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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 4 hours ago, DaveyDave said:

    would this effect and Elemental empowerment persist if Crystal is dazed ?

    If by "this effect" you are referring to Elemental Infusion, then no, it will not persist while she is dazed. The tactics card has a clause in its rules that ends the effect if Crystal becomes dazed.

    Elemental Empowerment is an innate superpower on Crystal and dazed characters don't have superpowers, so no, that will not be active if she is dazed

  2. 4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:

    Does this mean that if the attacker is farther than 2, and the defender is withing range 1 of the terrain, then even if the majority of the base of the defender is visible to the attacker they will still get cover?

    Yes, as long as the terrain is the same size as the defending character or larger.

    4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:

    Is there any limit to this such as having to draw the line from center base to center base? 

    No, bullet point 2 on page 25 explicitly allows the line to be drawn from any portion of the attackers base to any portion of the defenders base.

  3. When a rule references movement, it means any type of movement(advance, climb, throw, push, place - Page 16)

    When a rule references move action, it typically means an advance or a climb(Page 14). BUT, an advance or a climb are not always move actions

    If a rule allows you to perform an advance (Baron Zemo's attack “Steel Rush” for instance), that is not a move action, it’s just an advance.

    This means that Spider Trackers does not trigger on push, place or throw movement types. It also does not trigger on advances or climbs that are accomplished by something other than a move action.

  4. It sounds like you are using the timing steps from Page 19 & 20 of the rule book, is that correct? If that is true, then yes, power gain from an attack would be in step 13 of that list and the application of "after the attack is resolved" effects would be step 14 of that list.

    The references in my post are all from Appendix A on page 25 & 26 of the online rule book.

  5. A. They will gain power equal to the damage suffered as a result of the attack in Step 12 of the Appendix A timing chart.


    B1. The stun special condition applied by Taser Webs on Spider-Man (Peter Parker) will be applied in Step 14a of Appendix A if its conditions are satisfied.

    B2. The stun applied by Reality Warp is applied during Step 14a of Appendix A. If you trigger both the throw and Reality Warp, you can apply them in the order of your choice during Step 14a.

    B3. If this is also asking about when it is applied during attacks as the other questions are, then it is applied during Step 14b of Appendix A because it is a defenders effect

  6. Quote

    I found a ruling asking Transform but want to be clear.  If I target attack Ant-Man normal sized with a range 2 attack, that he is just barely in range, Ant-Man can pay 1 power to transform and be placed within 1 of it original position.  Now he is out of my range 2 attack does my attack fail and I can choose a new target, does it just fail and action is wasted or does the attack still go through the ability does not specify a remeasure or LOS check?

    Yes, the attack will proceed through the rest of the Appendix A steps as Pym Particle Control does not direct you to recheck range or LOS.


    For my second with Psychic Distraction falls in close as above but just different enough to ask as well.  My Cassandra Nova is targeted by my opponent's Thor and he has paid for the For Asgard superpower.  Does he get to make the Strike first or can I use the reactive Psychic Distraction?  If I do get to move first and happen to roll and deal damage with Psychic Distraction and get to move Cassandra Nova Small if that puts her out of range of Thor's Strike does the attack fail, can he choose a new target or do I take the hit even if I am now out of range?

    This functions differently from the previous question as the sequence has several distinct steps which are not all contained within the attack sequence as the previous example was.

    1. Thor, Prince of Asgard uses the "For Asgard!" super power
    2. Thor, Prince of Asgard performs a move action
    3. Cassandra Nova triggers Psychic Distraction
    4. Assuming Psychic Distraction did at least one damage, Cassandra Nova may advance short
    5. Thor, Prince of Asgard may now use the Strike attack against a character in range. If no character is in range at this time, Thor, Prince of Asgard cannot make the attack.
  7. I'm looking to double check some assumptions.

    What is the trigger timing for abilities that are worded such that you use the superpower either when targeting or being targeted by an attack?

    Is it 2a or 2d?

    The part that makes me want to double check is the wording in 2d ("...resolve effects that happen when a character is targeted...")

    There are two ways I can see it being understood

    1. The intention is that you both trigger and resolve the ability in 2d. (Basically, the "resolve" here is not being used in a rules terminology way (referencing the separation between trigger timing and resolution timing), its being used in a more generic language way)

    2. The intention is that its all strictly rules terminology, meaning you trigger the ability in 2a and resolve the ability in 2d.



    Thanks! Looking to clarify a bit based on bad wording on my part.

    What this boils down to is:
    - If your last character activation for the turn is over, you automatically transition into the end of your turn
    - Meaning once your last activation of the turn is over, you can no longer use abilities other than reactive abilities that trigger on the "end of your turn" or a similar wording?

  9. I'm not sure I fully understand what that means. I'm going to only focus on the attack portion for now, since its easier to discuss.

    I assume that is saying its being tied to Step 9.b.ii of Appendix A, but page 18 defines "The defender" as the character being attacked. So wouldn't that mean there is no timing step for a character other than the one being attacked to modify an attackers dice?

    I understand the intent, but I'm not sure how to resolve it in technical terms.

  10. The linked thread ties a turn and activation(s) together more than I realized based on other interactions. I previously assumed the end of the turn functioned the same as the start of the turn, in that it was entirely independent of the activation (other than an activation needing to occur within a turn).

    This meant that you'd need two separate "end" declarations and could do things in between the end of an activation and the end of your turn (The same as you can do things between the start of your turn and the start of an activation).

    However, the linked thread shifts my understanding and if I were to sum it up, I think it would be that...

    - The start of the turn isn't in anyway related to the start of an activation.

    - However, the end of a turn is tied to the end of the last activation of that turn.

    We know from other threads that the gaining of the activation token isn't related to the end of the activation...so I don't see this impacting a normal activation much at the moment.

    Similar to the linked thread then, this means that if a model is dazed mid activation by an effect(say a counter strike) (and there is no ability allowing them to trigger the activation of a different model), this now means that the players turn is also automatically ended and they have no chance to play tactics cards, correct?

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