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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello,

    An Imperial Dark Troopers unit with the Programmed Loyalty upgrade card may only be issued orders by commander units. When an operative unit uses the Comms Relay upgrade card to select another to issue an order instead, that order is originating from that operative unit, and will not meet the conditions of the Programmed Loyalty upgrade card.

    In short: you are correct.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    Minis affected by the Scatter keyword are placed in cohesion as if the unit leader had just performed a standard move. When a unit performs a standard move, all non-unit leader minis are placed at a speed-1 move of their unit leader; they do not perform a move.

    On 3/15/2023 at 2:21 PM, Apock said:

    This should trigger standby correct?

    Minis placed in cohesion as a result of the Scatter keyword will not present an opportunity for an enemy unit to spend a standby token, as they have not moved, attacked, or performed an action.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello,

    1 minute ago, aPracticalHobbyist said:

    But when in the attack timing does the measurement happen?

    Additional targets for a Beam X weapon are declared during the Declare Additional Defender step. Attacks are declared and range will be checked from first target to the next target (and so on as applicable) before any attacks are resolved or minis are removed.

    3 minutes ago, aPracticalHobbyist said:

    I can't tell if I do the measurement during "3. Declare Additional Defender" or "11. Choose Additional Attack Pool".

    It is step 3, Declare Additional Defender.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    14 hours ago, yossarian said:

    My question, however, is if the AA5 moves and takes a standby action, then later spends the standby to move, can the unit disembark and still have an action, or just disembark because the AA5 moves twice (even though one is the result of a triggered standby)? Thanks!

    The disembark rules do not concern with how many moves the transport makes during its activation, but rather "if a vehicle that is transporting that unit has performed more than one non-pivot move during the current round...".

    If the standby token is spent by the A-A5 Speeder Truck to perform an additional move prior to the transported unit disembarking, then it will have performed more than one non-pivot move during the current round and the transported unit will lose its additional actions and free actions to disembark.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hello,

    Mercenary units have affiliations, and may only receive orders from units which match their affiliation. Without other special rules involved (such as the mentioned Allies of Convenience), the only mercenaries which may receive orders from either version of Boba Fett would be other Rogue affiliation mercenaries.

    Hope this helps,

  6. On 3/14/2023 at 11:52 AM, kiramode said:

    1) If Yoda and Chewie aren't in base contact for whatever reason on the turn this card is activated, does Chewie lose the ability to use red dice and deflect while they are not in base?

    Yes. The Size Matters Sometimes card states that, "While Yoda is in base contact with Chewbacca, Chewbacca gains..." [the quoted effects]. If Yoda is not in base contact with Chewbacca, he does not gain Deflect, cannot spend Yoda's dodge tokens, and does not roll red defense dice.

    On 3/14/2023 at 11:52 AM, kiramode said:

    2) If i play Chewie's 2 pip and Yoda cannot be placed into base contact immediately, can the text of the card (Yoda speed negation, Chewie red dice) still be activated or does it all fizzle? The idea here would be that later in the turn, you'd get Yoda into base and get the red saves.

    The Size Matters Sometimes card states that, "if you do" [place Yoda in base contact with Chewbacca after revealing the card], then Yoda cannot perform moves and is placed with Chewbacca when he moves. If you cannot place Yoda in base contact with Chewbacca, those effects will not apply. The other effects (Deflect, spending Yoda's dodge tokens, and red defense dice) apply while Yoda is in base contact, regardless of how or when he got there.

    On 3/14/2023 at 11:52 AM, kiramode said:

    3) After Chewie moves, can Yoda be placed into base contact with multiple enemy units at once?

    No. Per the Moving into Melee section, "miniatures may never move or be placed in such a way that they would be in base contact with multiple enemy units...".

    On 3/14/2023 at 11:52 AM, kiramode said:

    4) Does Yoda snap into Chewie if he's meant to be in base? (Example here would be Chewie moves to engage a unit, but there's no space to place Yoda in base with Chewie so he gets placed as close as possible. Chewie defeats the unit he just based and now there's space for Yoda to get into base contact. Does he snap in?)

    Yoda is placed in base contact with Chewbacca after Chewbacca performs a move. If he does not move, Yoda is not placed in a new location.

    On 3/14/2023 at 11:52 AM, kiramode said:

    5) After Chewie moves, if Yoda cannot be placed in base contact and there's multiple places that are equally close to Chewie; could Yoda be placed in one of those places such that he ends up engaged with an enemy unit?

    Yes, Yoda may be placed into base contact with an enemy unit.

  7. 2 hours ago, MajorHampel said:

    Can I make an attack this round AND after that make an attack from card?

    Yes. A unit is limited to a single attack action during its activation, but the Air Support command card grants an attack (not an action!) at the end of the appropriate unit's activation.

    2 hours ago, MajorHampel said:

    If so, can I using arsenal during the second (air support) attack  add the dices from beam cannon as it also has beam 2 keyword and tank itself has Arsenal 2?

    No, as Air Support specifies you make an attack with the specified weapon (printed on the card).

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hello,

    When a unit disembarks, if the vehicle transporting that unit performed more than one non-pivot move during the current round, that unit cannot perform additional actions or free actions.

    If the transport performed more than one non-pivot move prior to this disembark, no, Darth Vader may not attack with Relentless that turn.

    If the transport did not move or only moved once, yes, Darth Vader may use Relentless.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello,

    Refer to page 17, "Defeating Upgrade Card Miniatures":


    When a miniature added by an Upgrade Card is defeated, the unit it was added to can no longer use or benefit from any rules on the Upgrade Card, with the exception of additional upgrade icons granted to the unit.

    In your example, a unit that has had its "saboteur" miniature defeated can longer use both the Arm and Detonate keywords it granted.

    A "comms tech" miniature grants an additional upgrade icon, which are specifically outlined above, and are retained even if that miniature is defeated.

  10. Hello,

    Units that were issued orders by Discretion may also be chosen to receive a dodge token; the card does not specify the tokens may only be given to units that were not issued an order.

    If your example is to issue an order to one unit (not specified?) and then apply dodge tokens to units A & B in lieu of issuing your second and third orders, that is an allowed use of the card.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hello,

    The Cover X keyword improves a unit's numerical cover by the value of X during the Apply Dodge and Cover step. They will therefore have a value for cover established prior to Cover X being applied.

    In your example, the unit has heavy cover (outcome #1 presented) - the unit has heavy cover due to the position of minis, and the Cover 1 keyword will have no further effect as it cannot improve cover further.

    Hope this helps,

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