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Flames of the Faltine Damage

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During the power phase, a non-Dormammu character starts the round with 4 power while I am using the Dark Dimension leadership.  That character then gains 2 power from Flames of the Faltine during the Power Phase.  Are they now considered to have 6 power, and they suffer a damage?

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2 hours ago, LowTierSteve said:

During the power phase, a non-Dormammu character starts the round with 4 power while I am using the Dark Dimension leadership.  That character then gains 2 power from Flames of the Faltine during the Power Phase.  Are they now considered to have 6 power, and they suffer a damage?

Yes. The power is gained in step 1 of the Power Phase. Damage is dealt in step 2. 

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