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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello!

    19 minutes ago, CT-5597 said:

    Can a unit with armor spend dodge tokens to cancel hit results before they are converted into critical results from impact weaponry?

    Yes. Dodge tokens are spent during the Apply Dodge & Cover step of the attack timing (step 5). This is prior to when the Impact keyword is resolved, which is during the Modify Attack Dice step (step 7).

    23 minutes ago, CT-5597 said:

    For example, a squad of clones fires at an AAT with 1 dodge token. They are within the AAT's rear arc, so the attack pool gains Impact 2. Only two hit results end up being rolled. Can the AAT spend its dodge token to cancel one hit result before it can be converted into a critical result, or does the attacker modify their dice before anything the defender can do to modify their opponent's attack dice?

    The dodge token may be spent, as above.

    24 minutes ago, CT-5597 said:

    Also, what is the benefit of having Cover X on an armored unit? Wouldn't all hit results get canceled anyway as a result of that unit having Armor?

    It will allow the vehicle unit to cancel hits in the attack pool during the Apply Dodge & Cover step, prior to the Impact keyword being used modify attack dice.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    No, you may not premeasure using trooper silhouettes. You may measure any distance at any time using one movement tool and one range ruler of up to five segments.

    Note that vehicle silhouettes are determined based on the physicality of the mini as instructed in the relevant sections of Appendix B. They do not have silhouette templates.

    6 hours ago, Magnus A-B said:

    To clearify: By pre-measure Im talking about placing the silhouette at the end of the movement tool as an "end of movement placement". If that is at all legal?

    It is not.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello,

    6 hours ago, SergeyStark said:

    Can I play Give in to your anger card and choose Cad Bane who is not on the table yet (just 3 bane tokens).

    No, as Cad Bane cannot be assigned an order and cannot be activated.

    6 hours ago, SergeyStark said:

    If yes - will he reveal himself from the token "here I am" and assign (not issue) order to himself?

    No. Of note, Cad Bane may only be revealed from his Here I Am Bane Token by an enemy unit('s move, deploy, or placement at range 1 and LOS) or voluntarily at the start of each round. Emperor Palpatine's Give In to Your Anger command card is during the Activation Phase - specifically when Cad Bane's owning player would activate their first unit - and is too late to choose to reveal a Bane Token.

    6 hours ago, SergeyStark said:

    What would happen if Give in to your anger card would be played for Cad Bane who have both token  "here I am" and the miniature on the table?

    There is no unique interaction here to note. Cad Bane would be affected by text of Give In To Your Anger as normal, and would beyond the window to use his Here I Am token as specified above.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    1 hour ago, JyngerAle said:

    (1) The first sentence reads "If you are not engaged, perform a speed-1 move, then choose an enemy unit in line of sight."  Does the limitation of the bolded language apply only to taking this particular action (i.e., Din Djarin has to start the action not engaged, but can become engaged as part of the speed-1 move and still gets to choose an enemy and roll the attack die) or does it apply as a parameter that must be met for all parts of the ability (i.e., if Din becomes engaged as part of the speed-1 move, he does not continue with the rest of the ability)?

    The bolded language applies to that sentence. Yes, Din Djarin may use the Speed-1 move to move into base contact with an enemy unit.

    1 hour ago, JyngerAle said:

    (2) At what point would an enemy unit be able to spend a standby token: immediately after the speed-1 move (before "then choose an enemy unit"), or after resolution of the entire ability?  This answer would suggest that a speed-1 move during an ability is sufficient to trigger the spending of a standby token, but it's not the same scenario.

    A standby token may be spent in response to a move, attack, or action. There will be an opportunity to spend a standby token after the speed-1 move, as well as after the Din's Amban Rifle action is completed.

    1 hour ago, JyngerAle said:

    (3) If the answer to (2) is that an enemy can spend a standby token immediately after the speed-1 move, and the resolution of the standby action defeats Din Djarin, does the remainder of the ability occur or no?

    The rest of the action will not occur if Din Djarin is defeated. You cannot determine LOS from a mini no longer on the table!

