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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 5/2/2024 at 10:08 AM, Pinto397 said:

    If the defender rolls all expertise that results in two blocks, and the attacker has expertise that changes blocks to fails, the blocks from the defender’s expertise will not be changed to fails.  Is that correct due to the steps of 6c?

    That is correct, yes.

    The attacker resolves their effects in 6ci, which would change existing blocks to failures(if any existed). The defender would then resolve their expertise in 6cii and add in the two blocks.

    It sounds like from your scenario that the defender will end up with two blocks.

  2. On 3/16/2024 at 7:21 PM, FlyingRhino said:

    Okay, I think I understand. So rules like Last Minute save or Guardian Squirrel that prevent the KO would not break the attack sequence, whereas Deal with the Devil requires Ghost Rider to actually be KO'd as a condition of the card.

    It's not that the attack sequence is broken with Deal with the Devil, but rather that you can't resolve further effects against him specifically.

  3. When the game timer runs out in a showdown or premier showdown event, players finish the current Turn.

    Drawing a Battle Tactic Card would occur in Step 2 of Taking a Turn and involve resolving the rules for the Battle Tactic, as well as drawing another card before continuing their Turn.

    The steps involved in Taking a Turn can be found in Appendix A of the online rulebook and the rules about Time being the End of Match condition are found in the respect event documents

  4. On 4/28/2024 at 2:09 PM, Gmoney1987 said:

    Does this mean Iceman can use this superpower (maximum twice, due to the TTC override and 2 action limit)?


    Does this allow Iceman to use Freeze and Fade as many times as possible (using Iceman or Emma Frost's Power) ignoring the 2 action limit per character?

    It is the first option. It doesn't allow you to circumvent the power or action cost of the superpowers, just the once per turn limit.

  5. 16 minutes ago, JClark said:

    In the rules, it states power is gained to the damaged character as they take damage in 12a. They can also KO or Daze in 12a. It doesn't state when the attacking character would gain the power if able by an attack that has the phrase " you gain power equal to the damage you dealt"

    This isn't stated in the core rules because there is no core rule that provides power to the character doing the damage.

    17 minutes ago, JClark said:

    Does this also happen in 12a? If it doesn't happen in 12a can you please explain logically why it wouldn't?

    This will depend on the individual rule providing the power.

    For the rules you appear to be referencing, you have left off the part that states when you gain the power. Those rules are generally worded as "After this attack is resolved, this character gains power equal to the damage dealt."

    "After this/the attack is resolved" is a reference to the timing step you perform the rule, which is step 14 of an attack.


    On 3/27/2024 at 12:47 AM, Toast said:

    I was wondering if I can Puff of Smoke to follow Ultron after he uses Age of Ultron

    Yes, as this ability is not affecting Ultron. You would do this after The Age of Ultron has finished resolving.

    On 3/27/2024 at 12:47 AM, Toast said:

    then continuing to use my spender on him (provided I hit the trigger to gain another attack)

    No, per this ruling -


  7. 1 hour ago, mythslegend said:

    To build off this,  let's say Rex in combat with Kenobi's ally, Kenobi mind tricks making the attack invalid does Rex have to attack? Or can I do something else with the action? 

    Mind trick doesn’t invalidate the attack, it just ends it early.

    That attack still occurred and “used” whatever resources applied to it.

    Mind trick provides the character specifically an attack, not a combat action or a choice of other action types.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Blipvert said:

    This seems to be a timing issue.  So wouldn’t the Riposte occur during step 5. A?  Whereas the modify defense dice is step 6. A.  

    Riposte is used after the attack is resolved, which is 10d for the defenders effects.

  9. On 4/10/2024 at 12:18 PM, steinerp said:

    If a bounty hunter uses payday to gain the "Bad Batch" tag is it able to benefit from Hunter's "leader of the batch" ability or does not having the "Clone trooper" mean that the ability never is triggered in the first place

    A character must have the Clone Trooper tag to make use of this ability. They would benefit from at least the first sentence.

