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Came across this weird question tonight while playing. What is considered an enemy "effect"?

Effect seems very broad and my thoughts are that if an enemy attack would give a character bleed that that bleed condition is an effect of the enemy character.

If my thoughts are correct does that mean characters that have triggers off of enemy effects would have it trigger off debuff conditions put onto you by enemy?

So I guess what I'm asking is...

Is bleed an effect from an enemies attack that is considered an effect when done to a character. 


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1 hour ago, JerBear_IRL said:

Came across this weird question tonight while playing. What is considered an enemy "effect"?

Effect seems very broad and my thoughts are that if an enemy attack would give a character bleed that that bleed condition is an effect of the enemy character.

If my thoughts are correct does that mean characters that have triggers off of enemy effects would have it trigger off debuff conditions put onto you by enemy?

So I guess what I'm asking is...

Is bleed an effect from an enemies attack that is considered an effect when done to a character. 


Enemy effects are any effect created by your opponent. This includes effects of superpowers and attacks as well as Team Tactic cards and rarely crisis cards.

Special conditions, like Bleed, are not enemy effects however. See the call out on page 22 of the online rulebook for details.  

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