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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello,

    3 hours ago, Capitan a posteriori said:

    Could Bossk with his Pip1 Command Card detonate a dioxide charge that a BX droid unit has armed?

    No. Bossk's Merciless Munitions command card allows him to Arm and Detonate Dioxis Charge charge tokens.

    The BX-Droid Commandos Dioxis Mine Saboteur may Arm and Detonate Dioxis Mine charge tokens.

    As they do not have the same name, they are not the same charge token, and require different Detonate keywords.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    7 hours ago, Serphios said:

    The Card, allows you to discard one Heavy Weapon Upgrade on the Enemy Unit, does the Model that is added by the Heavy Weapon Upgrade also removed or just the heavy Weapon itself, and the model continues to fight as a normal model, and just looses the special weapon?

    Refer to the "Defeating Upgrade Card Miniatures & Discarding Upgrade Cards" box on page 17 of the core rulebook; the relevant text of which is quoted below:


    If an Upgrade Card that adds a miniature to a unit is discarded, but the miniature is not defeated, the miniature is not removed, but the unit can no longer use or benefit from any rules on the discarded Upgrade Card. 


    7 hours ago, Serphios said:

    So let's say you have a Unit Dark Troopers, and the Ewoks Discard the Assault Cannon, does he continue to fight as a normal Dark Trooper or did the Ewoks just defeat two of the Dark Troopers wounds?

    No Dark Trooper miniature will be defeated if an opposing Ewok unit uses the Insatiable Curiosity upgrade card to discard one of its upgrade cards. The Dark Trooper unit will no longer use or benefit from any rules on the discarded card, such as the weapon it may have granted.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello!

    5 hours ago, Dsolt said:

    - Ewoks can't cancel hits from cover due to blast, but in the same apply cover and dodge step, they use a dodge to cancel a hit, do the low profile triggers allowing the ewoks to cancel an aditional hit?

    Apply Dodge and Apply Cover are each sub-steps under Apply Dodge & Cover in the attack timing. Spending a dodge token to cancel a hit does not occur during the Apply Cover sub-step. Low Profile only applies if a unit has cover and uses it to block one or more hits during the Apply Cover sub-step. As such, an Ewok unit will not benefit from Low Profile when defending against an attack containing weapons with the Blast keyword.

    Refer to page 30 of the core rulebook for the full breakdown of these steps.

    5 hours ago, Dsolt said:

    - Or since the blast saids that the defending unit cannot use cover to cancel hits, the low profile doesn't proc after using a dodge token to cancel a hit?

    That is correct.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello!

    1 hour ago, Kazpa said:
    • Am I correct in saying that a Dioxis Mine Saboteur BX-Series droid unit is able to place one dioxis mine per round?

    Yes. It has the Arm 1 keyword, and can place one of the specified charge tokens as an action.

    1 hour ago, Kazpa said:
    • If so, am I correct in saying that this unit is able to detonate two mines on their own turn (i.e. after for example AI: move and an attack action)?

    A unit may use the Detonate X keyword to detonate X tokens after any move, attack, or action performed by a unit controlled by either player, anywhere. Sure, for a typical turn, this will present the BX-Series Droid Commandos two opportunities to use Detonate X - in your example, after a move and after an attack action.

    1 hour ago, Kazpa said:

    Would a BX-Series droid unit with vibroswords and the Dioxis Mine Saboteur be able to move into melee with a unit as a first action, then attack it using "charge", then place down a dioxis mine using "Arm 1", and then detonate that mine (all the while still remaining in melee)? In other words, can you immediately detonate a mine that has been placed down?

    Yes, you may use the Detonate X keyword after an Arm X action.

    1 hour ago, Kazpa said:
    1. If the dioxis mine saboteur mini is removed from the squad due to force choke for instance, are any placed mines removed with it? What happens if the saboteur is revived using a repair droid (i.e. are any previously placed mines gone)? 

    The charge tokens will remain on the table. Note that you do not track which units placed which charge tokens; any Dioxis Mine charge token is eligible to be detonated by any other friendly unit with the Detonate 1: Dioxis Mine keyword.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hello!

    9 hours ago, JokerAlpha said:

    1. As Cody is issued an order token from his 2 Pip CC, when Cody is in Melee and the attacking melee unit wounds Cody during melee, can Cody attack using the card effect? 

    Yes. Clone Commander Cody's command card does not specify he must perform a ranged attack. In this instance, as Clone Commander Cody is eligible to make an attack against the enemy unit, he may do so.

