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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello,

    Barricades may never be placed overlapping objective tokens, and minis and barricades may not be placed overlapping one another. Assuming these conditions are met as outlined in the Barricades entry of the core rulebook, it is possible a barricade could be placed in such a way as to make it difficult or impossible for a trooper unit to move into base contact with an objective token.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    8 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

    enemy runs about and One emplacement troop takes a standby attack action.
    will he lose his standing order token and flip it or do he still have 2 actions when i decide to activate that emplacement troop or if they can join in a firesupport?

    Using a standby token does not flip your order token facedown. The emplacement trooper will still have a faceup order token with which to activate later in the turn or, if applicable, use towards the Fire Support keyword.

    9 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

    and can the emplacement troop attack again since the standby attack was outside his own activation ?

    Yes, the standby token being spent to attack (or, for that matter, move) should have no bearing on the actions available to that emplacement trooper during its activation.

    10 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

    Emplacement troops do Not get orders here, do they still get the standby tokens anywhere on field ?

    Yes. The Hold at Any Cost command card does not specify units must be issued an order to receive the benefits of the card.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello,

    6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    2 Astromech dies ( sacrafice the noncombatant when assigning wounds )

    3. speeder trucks restore one mini 
     but 1 veteran unit is down 3, but still have an astromech with repair 1 left 
    other veteran unit is down only 1 mini , the astromech that spend both repair

    Note here that the Non-Combatant keyword does not allow you to defeat the astromech mini prior to other minis in the unit except, obviously, the unit leader. In this example, the "sacrificed" astromech was defeated too early and the rules given by the Non-Combatant keyword were not followed.

    6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    A can Backworld medic restore the astromech  ?

    Yes. The Backworld Medic upgrade card allows you to remove wound tokens from or restore a mini to a trooper unit. Although the R5 Astromech Droid is thematically a droid, it is in a trooper unit (not a droid trooper unit) and treated as such. You may use the Backworld Medic upgrade card to restore the R5 Astromech Droid, assuming other conditions are met (it was defeated that round, among other things).

    6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    B. if yes, will this restored astrocmech have another repair 2
    ( it have been discarded and should be freshly added )

    No. Wound tokens assigned to a unit or upgrade card as a result of the Treat or Repair keywords are not removed when that unit or mini added by an upgrade card are defeated. The R5 Astromech Droid will be returned to play with all tokens on its card, used to track its Capacity, as it had when it was defeated.

    6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    if no, can i repair 1 with the other astromech to restore the dead one 

    No. The Repair keyword may be used to remove tokens from or restore minis to vehicle or droid trooper units. A Rebel Veteran unit is neither of these things.

    6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

    the astromech should be a droid trooper like R2D2

    It is not. It is the same unit type as the unit card to which it is equipped. In your example, it is a trooper, as its Rebel Veterans unit.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    9 minutes ago, Cpt.Jack said:

    I was wondering if it is possible to swap out a command card for a character that was defeated using contingencies?

    It is not. As per the Select and Play Command Cards step of the Command Phase, the selected command card (prior to using Contingencies) cannot belong to a defeated unit.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hellos,

    8 hours ago, Skyhusy said:

    the question is must you have operative Chewbacca to have his command cards or is having Chewbacca ATST good enough?

    Yes, Chewbacca, Let the Wookiee Win may include and use command cards that require Chewbacca.


    Show your work:

    As stated under Building a Command Hand in the Core Rulebook: 


    Some Command Cards require certain units. The required unit must be in a player’s army for these Command Cards to be included in a command hand.

    Yes, "Chewbacca, Let the Wookiee Win" still has the unit name "Chewbacca," and if included in your army Chewbacca's command cards are eligible to be included in your command hand.

    Furthermore, as stated under Nominate Commanders and Issue Orders in the Core Rulebook:


    If the played Command Card corresponds to a specific unit, that unit must be nominated as the commander. Otherwise, players may nominate any one <Commander> unit to be their commander.

    Yes, Chewbacca, Let the Wookiee Win may be the nominated commander for command cards specific to Chewbacca.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello,

    4 hours ago, AntonyBarry said:

    What happens when unit that was set aside as reinforcement deploy? Does this unit gain Independent: Aim or Dodge? Does it gain aim/dodge token after deploy? 

    The unit may gain tokens from the Independent keyword while not yet on the table. They will be placed on the table with those tokens when their token is drawn as per the text of the Rapid Reinforcements condition card.

    4 hours ago, AntonyBarry said:

    If unit gains Independent, should it deploy beyond range 2 of Commander unit? Or it does not matter, because unit was beyond range 2 at start of activation phase? 

    It will not matter how close they are placed to a commander unit, as they were beyond range 2 of a commander at the start of the Activation Phase, which is when the Independent keyword is resolved.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello,

    First off, the Force Barrier upgrade card is used "While another friend trooper unit at range 1 is defending...". As an AT-ST is a ground vehicle, and not a trooper, Force Barrier cannot be used when it is defending.

    If you are using Force Barrier on an eligible trooper unit with the Armor X keyword, follow the timing given in the Modify Attack Dice step: the attacker resolves effects that modify the attack dice before the defender. So Impact X will be applied (by the attacker) before hit or critical results are removed by Force Barrier (by the defender).

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hello,

    As stated in the section "Moving into Melee," "...miniatures may never move or be placed in such a way that they would be in base contact with multiple enemy units..."

    In your example, Luke Skywalker may not complete that move in that manner. He may move into base contact with either enemy unit A or enemy unit B; not both. Whichever enemy trooper unit with which he ends in base contact will become engaged.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello,

    Yes. A unit is only restricted from taking a standby action if they also performed an attack action in the same activation. If they attack during their activation and are later targeted by the Guidance keyword, as it is no longer the same activation, they may indeed make a standby action.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hello!

    When a unit uses its Fire Support keyword, it flips its faceup order token facedown and adds eligible weapons' attack dice and keywords to the attack pool of the attacking unit. The unit using Fire Support is not activating, and will not be eligible to perform any actions, free or otherwise, while resolving Fire Support.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hello, Spyke,

    The Djem So Mastery keyword will inflict a wound on the attacking enemy unit if a dodge token is spent and at least one hit or critical result is canceled. As noted in the Apply Dodge and Cover step of the attack process, when a dodge token is spent, an appropriate result in the attack roll is canceled.

    In short: yes, if the Dodge token canceled a hit or a critical result, it will indeed satisfy the requirements of Djem So Mastery to deal a wound to the attacking unit!

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hello,

    As explained under the Pierce X & Guardian X keywords in the core rulebook, the attacking player may determine to apply Pierce to the defense dice of the Guardian unit. This will be resolved prior to rolling dice for the defending unit.

    While a unit with Immune: Pierce is defending, Pierce cannot be used during the Modify Defense Dice step. As Guardian is resolved during the Modify Attack Dice step, it will have no effect on the dice rolled by the unit utilizing Guardian. If the unit using Guardian itself has Immune: Pierce, its block results cannot be canceled while rolling defense dice as a result of the Guardian keyword, as detailed in the Guardian X entry.

    Hope this helps,

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