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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. The linked thread ties a turn and activation(s) together more than I realized based on other interactions. I previously assumed the end of the turn functioned the same as the start of the turn, in that it was entirely independent of the activation (other than an activation needing to occur within a turn).

    This meant that you'd need two separate "end" declarations and could do things in between the end of an activation and the end of your turn (The same as you can do things between the start of your turn and the start of an activation).

    However, the linked thread shifts my understanding and if I were to sum it up, I think it would be that...

    - The start of the turn isn't in anyway related to the start of an activation.

    - However, the end of a turn is tied to the end of the last activation of that turn.

    We know from other threads that the gaining of the activation token isn't related to the end of the activation...so I don't see this impacting a normal activation much at the moment.

    Similar to the linked thread then, this means that if a model is dazed mid activation by an effect(say a counter strike) (and there is no ability allowing them to trigger the activation of a different model), this now means that the players turn is also automatically ended and they have no chance to play tactics cards, correct?

  2. Are the AMG supplied scenic elements of a kit required at all in the final modelling or just the character model?

    I.E. Considering how similar the two spider-man character models look, I'm not sure I'd recognize them without relying on either the base size or the scenic elements of the kit.

    I'm mainly looking to make sure the model itself will still be considered fine sans radio tower

  3. When performing a movement action, do reactive powers that trigger based on that movement "interrupt" the movement (as they do with most other interactions) or do they occur after the movement finished?

    The question is specifically directed towards movement as the second action, trying to identify whether the activation token is placed before or after the reactive superpower occurs.

    The main area it is currently relevant is an Injured Bob, Agent of Hydra moving into something like Rockets Booby Traps as his section action.

  4. Can I ask for some additional clarification/examples on where/how to apply the "multiple things" FAQ entry?

    I understood the FAQ entry to mean that any single special rule(since we have a forum ruling applying the FAQ entry to all rules) would always be dependent on each individual event in the rule resolving to be able to move onto the next event in the rule(barring the rules text being separated by a line break or the word "additionally").

    As an example, the "Second Wind" Tactics Card.

    "Characters that spent power remove the Stun special condition and remove 1 damage"

    Due to that being a single special rule that is not separated by either a line break or the word additionally, I would have applied the FAQ entry to this tactics card, meaning that to remove the 1 damage, the character would have had to remove the stun condition.

    After some discussions, I'm given to understand I am interpreting this incorrectly and that the "and" turns this statement into a single event, not multiple events. Which means the "Multiple things" FAQ entry does not apply and you can remove damage regardless of whether you removed the stun condition.

    I'm wondering if there is any wording or examples that can help clarify how to apply the FAQ entry or if it might just be "look for the word 'and'".


  5. What are the exact mechanics behind how "But HOW!?" functions in regards to the second sentence?

    "During the Cleanup Phase, when you would normally flip this character's card as a result of a Dazed token, it remains on its injured side and this character loses 3 power"

    We know from other interactions, a special rule has to very specifically override a general rule in order to take precedence

    - For example, "re-roll all" type rules not allowing the re-roll of skulls without a separate rule allowing interaction with skulls

    - We know Field Dressing can remove the dazed token because it specifically references the interaction, overriding the base rules that say dazed models can't be effected by special rules

    I'm unsure of how to apply those precedents to "But HOW!?" though.

    It does specifically reference the flip interaction, so it would seem to be able to interact with the dazed rules.

    However since dazed models don't have super powers, the rule doesn't actually exist on the model. I would think based on the precedence of other situations, the power would need to specifically say the character still has this super power while dazed.

    The only way I can potentially see that it works is that during the cleanup phase, you remove the dazed token before flipping the character. So does that mean its not dazed at that point in time, meaning it regains the super power and the rule can come into effect?

  6. I'd like to get the official word on this since its the opposite of most interactions.

    We have an attacker making a beam or area attack against a single target during its activation.

    Ghost-Spider uses Life Saver to pull the attacked character outside of the attacks range OR Loki uses Trickster to get outside of the attacks range.

    The attacker gets another action as per Life Saver/Tricksters rules, since the attack only targeted a single character.

    If that attack cost power though, the attacker will still have spent that power in this situation, correct?

    Unlike normal attacks that pay power in Appendix A step 3 (which is after Life Saver or Trickster triggers & resolves), Beam and Area attacks state that you pay power prior to triggering the targeting step on any individual character.

