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If I use the TTC Price of Failure on a character that has a superpower that activates on them being KO'd which prevents them from being KO'd, like Bob or Hela, does the reactive activate and save them from being KO'd, or does PoF bypass it? Likewise for TTCs like Last Minute Save or Deal with the Devil.

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9 hours ago, FlyingRhino said:

If I use the TTC Price of Failure on a character that has a superpower that activates on them being KO'd which prevents them from being KO'd, like Bob or Hela, does the reactive activate and save them from being KO'd, or does PoF bypass it?

Bob's "But HOW!?" would not help as it requires him to be KO'd by having damage tokens placed on him.

Queen of Hel would help, as there are no conditions surrounding how she is KO'd.

9 hours ago, FlyingRhino said:

Likewise for TTCs like Last Minute Save or Deal with the Devil

Last Minute Save couldn't be used as it requires the character to be KO'd by an enemy effect

Deal with the Devil could be used as it has no conditions on how he is KO'd.


It is very conditional on the specific wording of the effect

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