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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello!

    On 4/27/2023 at 8:56 AM, TheCalicoKid said:

    If another friendly unit is attacked, both of those units use Guardian, and both of the units with Guardian take wounds, how many attacks does Cody get to take against the attacking unit assuming it's in range and line of sight to Cody as well? Would he get to make 2 attacks since they were both issued orders by the card and took wounds, or would he just take 1 attack?

    After the attack is resolved, Clone Commander Cody will be allowed an attack (singular) targeting the enemy unit.

    Also, note that the Battle Meditiation upgrade card only impacts orders issued by the equipped unit (Obi-Wan Kenobi), and will have no effect when Clone Commander Cody plays one of his command cards. 

    On 4/27/2023 at 8:56 AM, TheCalicoKid said:

    If Cody kept one of the orders for himself, gave the other to Kenobi, and they both took wounds, would it work the same way?


    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello!

    6 hours ago, Target said:

    1Q: comms jammer upgrade can prevent the emperor at range 1 issue and order to himself with the command card •And now… you will die? 

    The Comms Jammer upgrade card states that units may still issue an order to themselves. If Emperor Palpatine issues an order to himself using his And Now... You Will Die command card, this order will not be prevented by the Comms Jammer upgrade card.

    6 hours ago, Target said:

    2Q if ID10 has the upgrade equipped the range is measured from ID10 and Iden Versio or is it only from ID10?

    Range is measured from the unit with the upgrade equipped. You need not measure Comms Jammer range from a specific miniature with the Comms upgrade slot.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello, Charlie,

    On 4/21/2023 at 8:56 AM, Charlie said:

    Is this how the rule should be interpreted?

    No. When the unit performs any movement while having a claimed objective token, its controlling player will pick up claimed objective tokens and place them in base contact with the unit leader at the end of that movement.

    This will be made more clear in the future.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello!

    On 4/22/2023 at 10:07 AM, BofaaDiznatz said:

    If it is a LOS blocking vehicle, I assume it blocks the exploding token's LOS to any other unit, but that it does have LOS to the vehicle currently covering it?

    Note that you do not draw LOS "from" a charge token. You determine LOS from the affected units to the charge token, as per the Detonate X entry; this should be easier on the players!

    That clarification aside, it will indeed block LOS to the token for other units, provided the vehicle in question blocks LOS (i.e. it is not a repulsor vehicle).

    As LOS is drawn from any part of the mini's silhouette, the vehicle's base will not block its own LOS. Therefore yes, the vehicle unit will have LOS to the charge token it is overlapping.

    On 4/22/2023 at 10:07 AM, BofaaDiznatz said:

    2: If the vehicle has (eg.) Weakness: Rear 1, would the exploding token's attack gain Impact 1 if it was underneath or partially underneath the rear quadrant of the vehicle's base? ie. does the arc of Weakness start from the edge of the base and extend outwards, or does it start in the middle of the base and include those parts of the base itself?

    Correct, an attack made as a result of a detonated charge token will benefit from the Weak Point keyword provided any part of the token is in the designated arc. The arc "begins" at the center point of the base and projects outward.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hi, Target,

    Yes, the free order given by way of the Entourage keyword is in addition to your order(s) provided by the command card played that turn. In your example, Emperor Palpatine will issue an order to both himself, with his command card, and to an eligible unit at range 1-2 as indicated by the Entourage keyword.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello, Zargo,

    Yes, you may utilize the Covert Ops keyword during deployment to change your commander unit's rank to operative, even if you have two operative units in your army. The rank requirements apply only during the army building step of Setup and do not limit your decisions during deployment and gameplay.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello there,

    6 hours ago, Paipito said:

    If Boil using guardian keyword on a unit, can he use a friendly clone trooper’s surge token during the convert any surge in block phase ?

    The clone trooper unit type may spend a token belonging to a friendly unit at range 1 and in LOS while attacking or defending. As the unit with Boil is not defending, it may not spend a "shared" token.

    6 hours ago, Paipito said:

    Same question for Anakin’s surges with exemplar ?

    Yes, Boil may spend a surge token shared via the Exemplar keyword, as it does not specify the unit must be attacking or defending.

    Hope this helps,

  8. 48 minutes ago, Task Master Wei said:

    The question is, does the second sentence mean that [Versatile] treats a ranged weapon (without a melee range) as both melees and ranged weapon, allowing it to add its dice into melee attacks?

    It does not. The second sentence states: "A weapon with the Versatile keyword that is both a ranged weapon and a melee weapon can be used to perform either a ranged attack or a melee attack." Not all weapons with the Versatile keyword are both ranged and melee weapons. See General Grievous's DT-57 "Annihilator" upgrade card for an example of a Versatile weapon that has both melee and ranged range icons.

