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Posts posted by DSchultz

  1. Hello!

    Yes, following a previous ruling on Biggs Darklighter. 
    Biggs Darklighter's or Task Force Antilles's ability would be able to resolve their effects for damage that would be applied by Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons ability, as long as all of Biggs Darklighters and Task Force Antilles's conditions are met.

    Instances of upgrade cards that wouldn't resolve when other ships are suffering damage from 
    Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons ability, would be cards such as Seventh Fleet Star Destroyer or Bright Hope, as they are not defending when suffering this damage.

  2. Hello! 

    The first player must deploy their flagship overlapping the Station and within the setup area without overlapping any squadrons. If the flagship cannot fit without overlapping squadrons, the first player must deploy the flagship so that it fits as completely as possible overlapping the fewest number of squadrons.

    Any squadrons that were overlapped are then placed by the opposing player as written in the "Overlapping" topic in the Rules Reference Guide.

  3. Yes, the second player may still set aside up to three squadrons if they have no small or medium ships to set aside.
    As a note, if the second player does have a small or medium ship, they must choose one to set aside.

    Bonus clarification! A player that does set aside a small or medium ship, can also choose to set aside zero squadrons even if they have squadrons in their fleet list.

  4. Hello!

    Following the Rules Reference Guide for Obstacle Movement and the "Toward" keyword; Any object (squadron, token, ship, etc) placed in this manner, that is between the Gravity Rift and the obstacle in question, would prevent that obstacle from ending its movement "touching" the Gravity Rift obstacle and would not be removed from play area as directed by the Objective's End of Round text.

  5. Hello!
    Per Effects use and Timing.
    First player first, second player second when resolving effects with the same timing window.

    A players objective cards are considered part of their fleet when fleet building. If you are the second player and you have both Advanced Gunnery and Corvus in your fleet, you would be able to choose which effect to resolve first.
    A first players Corvus would resolve before you decide which of your effects to resolve.

    When it is your turn to decide your effects, either choose to resolve Corvus's ability first, or choose to resolve Advanced Gunnery first.
    You do not split the timing effect of an upgrade card with another effect unless otherwise specified.

    For example, second player could choose to resolve Advanced Gunnery first, which must be done in its entirety. With the first player choosing their objective ship, followed by the second player.  Then the second player could choose to resolve Corvus ability.

  6. Rules Reference Correction: In the "Defense Tokens" topic, subtopic "Salvo": The following should be considered removed:


    Salvo: If the defender is a ship, it performs a salvo attack after the “Resolve Damage” step of this attack. If the attacker was a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking hull zone using the defender’s printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacker using its printed anti-squadron armament.

    In its place the following should be considered added, changes in blue:


    Salvo: If the defender is a ship, it performs a salvo attack after the “Resolve Damage” step of this attack. If the attacker was a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking hull zone using the defender’s printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacker using its printed anti-squadron armament. While performing a Salvo attack, skip the Declare Additional Squadron Target step.

    This was to clear up confusion in regards to Salvo attacks and following the steps of an attack.

  7. Card Clarification Correction:  Upgrade Card "Yavaris"

    The following answer should be considered removed:


    A squadron activated by Yavaris that adds a die while attacking cannot resolve another effect to move during Yavaris’ activation.

    In its place the following answer should be considered added:


    A squadron that has moved or been moved by another effect, during Yavaris's activation, cannot choose to resolve Yavaris' ability. After a squadron has resolved Yavaris' ability, it cannot move or be moved by another effect for the rest of Yavaris's activation. Note that any effect that "places" a squadron is not a move.

    This correction was to clear up confusion regarding to if a squadron could move at any point during Yavaris activation and still be able to use Yavaris's ability.

  8. Hello!
    Per the policy of this forum this isn't a rules interaction question, however I can see that some helpful direction can be given on this subject.

    Players are expected to behave in a mature and considerate manner and to play within the rules and not abuse them.
    Players are expected to act with respect and not intentionally distract or rush an opponent with the intent of forcing a missed opportunity. 
    If a player forgets to use an effect during the timing specified by that effect, he or she cannot retroactively use it without the consent of his or her opponent.

    The timing window on Thermal Shields is an easy one to forget for both players, while an attacker doesn't have to directly ask "are you going to use Thermal Shields?", an opportunity needs to be given to the defender to be able to declare its use. The attacker should not be declaring a target and then immediately rushing to grab dice and roll them before the defender can respond.

