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Placing Non-Leader Miniatures in Base Contact with Enemy Miniatures during Cohesion

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When a unit with multiple miniatures moves, is it possible to place non-leader miniatures in that unit in base contact with enemy miniatures while placing them in cohesion with the leader miniature? If this was done, would it also initiate a melee? There does not appear to be a restriction preventing this in the current CRB.

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4 hours ago, BNiemczyk said:

is it possible to place non-leader miniatures in that unit in base contact with enemy miniatures while placing them in cohesion with the leader miniature?

No. The unit leader must be the miniature in a trooper unit to start a melee. If you use cohesion to place a non-unit leader in melee, the unit leader has not made base to base contact and the move would be illegal. 


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