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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello,

    The Death From Above keyword allows the affected unit to ignore cover while its unit leader is overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit leader is overlapping.

    As detailed in Terrain height: 


    Each piece of terrain has a height characteristic. To measure this, take the range tool and put one end on the battlefield, orienting the range tool vertically. Then add segments until the end of the range tool is taller than the piece of terrain. The segment of the range tool that the top of the terrain is inside is equal to that object’s height.

    Each piece of terrain has a height X value. While two pieces may have different physical heights, if they are both within the same segment of the range tool, they are considered to have the same height for the purposes of most game effects, including the Death From Above keyword.


    On 12/20/2023 at 6:53 AM, SouthernDunedain said:

    For Example: Geonosian's are on a building, Clones are on a slightly smaller building. Both buildings are over a silhouette but under H1. 

    As these buildings (presumably obstacle terrain) are both height 1, the Geonosians will not ignore any cover the clones may have from the other building. Their unit leader would have to be overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of height 2 or greater to be able to ignore cover if the clones are overlapping height 1 terrain.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    A unit with the Noncombatant keyword is another miniature added to the unit for all intents and purposes, except for those instances, of course, disallowed by the keyword - such as being unable to add weapons to attack pools.

    2 minutes ago, Zarusas said:

    For example, 4 mini unit + heavy + imperial med bot takes 5 wounds. Does that wipe the unit or does it leave just the unit leader?

     This unit has six 1-wound miniatures. If it suffers 5 wounds from a single attack, there will be one miniature remaining.

    4 minutes ago, Zarusas said:

    Additionally, if the med bot uses both repairs, does it still remain on the table or does it get taken off?

    The medical droid miniature will remain.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello,

    As stated in the Spur keyword entry, apply any effects that increase a unit's speed before applying those that reduce it. 

    In your example, the speed-1 unit would use Spur to increase its speed to 2, which would be then reduced back to 1 by the effects of difficult terrain.


    1 hour ago, Motion34 said:

    When a unit with a max speed of 1 begins its turn in difficult area terrain and uses the spur keyword is it able to increase its maximum speed to 2?

    No, this unit will still ultimately move at speed 1.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    The Scatter keyword allows the attacking unit to reposition any non-unit leader miniatures in the defending unit. If a unit consists of only a single model, that mini is by default the unit leader, and cannot be moved using the Scatter keyword.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hello,

    Range and speed use different measuring tools and cannot be simply converted between - note that a unit's base size will also impact its distance moved. Players should carefully measure either/all distances using the appropriate tools during gameplay.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello,

    Enemy miniatures are in LOS if any attacking minis have LOS to them. The attacking unit leader's point of view is used to determine if the attack is allowed in the first place (during the Declare Defender step) and for the purposes of determining cover, but their LOS is not the only one used to determine how many wounds the defending unit is eligible to suffer.

    16 hours ago, Sipherion said:

    can I put wounds on the entire enemy squad?


    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello,

    Appendix C lists the affiliations of existing Mercenary units, Ewoks among them (with the arrowhead icon). All units you note are indeed Ewoks-affiliated Mercenary units.

    13 minutes ago, NoobMasterNate said:

    I'm curious to know if this is correct for the purpose of using mercenary command cards like Discretion. Thanks! 

    Yes, they are Mercenary units and may be nominated and affected by the command card PloyAggression, and Discretion.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hello,

    The A-300 Short Range Config card (and its Long-Range flip-side) are Armament upgrade cards. When forming attack pools, miniatures in the Rebel Pathfinders unit may opt to use the weapon printed on their unit card or that of any upgrade cards available to it. 


    3 minutes ago, MooseSplatter said:

    does this simply replace the ranged weapon on their unit card, or is this "configuration" it's own weapon in itself?

    No, the "Config" Armament upgrade card does not replace the A-300 Blaster Rifle weapon on their unit card.

    3 minutes ago, MooseSplatter said:

    for instance, could I have three mini's use their ranged blaster on the unit card with two white dice in attacking one unit and then have one mini using the long-ranged configuration to attack another unit farther out with one white dice?


    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello,

    From the Repulsor Vehicles entry in Appendix A:


    When determining the silhouette of a repulsor vehicle, create a cylinder above the base that begins at the lowest point of the miniature and extends to the top of the vehicle’s hull—do not include things like antennas, weapons, the base, the clear plastic stand, or crew members when creating this cylinder.


    3 hours ago, ElGrandePicante said:

    Or would the silhouette be the top wings (if built with the wings higher than the dome) and within the profile of the notched base? 

    The wings of the Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft miniature are not a part of its hull.

    3 hours ago, ElGrandePicante said:

    Curious because the wings are not strictly antennas, weapons, or crew members.

    This is not an exhaustive list of features to ignore ("...things like..."), but examples of items that are not considered a part of the hull when determining the silhouette.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hi there,

    2 hours ago, PolarKnight said:

    The question is what is the exact timing of Nimble and being defeated? As Nimble says "After a unit defends"

    The unit will gain a dodge token after the attack is resolved.

    In your example, as Leia is defeated during the attack, she will not gain a dodge token with the Nimble keyword, and so Wicket will not generate a dodge token with the Teamwork keyword.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hello,

    On 1/5/2024 at 8:44 AM, CODADsunshine said:

    Are players permitted to apply hobby basing material including but not limited to, basing paste, sand, epoxy putty, cork, conversion components, etc. between a vehicle mini and its base? Whether intentional or unintentional, this will increase the height of the vehicle’s silhouette which will have impacts.

    Yes, players may personalize their miniatures and their miniatures' bases, including vehicles. It is permissible that these conversions are included when determining the silhouette of a vehicle during gameplay.