    This can be easily accomplished by the attacker formally declaring that you are "Gathering your dice", which is the 2nd step of an attack. The amount of time the attacker allows the defender to respond can't be pinned down to any set time period, but a few seconds is more than sufficient for the defender to at least convey if they wish to use the Thermal Shields effect before an attacker rolls the gathered die.

    Once the gathered die have been rolled, it is now a missed opportunity for the defender.

    If playing at a tournament and any player feels like there could be an issue, be sure to inform the Tournament Organizer of the concern so that they can address it. 

  9. Hello! 
    No need to apologize at all, I'm here to help.

    No, it is only an attack against that squadron which attacked the ship and doesn't allow additional attacks against other squadron targets unless otherwise specified. 

    However! I see how we could maybe try and clear this up a bit more within the Rules Reference Guide itself. So I'll make a note of it for a possible future update.

  10. Rules Reference Correction:  in the "Obstacles" topic

    The following bullet point should be considered removed:


    ◊ Placing Exogorths: An exogorth obstacle is placed touching another obstacle. When an exogorth is placed, it cannot overlap ships, other obstacles, or tokens in the play area. If an exogorth overlaps squadrons when it is placed, move any overlapped squadrons out of the way and place that exogorth. Then the player who did not place that exogorth places the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, in any position around that exogorth so that they touch it. They can place those squadrons in any order but cannot place them outside the play area.

    •  A squadron that cannot be placed touching the exogorth must be placed touching another squadron that is touching the exogorth.

    In its place the following bullet point should be considered added, changes in blue:



    ◊ Placing Exogorths: An exogorth obstacle is placed touching another non-exogorth obstacle that is not touching another exogorth obstacle. When an exogorth is placed, it cannot overlap ships, other obstacles, or tokens in the play area. If an exogorth overlaps squadrons when it is placed, move any overlapped squadrons out of the way and place that exogorth. Then the player who did not place that exogorth places the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, in any position around that exogorth so that they touch it. They can place those squadrons in any order but cannot place them outside the play area.

    •  A squadron that cannot be placed touching the exogorth must be placed touching another squadron that is touching the exogorth.


  11. Mineralarimal,

    No, squadrons that move during Yavaris's activation, cannot use Yavaris's card effect.

    To review the card wording and its clarification, I'll BOLD the relevant wording.


    Card effect:
    “Squadron Command: Each squadron you activate may choose to only attack during your activation. If it does, while attacking, it may add 1 die to its attack pool of a color already in its attack pool.” 

    A squadron activated by Yavaris that adds a die while attacking cannot resolve another effect to move during Yavaris’ activation.

    As it is Yavaris's activation, if a squadrons moves during that activation, they lose the chance to resolve Yavaris's card effect.

    However, I can see that the Clarification is not as clear as it could possibly be, and I'll make a note to pass along to update this Clarification to be clearer.

  12. Review these selected parts of the "Range and Distance" topic in the RRG. I've highlighted in red the most important bit to understanding your question.




    The lines on the ruler that divide two adjacent bands always count as part of the band closest to the bottom of the ruler
    • The following terms are used when discussing range and distance:
    ◊ At: If any portion of a hull zone, base, or token is inside a specified band, that component is at that band.

    ◊ Within: If the entirety of a base or token is inside a specified band, that component is within that band.


    So when measuring range. Something can be "within" close range, which also is "at" close range.

    But the reverse is not true, something can be "at" close range but not "within" close range.

    "Within" means just that, entirely within, no part outside of the specified band.
    "At" means if any part is inside a specified or multiple, band(s), it is at the closest band.

    So to use your Rift Assault example, Yes. Even if a small ship is completely overlapping and within that obstacle, it is still "at" close range / distance 1 of that obstacle.

  13. Hi, the "Objective Cards" topic, states the following


    "Each player chooses three objective cards as part of their fleet, and each of these cards must belong to a different category. During the “Choose Objective” step of setup, the first player looks at their opponent’s objective cards and chooses one of those cards."

    As you can see, objective cards are only revealed by the second player in the "Choose Objective" step of Setup, which is after the "Determine Initiative" step of Setup. Objective cards remain hidden until Initiative is determined and only the second players objective cards are revealed.



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