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Beam/Area Attacks vs Sam Wilsom Lidership

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If a beam attack is performed against 2 or more characters and the first character is dazed by the first attack, can I use sam wilsom's leadership ability to move one of the initial targets so that it is no longer the target of the beam attack performed?

Would the same apply for area attacks?

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8 hours ago, pedro said:

If a beam attack is performed against 2 or more characters and the first character is dazed by the first attack, can I use sam wilsom's leadership ability to move one of the initial targets so that it is no longer the target of the beam attack performed?

No. The targets of the attack are determined at the start of the attack and will not change just because a character is able to move out of the beam/area attack thanks for All New, All Different. They would need another rule that rechecks range to prevent the attack against them (like Trickster or Life Saver).

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