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How does Surprise, Webhead work when you use a 0 cost attack that is a beam like Sandman's beam? Are you able to target and attack other enemies in the beam or are you blocked from targeting them due to the rules on the tactics card and you use the beam attack only into the chosen character?

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  • 4 weeks later...


When using the card 'Surprise, Webhead' on a specific target, does a 0 cost beam attack and allowed to make attacks to all enemies under the beam template or only the character targeted by the card? Do I still place a template to check for friendly damage? Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I use the Surprise, Webhead tactic card, can characters with zero cost beam attacks choose those attacks, and if so fully resolve the beam on additional characters? I assume not, as beam targets are chosen after the attack has been chosen and the beam direction decided, but I thought I would seek clarification to be sure.

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For the “Surprise, Webhead” card, if the 0 cost attack chosen is a beam does it only affect the one enemy character chosen or does the beam attack function normally, allowing other characters in range of the beam to be targeted?

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When using Surprise, Webhead are you able to use 0-cost beams such as Doc Ock, Sinister Scientist's Arm Laser 2.0 or Sandman's Sand Blast with this card? If yes, would the beam be able to also hit other targets as long as it is hitting original target of Surprise, Webhead?


In a situation where the character targeted by surprise webhead is removed from the attack (via gwen or eye in the sky etc), is the rest of the attack still made even though the surprise target is no longer part of the attack?

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The beam or area attack works normally. All characters overlapped or contacted by the beam template will be affected. 

Note that on page 16 of the core rulebook, if it is not possible to put the template down so that it contacts or overlaps the required target, the attack is not made. 


On 5/24/2024 at 5:07 AM, Zashmyr said:

In a situation where the character targeted by surprise webhead is removed from the attack (via gwen or eye in the sky etc), is the rest of the attack still made even though the surprise target is no longer part of the attack?


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