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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. You can interact with one particular objective token(not type, that single objective) once per activation, but you can interact with as many other objective tokens as circumstances will allow.

    So yes, two Celestial Hammers from the Crisis Fear Grips World As "Worthy" Terrorize Cities can be picked up by a single character during their activation.

  2. Flames of the Faltine modifies the amount of power a character gains during step 1 of the Power Phase.

    If a character would normally generate two or more power in step one of the power phase due to this leadership and it currently has the stun condition, it will generate only one power in this step.

    Other rules may cause power gain in the power phase during later steps though, so you need to review the situation as a whole to asses their full power gain during the power phase.

  3. He may not, no.

    The range 2 restriction in Rocket Pods is an extra restriction placed on the ability, not a replacement, so you still need to satisfy the basic rules of an attack when performing the additional attack it grants.

    See the Shield Throw attack on Captain America for an example that would allow you to ignore the base range on the additional attack.

  4. 10 hours ago, Artisan said:

    Actually I was trying to point out how is it possible for me for bring a defenders roster to a game that has BOTH versions of Strange. What is the point of giving SS Strange the affiliation when he shouldn't even be able to be in the same roster much less be on the same side of the board in the same game?

    PS: I never even thought about using SS Strange in place of OG Strange. I guess someone out there may someday do it...

    That is not currently possible, you can only include one or the other in your roster at the moment.

    The point of both having the affiliation is as mentioned in my first post, you can pick which version you’d like to have access to.

  5. 1 hour ago, LowTierSteve said:

    is it correct that a leader from that affiliation is not required to use the affiliation?


    1 hour ago, LowTierSteve said:

    ...using an affiliated squad without a leader...you can still use Team Tactic cards that require that affiliation?

    Yes to these parts, with my modification.

    1 hour ago, LowTierSteve said:

    ..you could still bring the SS version - you would just be playing Defenders without a leader (unless/until another Defenders character is designated as an alternate leader in a future update).


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