    1 hour ago, JyngerAle said:

    (5) I understand that Din's Amban Rifle's ability is not an attack and solely requires Din Djarin to have line of sight to the selected unit.  Does that mean that, like most other abilities, Din Djarin can select a unit that is in line of sight but otherwise could not normally be the defender of a ranged attack?  Specific scenarios where this appears to be the case, but seem very unintuitive to me, are: (a) when the only mini in the enemy unit in line of sight has the Small keyword; (b) when the enemy unit is engaged in melee; (c) when the enemy unit has the Inconspicuous keyword (assuming other valid targets exist); (d) when the enemy unit has the Incognito keyword (assuming the effects are still operative); (e) when the enemy unit is embarked in a closed transport; (f) when Limited Visibility is in effect and the proposed target is beyond the range where attacks would be permitted; (g) when a card effect otherwise restricts the ability to attack the chosen unit (such as The Phantom Menace or Reckless Diversion); (h) when a card effect prevents Din Djarin from performing attacks (such as I am a Jedi).

    Din's Amban Rifle is not an attack and so game effects that prevent attacks being performed will not affect it, nor will game effects that trigger when a unit is defending against an attack. These examples are accurate except: note that you cannot draw LOS to units embarked in a vehicle with the Transport: Closed keyword, so Din's Amban Rifle card action cannot target them.

    2 hours ago, JyngerAle said:

    (6) Since Din's Amban Rifle's ability is not an attack, is it correct to say that the wound must be assigned to a mini in the enemy in accordance with the Wounds entry of the RRG, without regard to whether Din Djarin had line of sight to the particular mini being assigned the wound?  (I.e., can this effect cause a mini to be defeated that was completely obscured from Din Djarin by line-of-sight blocking terrain, such as a completely hidden second trooper in a sniper strike team?)

    The player owning the unit suffering wounds will pick which mini to suffer a wound. This wound assignment must still follow the process outlined in Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures, as specified by the Effects That Deal or Assign Wounds box. Which is to say, if there is a wounded mini, that mini must be assigned the next wound, with few exceptions.

    Note that minis selected to suffer wounds can be out of LOS when defending against a ranged attack as well. The number of minis in LOS affects the number of wounds that the defending unit can suffer, not which minis can suffer wounds. See the Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures entry for more.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hello,

    On 3/22/2023 at 10:51 AM, CasualGriz said:

    If a unit with Arsenal 2(Boba Fett, Empire) Splits fire into two separate eligible units, can two units fire support into the split fire units ?(1 fire support unit against 1 of Bobas two units he is attacking).

    Yes, a different unit may use the Fire Support keyword to add attack dice to each attack pool during their respective Form Attack Pools step.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello,

    On 3/21/2023 at 7:35 PM, Pinto397 said:

    If a unit with inspire is panicked after the rally step does inspire still trigger?

    Yes, the Inspire X keyword triggers after a unit's rally step, even if the unit is panicked. Note that a unit is panicked upon beginning its Perform Actions step (Inspire triggers after the Rally step) and, if panicked, cannot perform actions or free actions (of which Inspire is neither)!

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello,

    2 hours ago, Aincrad89 said:

    If I have two rebel trooper units both with 2-1b medical Droids. And one of the droids has healed twice. But then that droid is defeated by the enemy but the unit still exists with the leader being the only mini left. Can the other unit bring the medical droid back.

    Yes, you may restore a mini to the unit using an appropriate game effect or keyword, such as the Treat keyword, to return a personnel upgrade to a unit, including a 2-1B Medical Droid.

    2 hours ago, Aincrad89 said:

    And if so, can the droid that was brought back heal again. Or do the tokens remain.

    No, wound tokens used to track a unit's Capacity are not removed when that mini is defeated.

    2 hours ago, Aincrad89 said:

    And can the medical Droids heal the unit they are in.

    Yes, the Treat keyword may target its own unit.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hello,

    10 hours ago, Boroxxx said:

    1 Can units shoot thru space marked by red dots?


    10 hours ago, Boroxxx said:

    2 Can units move into space marked by red dots if terrain is higher than unit siluet? 


    10 hours ago, Boroxxx said:

    3 Can vehicle move onto terrain marked as Key position and block access of any other unit? 

    That is possible.

    Hope this helps,

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