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1. Can you please give a clear cut example of what you mean by using the base as measuring device?


2. Is it ok to place your movement template, then place your mini, then check to see if it is within range of a objective before you decide on the models movement or would that be considered using the base as a measuring tool?


3. If number 2 is not correct then how does one make a move to ensure that he/she is in range of a objective without using the base as a measuring tool?


4. If you know you have enough movement to make a move and you just so you just place the range ruler say within range one of a objective then just place the mini are you not using the base as a measurement device?

5. Can rules and examples of movement please make it into the next FAQ preferably with pictures?


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21 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:

1. Can you please give a clear cut example of what you mean by using the base as measuring device?

If the base is used to measure a distance, it is being used as a measuring device.


21 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:

2. Is it ok to place your movement template, then place your mini, then check to see if it is within range of a objective before you decide on the models movement or would that be considered using the base as a measuring tool?

It is not as that would be using the base as a measuring device.


21 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:

3. If number 2 is not correct then how does one make a move to ensure that he/she is in range of a objective without using the base as a measuring tool?

A player cannot do this with 100% certainty without using the base as a measuring device.


21 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:

4. If you know you have enough movement to make a move and you just so you just place the range ruler say within range one of a objective then just place the mini are you not using the base as a measurement device?

This is an illegal movement because they did not follow the rules of movement. Just because a player assumes the character is in range does not mean they do not have to follow the rules of the game.

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There’s maybe a touch of ambiguity in the linked ruling, because the question is asking about measuring range two from two different positions.

For clarity: when executing an advance, can you leave a range stick on the board measuring range from a spot on the board to target a specific position. Without removing the range stick, use a movement stick, place the mini touching the movement stick and the range stick at the desired point - or - with this update is the ruling explicitly that you just eyeball range when executing the advance, period? 

Does the answer change if  the range stick and movement stick overlap?

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2 hours ago, TheGamersGuild said:

Given what has been said above is this a legal use of my tools for okoye’s movement?

Yes, but once you move Okoye you can no longer move the movement tool to change where she is moving to. Once you physically move Okoye you are committed to that movement as using her base to see if she's "in range" is using the base to measure.


2 hours ago, fingerguns said:

For clarity: when executing an advance, can you leave a range stick on the board measuring range from a spot on the board to target a specific position. Without removing the range stick, use a movement stick, place the mini touching the movement stick and the range stick at the desired point - or - with this update is the ruling explicitly that you just eyeball range when executing the advance, period? 

I assume my above answer hits this question as well.


2 hours ago, fingerguns said:

Does the answer change if  the range stick and movement stick overlap?


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The idea of “measurement device” appears in the rule book but it says that M:CP uses only two - the measurement tool and the range tool.  It goes on to say that any measurement made using these tools can be measured at any time, but only one of each may be used at any time.

I feel like calling a base a “measurement device” and saying it is illegal to use it in this way might create some problems.  For example, if you are attempting to move into an area between two character or a character and a terrain piece and it turns out the placement is not possible, based on this ruling you are now committed to a move and cannot move the movement tool. So if they don’t fit in the space you are committed to the move and cannot take any other action.  So even if the character has to stay in the same spot you use a move action…. Is that the intention?

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