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Everything posted by Raknar

  1. The command card says "After a friendly clone trooper unit that has a faceup order token performs an aim action during its activation, it may increase the maximum range of each of its ranged weapons by 1, to a maximum of 4, until the end of that activation." What does a faceup order token mean in this context? Does it mean a unit that received an order during the command phase, or would it apply to any unit with a faceup token, including those that are pulled from the order pool since it would be faceup when it activates. If the latter, does this mean in theory every unit that activates, and thus gets a faceup token during it's activation, could take an aim action to increase their range by 1, up to the maximum of 4? To be clear, I'm assuming it's the former rather than the latter, but it's written poorly if that was the intent and could be more clearly written as "After a friendly clone trooper unit that has a faceup order token was issued an order performs an aim action during its activation, it may increase the maximum range of each of its ranged weapons by 1, to a maximum of 4, until the end of that activation."
  2. When Rex gains fire support from Call Me Captain, is he able to support units with the "We're Not Regs". I'm assuming he can't, but wanted to confirm that this is the intended interaction with his command card with the upcoming GAR releases.
  3. When Padme uses authoritative to transfer her order to another unit, can she still be randomly selected from the order token pool or should her token be placed face down? I know she can't be issued another order from a commander, but can she still get an activation or does it function like fire support? If she can receive an order randomly, does this also apply to comms relay so we have a complete ruling?
  4. I had a few questions about guardian. Question 1: Can a unit use guardian more than 1 time per round. Example: Obi Wan Kenobi (OBK) is within LOS and range 1 of Padme and Yoda facing storm troopers and shore troopers at range 2. Padme is attacked by the stormtroopers and OBK uses Guardian. Subsequently, Yoda is attacked by the shore troopers. Can OBK use guardian again? Question 2: Can a unit use guardian more than 1 time per activation (enemy attack)? Example: OBK is within LOS and range 1 of Padme and Yoda facing Han Solo at range 2. Han uses gunslingers first roll to target Padme, and it's second roll to target Yoda. Can OBK guardian one of the rolls or both? Question 3: Can more than one unit contribute guardian to one attack. Example: OBK and Chewbacca are within LOS and range 1 of Padme facing a ranged attack. Padme is targeted at 5 hits are rolled. Can both OBK and Chewbacca use their guardian abilities on the same attack pool to prevent Padme from rolling in this situation?
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