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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hi there,

    As described in the Determine Cover step, "If a unit has cover and at least one of the miniatures in the defending unit is obscured by terrain that provides heavy cover, the unit has heavy cover."


    4 hours ago, Rust said:

    If I have a unit with half the models obscured by light cover and 1 model is behind heavy cover does the unit get heavy cover?


    Hope this helps,

  2. Hi there,

    As specified in the Exemplar unit keyword entry, only friendly units that share the same faction or affiliation may spend the green tokens on the Exemplar unit.

    Leia is a Rebel faction unit and is not an Ewoks-affiliated unit, so Ewoks-affiliated Mercenaries may not spend her green tokens.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hi there,

    "When an undeployed unit activates, it must deploy and may not perform any action that is not a move until it deploys." Although the Din's Amban Rifle Upgrade Card card action does have a move embedded within it, it is not a move action - it is a card action - and so may not be used to deploy.


    On 7/24/2024 at 6:43 PM, Sparton049 said:

    Can Din Djarn use the move granted from his Amban Rifle upgrade card to deploy?

    He may not.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    On 3/28/2023 at 3:54 PM, SergeyStark said:

    Can I play Give in to your anger card and choose Cad Bane who is not on the table yet (just 3 bane tokens).


    On 3/28/2023 at 3:54 PM, SergeyStark said:

    If yes - will he reveal himself from the token "here I am" and assign (not issue) order to himself?

    No. Cad Bane may only be revealed from his Here I Am Bane Token by an enemy unit('s move, deploy, or placement at range 1 and LOS) or voluntarily at the start of each round. Emperor Palpatine's Give In to Your Anger command card is during the Activation Phase - specifically when Cad Bane's owning player would activate their first unit - and is too late to choose to reveal a Bane Token.

    On 3/28/2023 at 3:54 PM, SergeyStark said:

    What would happen if Give in to your anger card would be played for Cad Bane who have both token  "here I am" and the miniature on the table?

    There is no unique interaction here to note. Cad Bane would be affected by text of Give In To Your Anger as normal, and would beyond the window to use his Here I Am token as specified above.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hi there,

    6 hours ago, Pinto397 said:

    Are the scoring tables on secondary objectives like sweep and clear reset every round?

    No; no existing Secondary Objective card instructs players to "unmark" a space. Each space represents a one-time-only VP opportunity for that player!

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello,

    5 hours ago, Aurebesh said:

    can I trigger this effect during the End Phase of different round i have placed this token?

    No. Using the Strafing Run and Ordnance Advantage Cards is optional ("Once per game, at the end of the Command Phase, you may place..."). Resolving the effects of such an Advantage token on the battlefield token is not optional; it will resolve at the beginning of the End Phase as instructed by the appropriate card.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hi there,

    Undeployed units can be assigned suppression by the rare game effects that might do so without measuring range.


    2 hours ago, Aurebesh said:

    Would I win 2 VP, since this is the one and only enemy unit that can gain suppression at this moment because the rest of the enemy units; which are undeployed, cannot gain supression?

    You will not score 2 VPs, as you have not suppressed all enemy units capable of gaining suppression. Undeployed units are eligible to gain suppression.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hi there,

    "When an undeployed unit actives, it must deploy and may not perform any action that is not a move until it deploys." Please refer to the Deploying Units box for more information.


    2 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    Lets say we have General Veers and an AT-ST  both undeployed 

    we activate Veeras and want to spend first action on guidance to make the AT-ST move ( and deploy it free )
    second we want to use Spotter and hand out aim tokens for some special units that will deploy later with recon intel and iden versio pip 3 tactical and steady for 3 aim on 3 moves.
    Veers is then still undeployd for turn 2... is this possible ?

    No. When Veers activates, he must deploy. He may not use Guidance or Spotter while undeployed.

    2 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    second we have free actions.. .can you use a free action from undeployment..

    example is a Jedi diong force guidance free action to hand out surge before he deploy with 1st action

    A unit may not use Force Guidance while undeployed, as this would be performing a (free) action while undeployed. It must deploy first.

    2 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    Because the Speedertruck in rebels are doing the Taction from undeployment we would think free actions are allowed suchs as the veichels giving out aim,dodge and supression..

    The Unorthodox Tactician on the A-A5 Speeder Truck is not an action. It will resolve at the start of the A-A5 Speeder Truck's activation, and can resolve while it is undeployed.

    2 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    this would mean you need to also be able to use keyword Inspire for undployed units

    The Inspire keyword occurs at the end of a unit's activation, and so will not typically resolve while they are undeployed.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hi there,

    12 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

    question 1

    in Shifting priorities do you mesure from center to center or from edge to edge ?

    The POIs are placed at range 1/2 of their previous position. This is closest to your second option: any edge will do.

    12 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

    Question 2

    if POI is unable to be placed because terrain is in the way ( example it are helfway of a cliff or rooftop ) which way does it move how far can we move it or do we need to move terrain to ensure it doesnt come into the player zones

    You do not move the POIs. As it is during Setup, you will move the terrain in a mutually agreeable manner. Refer to the Placing Objectives section for further information.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hi there,

    There is not at present a scenario in which Veers can use Guidance: Ground Vehicle on an undeployed vehicle. If General Veers is on the battlefield, he is beyond any range of friendly units not yet deployed, and so will not be range 2 to the Occupier Tank. If General Veers is undeployed, he may make no actions until he moves to deploy; he may not use Guidance while undeployed.

    This is an impossible scenario.

    In the event an undeployed Transport is given a free move from an ability that provides moves (I'm not aware of any examples of this, at time of writing), it would indeed deploy, and then so would the transported unit.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hi there,

    4 hours ago, Farsighted Iden said:

    1) Does the Defending unit need to be at half range of the Unit Leader of the Unit providing Backup? (Or is it half range of the Unit i.e. any model in the unit)

    Range is checked to the unit leader.

    4 hours ago, Farsighted Iden said:

    2) Can a unit claim backup more than once per attack action (and therefore cancel more than two hits) if it is at range of two or more units eligible to provide backup?

    If a commander or operative has backup, they will cancel 2 hit results as described. More units granting backup does not improve the effects of backup.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hi there,

    1 hour ago, Putki said:

    Do the rules Demoralize and Inspire both work the same now besides Demoralize activating after your rally step and Inspire working after your activation?

    Inspire occurs at the end of the unit's activation. Demoralize occurs after a unit's Rally step. Please refer to both Unit Keyword entries for the full rules text of each keyword.


    1 hour ago, Putki said:

    Also, when Inspire activates, do you select X tokens and remove them or do you remove X tokens from every unit within the radius?

    Inspire X will remove X suppression tokens, total, chosen from among other friendly units at range 2.

    Hope this helps,

  13. Hi there,

    On 3/8/2023 at 8:25 PM, Pinto397 said:

    Can a unit make a move in which they are going to fail to cohere? A trooper unit does a climb onto a building in which all of the minis of the unit will not be able to fit?  Can they do it?  The crb states if for any reason minis cannot be placed in cohesion place them as close as possible.

    Yes, a unit may perform a move in which it is impossible for all the non-unit leader miniatures to end in cohesion. They will be placed as close as possible to the unit leader. 

    On 3/8/2023 at 8:25 PM, Pinto397 said:

    Can a unit that moves and can’t be in cohesion trigger a free action off the move such as relentless?


    Hope this helps,

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