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Attacking while overlapping a Dust Field

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When a ship that is overlapping a dust field traces line of sight as part of an attack, if the traced line passes over only a portion of the dust cloud that is not visible due to being underneath the attacking ship can that ship perform the attack?

The attack is fine if it is the defender overlapping a dust field,

  • When a ship traces line of sight to the defending hull zone of a ship that is overlapping a dust field but the traced line does not pass over a visible portion of that obstacle, the ship can perform that attack.

and the attack would not be obstructed,

  • While a ship is overlapping an obstacle and the attacking hull zone’s traced line of sight does not pass over a visible portion of that obstacle (or another obstacle or ship), that attack is not obstructed.

but would the attack still be blocked by a dust field if line of sight was traced over a portion of the dust field beneath the attacking ship?

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I'll do my best to break down these questions.


When a ship that is overlapping a dust field traces line of sight as part of an attack, If the traced line passes over only a portion of the dust cloud that is not visible due to being underneath the attacking ship can that ship perform the attack?


would the attack still be blocked by a dust field if line of sight was traced over a portion of the dust field beneath the attacking ship?


A: Please review the "Obstacles" topic and the "Dust Fields" subsection for all information that relates to this question. 

If an attacking and / or defending ship is overlapping a dust field, but traced line of sight does not pass over a visible portion of that obstacle, a ship can perform that attack, as long as it follows all other rules of an attack unless otherwise specified.
If line of sight is traced over a visible portion of that obstacle, a ship cannot perform that attack (but may declare another target). 
If line of sight is traced over that obstacle, the attack is prevented even if the bases of the attacker and defender are touching.




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