    49 minutes ago, Task Master Wei said:

    More specifically, does Count Dooku's one-point card "Fear, Surprise, Intimidation" give Dooku the ability to use both his lightsaber and lightning against the same target he is in melee with?

    He may not, as the Dooku's Lightning ranged weapon does not have the melee range icon. It is range 1-2. Versatile allows him to use it while engaged, but does not modify its range; he may not target a unit at melee range.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello!

    5 hours ago, Gator said:

    The rules say you can use Overrun X up to X times per activation. However, the Overrun keyword is in the weapon-specific block.

    Does that mean that I get 1 overrun attack per model, just not combined on the same unit?

    The Overrun X keyword does stack; Swoop Bikers with Overrun 1 on their weapons have Overrun 2 when both minis are in the unit.

    This means you may perform 1 overrun attack per move a maximum of X times in an activation. "If a unit can perform multiple overrun attacks during its activation, it must perform a separate move through an enemy unity for each overrun attack."

    5 hours ago, Gator said:

    1. Compulsory move, displacing a unit, use 1 model's 1r2w Vibro-Ax as overrun

    2. Move again, passing over the same (or different) unit but not displacing, use model 2's vibro-ax as overrun

    This sequence is accurate.

    5 hours ago, Gator said:

    1. Move over 2 units

    2. First model uses their 1r2w vibro-ax on one unit, second model uses 1r2w vibro-ax on second unit

    This sequence is not accurate, as you cannot make two overrun attacks off of a single move. A separate move must be made for each overrun attack.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hello,

    5 minutes ago, Sercappius said:

    On the 501st Command card "Lead From the Front" 3 units that are within range 1 will receive an aim or a dodge token. Does this mean the same as "at range 1" or must every miniature in the chosen unit be within range 1?

    No. As defined by the "At, Within, and Beyond" section of the core rulebook, a unit is within a specified range if all miniatures in the unit are entirely in that range. It is not synonymous with "at range 1."

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hello,

    2 minutes ago, futbolguy6 said:

    If a unit with the Comms Jammer upgrade is Range one of a B1 unit, or any unit with Coordinate, can the Comms Jammer stop the Coordinate ability and help stop the Order chain effect?

    Yes, if the unit is at range 1 of an enemy unit with the Comms Jammer upgrade, it cannot be issued orders from other units. This would include orders issued via the Coordinate keyword.

    3 minutes ago, futbolguy6 said:

    Also would Comms Jammer help block the Direct ability of some units, since the unit getting the Direct order did not issue itself the order?

    Correct, for the same reason.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hello!

    9 minutes ago, SwissGood said:

    1) If Jyn is at 5 suppression and gains 1 more to bring her to 6 suppression, can she still do the free attack/move or does panic negate the ability?

    Jyn Erso will become panicked, but this will not prevent her from completing the actions granted by the Rebellious command card. Note that units only lose their actions if they begin their Perform Actions step while panicked.

    10 minutes ago, SwissGood said:

    2) If Jyn gains 1 suppression to do a free move action, can she climb as her free move action?


    Hope this helps,

  13. Hello,

    45 minutes ago, Rokkn said:

    A). Can a unit leader be in base contact with a ground vehicle and shoot through to the other side at an in range target if he can physically see that target? Example the gap between the aa5 model and it's base.

    No, as a Ground Vehicle blocks LOS. A unit leader in base contact with a piece of terrain will prevent it from granting cover to obscured minis, but does not allow the unit leader to draw LOS through terrain that blocks it.

    Note that the A-A5 Speeder Truck has the Hover: Ground keyword and is treated as a Ground Vehicle for the purposes of LOS. There is effectively no "gap" between the model and its base; its silhouette blocks LOS.

    47 minutes ago, Rokkn said:

    B) Even though you can physically see a unit behind a atst. The atst blocks LoS per Silhouette rules?

    Yes, Ground Vehicles block LOS as if they were area terrain the volume of their silhouette.

    A related post:

    Hope this helps,

  14. Hello,

    Clone Commander Cody’s Bring it Down! and Combined Arms command cards specify that a friendly unit may spend an observation token when it declares an attack to utilise the effects of the respective card. 

    As the observation token is spent (and therefore gone!) prior to the Reroll Attack Dice Step, it will not be available to reroll attack dice.

    Hope this helps,

  15. Hello!

    The errata text for the Take That, Clankers! command card, as a reminder:


    After a friendly clone trooper unit that has a faceup order token performs an aim action during during its activation, it may increase the maximum range of each of its ranged weapons by 1, to a maximum of 4, until the end of that activation.

    And so:

    On 4/8/2023 at 10:45 AM, JokerAlpha said:

    Does the second core trooper unit increase its range weapons by one?

    No, as it is not the second Corp unit's activation and they did not perform an aim action.

    Hope this helps,

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