    9 hours ago, JokerAlpha said:

    2. If another unit that was issued an order token from Cody's 2 Pip CC, is in melee and suffers a wound, can Cody perform a Range attack on the melee attacking unit?

    No, as an engaged unit is not an eligible target for a ranged attack.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello!

    6 hours ago, Laehaem said:

    Can I take Bossk as operative and a Field commander in AA5 speeder truck? Would a list without an additional commander or operatives unit be tournament-legal?

    Yes, if you include a Field Commander in your list, you may choose to ignore the minimum commander requirement of the Shadow Collective battle force.

    6 hours ago, Laehaem said:
    1. Can the Aggression and Discretion SC command cards be played on the Field commander (in this instance the AA5 truck with the Raiding Party leader)? Considering this is a raiding type mercenary unit.

    Yes, as these are non-commander and non-operative specific command cards. And Ploy, for that matter, as nominating an operative is an option per the card text but not a requirement!

    Good luck!

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello there!

    8 minutes ago, kevinclow said:

    If an enemy unit is within standby range and los then moves out of standby range and still have los does standby trigger?

    They will not have an opportunity to spend their standby token. A standby token is spent after an enemy unit performs an attack, move, or action in range and LOS; if they are not in range after the move, the specifications are not met for a standby token to be spent.

    11 minutes ago, kevinclow said:

    If an enemy unit moves through a standby range and los but ends more than standby range and still have los does it trigger?

    See above.

    11 minutes ago, kevinclow said:

    Does the standby unit able to make free actions after making a move action or an attack action such as relentless, charge, gunslinger etc

    As a standby token provides a free move action, yes abilities such as Relentless may be used by the unit spending the standby token.

    12 minutes ago, kevinclow said:

    Can the standby unit able to attack any target once the standby was triggered?

    Yes, a unit that spends its standby token to perform a free attack action is not obligated to attack the unit which "triggered" the standby token.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hello,

    1 hour ago, SergeyStark said:

    1. After placing a unit with a hostage on the battlefield, player performs a speed-1 move with that unit. What happen if that unit has scout (recon intel upgrade)? Will the opponent move the unit to an extra move-1, or will the unit owner be able to move it

    A unit selected for the Hostage Exchange card is placed during the resolution of the Objective Card during setup. It is not deployed, and will not be able to use the Scout keyword.

    1 hour ago, SergeyStark said:

    2. The Hostage upgrade card says "During round 1, enemy unit cannot start a melee with or attack you, and you gain IMMUNE: ENEMY EFFECTS". 
    Then the next situations appears: after the deployment hostages, I'm deloying Dewback and making scout-1 move and reaching an opponent's unit with a hostage (advanced position deployment card). Because Deployment is not a Round 1 - is that possible to displace enemy unit with a hostage and put suppression token on it?

    Displacement is not an enemy effect. Yes, a Dewback may displace a unit with an hostage objective token; at any time!

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hi, Zargo,

    Yes, Jyn Erso may make a free attack action with the Charge keyword, as the Rebellious command card grants her a free move action.

    No, it will not prevent her from making an attack during her activation. A may only perform each (non-move) action once during its activation. Actions occurring outside of its activation do not count towards the number or type of actions they make during their activation.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hello,

    As stated in the Apply Dodge and Cover section, the defending player may be spend dodge tokens to cancel one <hit> result and remove its die from the pool. You may not spend dodges to remove blanks or <critical> results, without a keyword allowing the unit to do so (such as Outmaneuver allowing dodge tokens to remove <critical> results).

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hi, Pinto,

    Precise 1 is a unit keyword. It is phrased as such on the Super Commando Marksman card because you (the unit) gain Precise 1 while it has a Super Commando Marksman mini. You do not need to have the Super Commando Marksman's weapon attack dice in an attack pool to apply Precise 1 to that attack.

    Lethal 1 is a weapon keyword. It applies to an attack pool only while the  Super Commando Gunslinger weapon's attack dice are allocated that attack.


    In other words:

    3 hours ago, Pinto397 said:

     However on the super commando marksman upgrade it states “you gain precise 1”. The phrase you gain makes me think the unit gets precise 1 even if you are not using the marksman weapon such as in melee.

    This is correct. You gain Precise 1 so long as the Super Commando Marksman mini is in the unit.

    3 hours ago, Pinto397 said:

     I would think precise 1 is only in effect with the marksman weapon.

    It is not, as Precise 1 is not a weapon keyword.

    Hope this helps,

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