  7. Could I ask for a clarification on question 1?

    My understanding of the picture is that its meant to show Lockjaw started his movement at the end of the short movement tool and he is being moved to be within range 1 of the objective token. So the measurements occurring are short move from Lockjaws original position and Range 1 from the objective. The player is then moving Lockjaw to be exactly range 1 away from the objective. That should be legal, shouldn't it?

    As an additional question for number 2.

    Is there any restriction on that new location? Or is it still anywhere on the tool? I.E. If I indicate I'm trying to move onto a piece of terrain and we find that my model can't fit or balance for some reason, am I required to place it as close to my original intended location as possible or can I pick anywhere on the tool based on where the tool currently sits?


  8. What step does the accuser trigger in?

    The wording makes it appear to be an appendix a step 14b timing.

    however this isn’t possible, since it would mean he was dazed and doesn’t have the super power at that time.

    This ruling supports that Ronan isn’t dazed during step 12/14a if he is able to play a tactics card

    so can we have confirmation that the accuser is triggered and paid for in step 12, but then resolved in step 14b?

  9. What is the Appendix A timing of grievous wounds?

    I would assume it has to be step 12 of appendix A (Although that understanding is potentially tied up with other pending rules forum questions of mine)

    If that's true, I assume it actually has to occur before the damage is assigned, so something prior to the current step 12.a of appendix A?

    I'm basing this on the ruling stated here(https://forums.atomicmassgames.com/topic/216-deal-with-the-devil/?do=findComment&comment=2301) which states that if a model becomes dazed during the resolution of an attack, no further special rules can resolve against it.

    If it doesn't occur before the current Step 12.A of appendix A, it would seem like it can't be applied to dazed characters.

    Along that line of thought, an attack that could potentially daze the model prior to Step 12 of Appendix A (Say triggering the throw on Thor's Strike) means that grievous wounds wouldn't be applied for two reasons. 1. Because damage from the throw isn't damage from the attack & 2. the throw dazes the model prior to the check for the attack doing damage

    Does all of that check out?

  10. Apologies for this covering several scenarios, but its all basically the same question, so hopefully it's acceptable

    How are the following scenarios supposed to work? I've listed my understanding of how the rules would currently interact

    I'm particularly interested in the answer considering the direction we have in regards to multiple pieces of a special rule being dependent on the each preceding piece of the special rule(per the FAQ).

    Field Dressing
    - Two scenarios
    - Scenario 1
      - It's used on a model that was dazed by the grievous wounds attack
      - (Can Happen) Remove the dazed token
      - (Prevented by grievous wounds) Remove 1 damage

      - Since we were unable to remove a damage token, the dazed token would just be immediately replaced. So you can still technically play the card, but it doesn't do much

    - Scenario 2
      - Its used on a model that was attacked but not dazed with the grievous wounds attack and who gained a dazed token through other means(Say "All you've got")
      - (Can Happen) Remove the dazed token
      - (Prevented by grievous wounds) Remove 1 damage

      - It would remove the dazed token, but not the damage. The model would still have its activation token(in this specific case), but you could prevent it from flipping from healthy to injured.

    The Age of ultron
    - (Can Happen) Ultron is not removed from the battlefield
    - (Can Happen) He removes all special conditions
    - (Can Happen) Flips his card to the healthy side
    - (Prevented by grievous wounds) Removes all damage
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Drops all objective tokens
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) May be placed within 3 of his current location

    So we end up with an Ultron on his healthy side, with no special conditions, 5/6 health, while still carrying any objective tokens he had and in the same exact position he was in.

    Deal with the Devil
    - (Can Happen) Choose another allied character
    - (Can Happen) Ghost rider removes all special conditions
    - (Prevented by grievous wounds) Removes all damage
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Removes activated tokens
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Drops all objective tokens
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Placed within 1 of the chosen character
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) etc...

    So Ghost rider still ends up KO'd in this case, since the removal of the damage is higher in the condition chain, thus preventing all lower conditions from resolving

    Queen of Hel
    - (Prevented by grievous wounds) Remove all damage
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling on multiple pieces) Remove caputred soul tokens
    - (Prevented by the FAQ ruling) It is not KO'd

    So you can still use the ability potentially, but nothing happens for Hela (But it would potentially trigger other abilities like Soul Gem since you technically used a power)

  11. Based on what is mentioned in this post -


    I'm of the understanding that "would be x" abilities are step 12 of Appendix A. If we have two abilities that trigger at the same time in this window, we don't appear to have any direct guidance in regards to the order those abilities should be resolved in.

