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Magneto Vs. Magneto and master of magnetism?

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If both me and my opponent have magneto on the table how does master of magnetism work?

Do Magnetos track their own constructs, or all constructs on the table?

Would it be (Priority player is A, non-priorityis B)

Turn 1

A) Place construct, gain 1 additional power.

B) Place construct gain 2 additional power.

Turn 2 (assuming both construct stay in play.)

A) Place no construct, gain 2 additional power.

B) Place no construct, gain 2 additional power.

Having 2 constructs on the table?


Turn 1

A) Place construct, gain 1 additional power.

B) Place construct gain 1 additional power.

Turn 2 (assuming both construct stay in play.)

A) Place construct, gain 2 additional power.

B) Place construct, gain 2 additional power.

Thus having 4 total constructs on the table?

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