    On 1/5/2024 at 8:44 AM, CODADsunshine said:

    If players are allowed to apply hobby material between the mini and the base, is there a maximum height for each vehicle?

    No. Note that the Galactic Conquest Event format's Player Responsibilities includes that miniatures not interfere with gameplay. What modifications do interfere with gameplay is at the discretion of an event's Event Organizer & Consulars.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hello,

    The Enrage keyword applies as soon as the unit has wound tokens greater than or equal to X. This does mean that if Bossk elects to suffer a wound to perform a free move action as instructed by the Reptilian Rampage command card, he may indeed gain Charge and use it following that move.

    21 hours ago, Dan X said:

    can he immediately trigger Charge (granted by Enrage 3) off that move


    Hope this helps,

  13. Hi there,

    The Agile keyword will provide a unit a dodge token when they perform a standard move as part of an action. As a speed-1 move performed when withdrawing is a standard move, it will indeed allow the affected unit to generate a dodge token.


    2 hours ago, Sipherion said:

    relentless triggers before or after the withdraw move but does agile trigger as well?


    Hope this helps,

  14. Hello,

    Anakin Skywalker's This is Where the Fun Begins command card states "...if he was not the first friendly unit to activate during the current round, he gains 1 suppression token." If a player passes their first turn, they have not yet activated a unit; when Anakin activates on their next turn, he will indeed still be the first friendly unit to activate during the current round.


    7 hours ago, AlexGrace said:

    When player played his Anakin's 1-pip and chose pass his first activation, would this trigger TIWFB debuff to gain the Skywalker a suppression token at the end of his activation? 

    No. Anakin will be the first friendly unit activated during the current round, and will not receive a suppression.

    Hope this helps,

  15. Hello,

    Unless otherwise specified by the card itself, a card with the Divulge keyword "can be revealed at the start of the phase or step indicated...". "A card that is revealed in this way is not played and is returned to that player's command hand at the end of the step in which it was divulged." The text on command cards can override this process.

    1 hour ago, jr53et said:

    But I thought when you divulge, that gets discarded

    You are not required to discard a divulged command card unless the card specifically tells you to. An example of a card with text that does instruct you to discard the card would be Maul's The Phantom Menace.

    1 hour ago, jr53et said:

    and you actually have to pick a new command card that turn.

    Existing Divulge cards are revealed during the Deploy Units Step, and so aren't divulged when players would be selecting command cards. Some of them in fact specify what command card will be played during round 1; Cad Bane's I Make the Rules Now and Padme Amidala's Diplomatic Cover are examples of command cards that "must be selected during round 1."

    Hope this helps,

  16. Hello,

    10 hours ago, JokerAlpha said:

    If I fit a Comms Tech mini or a Captain mini to a corp unit, is the corps unit obligated to get the comm upgrade or the training upgrade?

    This answer is different based on the text of the upgrade card.

    If the upgrade card says only "You gain a <upgrade> icon," you are not required to include that upgrade when building your army. This is the text for "Captains" (Stormtrooper Captain, etc.) and "Specialists" (Phase I Clone Specialists, etc.).

    If the upgrade card says "You must equip a <upgrade> upgrade card," you are to do as the card instructs when building your army. This is the text for "Comms Technicians" (Rebel Comms Technician, etc.).

    Hope this helps,

  17. Hi there,

    The Bombing Run objective card specifies that players place claimed objective tokens in base contact with unit leaders within their respective deployment zones. For a unit leader to be within a deployment zone, it must be entirely within its given range.


    1 hour ago, Pinto397 said:

    Oblong bases are allowed to deploy such that part of their base is outside the deployment zone.  Does that mean a bomb token cannot be assigned to an oblong based unit if part of the base is outside the deployment zone?

    Correct. If a unit leader is not entirely within the deployment zone, it may not be given a claimed objective token during the Setup for the Bombing Run objective card.

    Hope that helps,

  18. Hello,

    If two ranges are shown, the first number represents the minimum range, and the second number represents the maximum range. If a unit is at the minimum range, it is in range. If a unit is closer than the minimum range, it would not be an eligible target.


    8 minutes ago, Vozzici said:

    Does the range of the attack include the range 4 band, or is it beyond range 4? For example if I use Leia's coordinated bombardment attack and I want to declare a unit at range 4 as a defender, will they be an eligible target?

    As the noted weapons (Leia's Coordinated Bombardment and the AT-ST Mortar Launcher upgrade card) list range 4 as their minimum ranges, enemy units that are at range 4 are indeed eligible targets for those weapons.

    8 minutes ago, Vozzici said:

    and if not, will that mean if I attack using a range 1-3 weapon, will the only eligible targets be units at range 2 and 3?

    A ranged weapon with range 1-3 may be used for ranged attacks targeting enemy units at range 1.

    Hope this helps,

  19. Hi there,

    When a vehicle has a Disabled token, it cannot reverse or strafe and must spend two actions to perform a non-pivot move action. If a vehicle is performing a free move action, it needn't spend any of its actions during its activation to perform that move, and that move will remain "free" even for a vehicle with a Disabled token.


    22 hours ago, dwitters said:

    If a vehicle has a standby token and a disabled token, and the standby triggers, can it perform a move action?

    Yes, it may perform a free move action as normal as granted by the Standby token. 

    22 hours ago, dwitters said:

    If a vehicle has a compulsory move from speeder x and a disabled token, can it perform a move action from compulsory?

    Yes, it will perform perform a free move action as normal at the time specified by the game effect granting the compulsory move.

    Hope this helps,

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