    Consider Shuri using Panther Gauntlets on Thanos.

    If the attackers effects are resolved first, Thanos can suffer 0 damage due to "Being of Immeasurable Power"

    If the defenders effects are resolved first, Thanos would potentially still suffer 1 damage depending on the dice Shuri rolled.

    A previous messenger question got the answer that its attacker first, but I figured it would be good to get included in the forum


  12. From another game, I’m of the understanding that rules forums like this constitute binding statements on the games rules immediately upon posting.

    I.e. As soon as an answer is posted here, it should be treated as effective immediately.

    Other game systems may expect something to exist in an official faq/errata document before it is “in effect”.

    I didn’t see any comment on which stance MCP is taking in the welcome post.

    It doesn’t matter for most posts, but things like the change to storms leadership it does matter 


  13. 1. Are you allowed to pre-measure/pre-check a toward/away effect with the bent tool? I.e. See what the possible angles are before committing

    - I believe this to be a no because it’s not a distance your measuring and it’s only distance that’s called out as being pre-measurable.

    2. Are you allowed to pre-measure crisis placement before choosing table edge?

    - The step order for building a mission with step 5 (table edge choice) being before mission setup implies to me a desire to leave it to a less analyzed choice, but I’m unsure if the game is considered to have started yet for pre-measurment purposes

  14. 1280017203_Throwwithoutroomforbase.thumb.jpg.7e339a6d9d28a2d2cddf7d4cd0b17714.jpg


    (Scenario 2 should read "Not enough room between terrain and C for B to fit)


    These scenarios are often understood to cause a rewind effect, meaning the collision from the throw still occurs, but the model moves back to the last legal position.

    I'm not sure how to come to this conclusion without outside input though

    Throw reads to me as all "present tense" checks and overlap reads to me as a "future tense" check, so I'm not sure why overlapping doesn't trump throw.

    Overlap would almost even seem to be setting up a can't vs can scenario.

    Throw says you can perform this movement (due to it allowing you to ignore certain things)

    Overlapping says if the movement your performing with your throw would cause you to overlap something at the end of it, you can't finish that movement

    I'd just like to see the end ruling and the way to understand that myself from reading the book.

  15. Quote

    Q: When an effect lists multiple things happening but I cannot do
    part of the effect, do the other portions of the effect still happen?

    A: Superpowers or special rules that list a series of events that
    are related must meet each event for the next event to occur. For
    example, the Martial Prowess super power states Gamora rolls 5
    defense dice instead of her normal defense. It then goes on to state
    if she suffers no damage from the attack an effect occurs. If she were
    to use Martial Prowess and something else were to occur causing
    her to no longer roll defense dice the secondary effect would not

    Some Innate superpowers will also list additional effects. When
    this happens either a line break will separate the effects or the word
    Additionally will appear showing that this is now a new effect.

    The portion of the FAQ entry I've bolded very specifically calls out Innate superpowers.

    However I believe the clarification of a line break or the word additionally separating out effects within the same power applies to all card entries and not just Innate superpowers.

    Is that correct or does it actually only apply to Innate superpowers?

  16. I'd like to be sure I understand the implications of this wording as I'm having trouble understanding how to apply the "all effects on it expires" in this situation.

    I don't see how we can say the attack or the special rules on the attack expire because that would invalidate the second half of the provided example.

    I don't see how we can say existing effects or special rules on the character expire because there are no existing effects on it at the timing window in question.

    It sounds like the answer is more that when a model becomes KO'd, they becomes immune(or whatever appropriate wording should be used) to step 14 effects of an attack.

    I'd just like to make sure i understand the distinction because depending on future rules interactions, there could be a difference between "existing effects expire" and "model is immune to future effects[for the duration of the attack]) and "both of those".

  17. When does a model actually receive an activation token?

    The rulebook says on page 14, “Once a character has made all of its actions, place an Activated Token on its stat card”

    The context that that sentence exists in suggests that this is the game term “actions”. Meaning you’d receive it after performing two actions, even if the character has more things it could do.

    The tactic card “All you’ve got” says an activation token is gained at the end of a characters activation.

    This suggests it’s tied more to a declaration, similar to ending a players turn.

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