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Iron Man Hulkbuster and activated token

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When the Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield it says it loses all power, damage, special effects and conditions. Does this include an activated token if Hulkbuster had one? 


Would this allow Iron man Hulkbuster to be placed without and activated token and activate in the same round? 

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1 hour ago, Bucsfan57 said:

When the Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield it says it loses all power, damage, special effects and conditions. Does this include an activated token if Hulkbuster had one? 


Would this allow Iron man Hulkbuster to be placed without and activated token and activate in the same round? 

A Dazed Hulkbuster is not removed from the battlefield until step 4 of the Cleanup Phase so it will not be possible for the ejected Iron Man to activate in the same round.  

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