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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. Yes, if an allied Groot is chosen for the Mental Domination card and Rocket Raccoon is then attacked by the attack generated from that, he can use personal bodyguard to change the target of the attack to Groot.

    Note that it is not Groot performing the attack during mental domination though. The character that played the card is performing the attack, the chosen character is only used for the purposes of measuring range and line of sight.

  2. The push effect of the Rapid Repulsor Blast attack of Iron Man (Hulkbuster) will apply to both the first attack and an additional attack generated by the Rapid Fire rule on that attack, yes.

    The pushes do NOT occur at the same time though (Neither do they occur at the same time for the current version of Medusa). They have the same resolution timing, but they are occurring in that timing window during two separate attacks.

    Yes, if there are no other rules to be considered, they can be resolved in such an order that they appear to occur at the same time. It is very important to understand that they are not actually occurring at the same time though, so effects that occur in 14b or 14c can come between the resolution of the pushes.

  3. This is covered by this entry in the FAQ


    Q: When an effect lists multiple things happening but I cannot do
    part of the effect, do the other portions of the effect still happen?

    A: Superpowers or special rules that list a series of events that
    are related must meet each event for the next event to occur. For
    example, the Martial Prowess super power states Gamora rolls 5
    defense dice instead of her normal defense. It then goes on to state
    if she suffers no damage from the attack an effect occurs. If she were
    to use Martial Prowess and something else were to occur causing
    her to no longer roll defense dice the secondary effect would not
    Some special rules will also list additional effects. When this
    happens either a line break will separate the effects or the word
    Additionally will appear showing that this is now a new effect.


  4. 28 minutes ago, Warp Charged Gaming said:

    Hello, can you please inform me what you mean by Aggressive?  

    I am following Mysterio makes hypnosis attack and triggers movement, allowing him to do tricks and traps, but I don't understand the "aggressive trigger" being referred to.  I didn't see a tactic card that matched this and I don't see the word Aggressive on mysterio's card anywhere.  


    The other character has aggressive in this example, the one Mysterio is attacking.

    Take a look at Crossbones as an example character.

  5. Unfortunately there isn't a window in this scenario to play that card.

    "After the attack is resolved" is actually still occurring during the attack, specifically step 14 of Appendix A & Neogenetic recombinator is an anytime rule.

    You can then find a box on Page 15 of the online rule book that explains "any time" abilities are not literally any time. They can't actually interrupt another action/effect in progress, so since the "after the attack is resolved" is actually still during the attack, it can't interrupt it.

  6. It depends on the exact timing of the rule in question.

    X-Ceptional Healing & Odins Blessing are "would be damaged" triggers, which is step 12 of Appendix A.

    Sap Power on Vision as an example is "Before damage is dealt", which is Step 11 of Appendix A.

    In this scenario, the defender does lose power before before having the opportunity to play either of those cards.

    Its always good to double check the exact wording for the rule your looking at though, rather than rely on the name of the rule, just in case.

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