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Posts posted by TalkPolite

  1. Hello,

    7 minutes ago, Rabican said:

    Do vehicles ignore this and able to fire as long as the base to base unit is in its firing arcs?

    No. A unit in base-to-base contact with you is at melee range. The vehicle can however use ranged weapons against a different enemy unit not in base-to-base contact with it. 


  2. Hello,

    You may indeed nominate an enemy unit per the text of A Simple Man, which does not specify only friendly units may be targeted by the asked effect. However, as it does not specify that "you" (meaning Boba Fett; or rather, Boba Fett's controlling player) perform the speed-1 move, the controlling player will the the one performing the move with their targeted unit. For contrast, see cards like Force PushYou Serve Your Master Well, or You Disappoint Me for examples of card effects that allow you to perform a move with an opposing unit.


  3. When searching the forum, you will find the most success by making use of the tag system.

    If you are questioning an interaction with a specific rule, searching the forum or finding a post related to that rule will allow you to see the tags that have been applied to that post. You can see below the first post has tags related to B1 Battle Droid units.

    If at this point you click on either of those tags, you will bring up all posts that also have that tag. We try to ensure all posts have any tags relevant to the main topic of the thread, which quickly allows you to pull up most if not all topics that may be touching on your question.

    Note that the tag system crosses all game systems, so you may see questions from other game systems that have tags with overlapping names. Make note of the forum listed under the topic name to ensure you are viewing a post for the correct game system.


    When searching the forum, if searching from a PC version of the website, you are also able to tailor the search box to search specifically the Star Wars: Legion forum. If within this specific forum, you can select a drop down bar on the right side of the search field and select "this forum". 

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