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theres been a question on if kingpins leadership counts for secures like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park that my characters would still count as two healthy characters per healthy model. Did this change with the new crisis cards when they came out or was this never the case


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16 minutes ago, firbison said:

theres been a question on if kingpins leadership counts for secures like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park that my characters would still count as two healthy characters per healthy model. Did this change with the new crisis cards when they came out or was this never the case


The second part of Kingpin’s Illicit Network Leadership ability applies when players are attempting to determine which player is securing an objective token. 

Mutant Madman Turns City Into Lethal Amusement Park does not use the securing rules (it uses the control rules instead) so the second part of Illicit Network does not come into play. This is typical of Crisis cards that use the control rules. 

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9 hours ago, firbison said:

But wouldn't this still count as a rule from core since there's nothing stating that I'm not also securing that objective 

You may be securing the token, but the Crisis card in question does not consider whether or not a player is securing it. It only counts the characters contesting it. 


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