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End of activation effects and Team Tactics Cards

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Is there a time after you resolve end of activation effects where you can play team tactics cards?

Say you have a character that's taken 2 damage and has the bleed special condition. Is there a time after you take the third damage from bleed where you can medpack all 3 damage?

Or if you have played all you've got on a character, can you have another character play field dressing on the first character after they get dazed from all you've got at the end of their activation? I assume this should have the same answer as the first situation, but I figured I'd check anyway. 

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Thoras said:

Don’t we need to declare our turn over as mentioned in the bottom left of pg14?

Yes. The activation doesn’t end before the end of the turn so healing Bleed damage and removing Dazed would not be possible unless another activation is triggered before the end of the turn like with Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight’s superpowers. 

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