Then General Romodi's effect will not resolve.

    2. If the attack is only obstructed by a ship or an obstacle. Then General Romodi's effect will resolve.

    3. If the attack is obstructed by Early Warning System or General Cracken AND ALSO  due to a ship or an obstacle. Then General Romodi's effect will resolve.

  2. Hello!


    "During activation" isn't really defined.

    This is an incorrect assumption. Please review the "Ship Activation" topic in the Rules Reference Guide to gain a better understanding of how Ship Activations and its steps are resolved.

    1. Yes.

    2. Yes.

    During a ships activation is anytime that ship has been chosen to be activated (before its command dial is then revealed), during its activation, and when you have declared its activation is over after resolving any effects, if any, after its movement.

  3. Hello!
    I see your question includes some Slang but I understand what you mean. This took some time for appropriate research so I appreciate your patience as this was looked into.

    In other words, you are asking if a Ship that is on a Large base can make a speed 2 (or similar equivariant) maneuver that has "II" yaw on the first joint and "I" yaw on the second joint on the maneuver tool. With these yaw joints clicked toward the ship and not away, and move on the inside of the maneuver tool.
    Yes. It is a legal maneuver. As you've mentioned, many maneuver tools do come with minor variations that can appear to have that move not be legal.

  4. Hello!

    The Interdictor title is able to ready cards with a "Ready Cost" without the ship having to spend the required token to "Ready" that card. 
    This is because the "Ready Cost" is only applied if the card is readied "During the Status Phase", unless otherwise specified by that card.

    Review the "Readied", "Ready Cost" topics in the Rules Reference Guide for additional details.


  5. Never hurts! Thanks for bringing this up. This is the prior answer in full and still stands as the official answer.




    Q: Can a squadron resolve its Relay keyword if it could only be activated because of the Centicore upgrade?

    A: Yes, but no more than two squadrons can be activated through the effect of the Centicore upgrade during a single command.



  6. Hello!

    Very interesting question!

    To answer the question, Yes, unequipped upgrade cards that are set aside would still count towards your fleets total value.
    However, this seems like this would be best solved by the group voting on how they would like to handle this aspect of their campaign.

    Some suggestions would be that players could discard these unequipped upgrade cards without having to retire their fleets. Or! That unequipped cards don't count towards a players fleets total value.
    Either way, a group discussion seems best before beginning a Corellian Conflict Campaign.

  7. Hello Ardaedhel,

    No, all four ships do not need to be different from each other. Only that each players chooses "2 different ships" when resolving their part of the effect of Hondo Ohnaka (Officer).

    Thank you for your excellent example!
    Yes, they must choose to assign a squadron token to any of your ships, this can include any ships that you chose when resolving your part of that cards effect.

  8. Hello, thanks for your question.


    Can Hondo Ohnaka be used to assign a Command Token to a ship that already has a number of Command Tokens equal to its Command Value?


    For your follow on question, the player that controls the ship decides.

    They can accept the placed token and assign it to the ship by discarding a command token already assigned or choose to discard the newly Placed token and not assign it to their ship.

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