    Characters that also have the Bad Batch tag can benefit from the second sentence as well.

    A character with only the Bad Batch tag would be unable to make use of the ability at all.

  10. On 4/11/2024 at 11:59 AM, J Chav ATLAS said:

    What happens when you pay a force for an ability that can only target a unit that can't be effected?

    This is too open ended a question to answer for every possible rule.

    On 4/11/2024 at 11:59 AM, J Chav ATLAS said:

    For instance Bola Toss into Luke who's in the reserve. Luke has immunity to both conditions. Does the ability fail and the force is lost or does the ability fail and the force refunded with no legal targets?

    The ability is used still, but the chosen character doesn't gain the condition. Nothing in the rule prevents the character from being chosen.

    On 4/11/2024 at 11:59 AM, J Chav ATLAS said:

    If there is another target but you first select Luke, could you pick a new target?

    Not technically, although your opponent could allow you to.

    On 4/11/2024 at 11:59 AM, J Chav ATLAS said:

    Same for coordinated fire with a wounded unit and shooting a unit with immunity.

    Can you clarify this question?

    On 4/11/2024 at 11:59 AM, J Chav ATLAS said:

    What about abilities like intercede. If you declare an illegal target, can you then declare a legal target?

    This ability prevents the listed characters from being eligible targets, so they couldn't be picked to start with.

    Which is slightly different from the other situations. Nothing in the previous examples prevents the character from being picked, just what happens after they are picked.

    On 4/11/2024 at 11:59 AM, J Chav ATLAS said:

    Maybe a better question is, can you pay for an ability that has no effect?

    This is too open ended a question, it depends on the conditions of the individual rules.

  11. On 4/11/2024 at 12:39 PM, zeusjus said:

    When a unit performs an attack during their activation, if Obi-Wan Kenobi, Out of Hiding uses Mind Trick, does the attacker have to perform the same type of attack on the new attack?


    On 4/11/2024 at 12:39 PM, zeusjus said:

    For example: Captain Rex is engaged with a wounded ally of Obi-Wan. On his activation, Rex chooses to shoot at Obi, who uses Mind Trick. Even though he was originally doing a ranged attack, could Rex then perform a melee attack against Obi-Wan's wounded ally?


    On 4/11/2024 at 12:39 PM, zeusjus said:

    For the above example, would it make any difference if the original attack had to be a specific type? For example, Clone Sergeant Hunter is in a similar situation, but attacks the wounded unit with Striking Distance, which stipulates a melee attack. If Mind Trick is used on that melee attack, could Hunter then perform a ranged attack?

    It would make no difference.

    You satisfied the conditions of Striking Distance when making the first attack, which was ended early. The attack granted by Mind Trick does not have the limitations imposed by Striking Distance.

  12. 1 hour ago, desertspiral said:

    Please clarify because if you're engaged with a wounded character you do gain hunkers

    There is no exception provided for a Wounded unit. An engaged Unit cannot gain or have Hunker tokens regardless of the Wounded/Not Wounded state of the other Unit.

    1 hour ago, desertspiral said:

    if you have Geneeal Kenobi you also gain a hunker

    The previous answer doesn’t take into consideration every possible exception created by interactions with other rules, just the rules and scenario presented.

  13. On 4/19/2024 at 5:38 PM, Caindris said:

    The exception to this rule has to be with General Obi-Wan Kenobi, right?  His Knowledge and Defense would allow Rex to dash into melee and still gain a hunker allowing for the heal to trigger from Bring It On, Clankers.

    That is one potential exception, yes.

    The previous answer doesn’t take into consideration every possible exception created by interactions with other rules, just the rules and scenario presented.

  14. On 4/15/2024 at 2:04 PM, Pinto397 said:

    So does this mean that the b2s in this picture would get pulled over the grand inquisitor and land in the other side of him assuming the b2s will fit?  If they don’t fit the b2s would stop on the edge of the platform correct?  Thanks 

    Based on the picture, yes, this is correct for this scenario (assuming the measurements work out correctly).

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