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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. Quote

    If a character is making an area attack against multiple characters, dazes the first, and the dazed character's player uses Sam Wilson's leadership to advance into range of the area/beam attack, are they then able to be targeted?

    If so, and  the area/beam is against a single target, would the attack action end before being able to make the second attack?


    Looking at this question, I expect that the target ‘pool’ is established when the attack is declared and it wouldn’t result in another attack.


  2. Quote

    Magneto uses Shrapnel Blast measured from a Metallic Construct, but he gets KO'd  in between resolving the attacks (in this case by Sabretooth, but counter strike, etc.). 

    Is the Construct still destroyed, as it says "after ALL of the attacks are resolved" (emphasis mine)?

    If it is removed, is it before or after Magneto is removed? Could allied models gain power using his leadership?

    Because all of the attacks did not resolve, the Metal Construct will remain on the board.


    if Magneto attacks 3 targets, and it is a counter strike from the 3rd target that KO’s him, is it removed in that situation, because attackers “after attack is resolved” effects go before defender?

    Slightly unclear because magneto’s rule says “after all of the attacks are resolved” and just trying to figure out where that fits in the timing

    This wording is not checking for the Step 13 timing step, but rather that all attacks have finished step 14c.

  3. Quote

    Magneto uses Shrapnel Blast measured from a Metallic Construct, but he gets KO'd  in between resolving the attacks (in this case by Sabretooth, but counter strike, etc.). 

    Is the Construct still destroyed, as it says "after ALL of the attacks are resolved" (emphasis mine)?

    If it is removed, is it before or after Magneto is removed? Could allied models gain power using his leadership?

    if Magneto attacks 3 targets, and it is a counter strike from the 3rd target that KO’s him, is it removed in that situation, because attackers “after attack is resolved” effects go before defender?

    Slightly unclear because magneto’s rule says “after all of the attacks are resolved” and just trying to figure out where that fits in the timing


  4. Quote

    Player A (Sin Cabal) is contesting a witness, but player B is securing that witness at the start of the cleanup phase.

    After scoring VP, Sin rolls to push away the enemy characters and succeeds. All of Player B's characters are no longer contesting.

    Who moves the witness when we get to step 3 of the cleanup phase?

    Player A is currently securing the witness, but Player B "secured" the witness when points were scored.


  5. Quote

    Player A has 1 not activated character left in the action phase. 

    Player B ends the activation of his last character in this round.

    Player A will get a turn to play tactic cards and chooses to play price of failure, before activating his last character. With price of failure he KO's the last character still left to activate. Now there are no more characters for both players left to activate. This would force player A to do a pass because he can't activate anything. 

    Who would in this case get priority the following round? 

    The rulebook says: "If the player that activated the last model of the Activation Phase has the Priority token, they pass it to their opponent." In this case that would mean that player B has activated the last model so Player A would get priority although player A had the last turn of the round. 

    Just wanted to get a confirmation that my interpretation is correct, and this is how price of failure is intended.


  6. On 11/29/2021 at 9:45 PM, Mace_Windont said:

    And this climb is always going to be a short movement because the barrier has no size relevant to fliers or wall crawlers?

    Yes, it will always be a short movement.

    On 11/29/2021 at 9:45 PM, Mace_Windont said:

    Also, characters with attacks that ignore LOS can still use those attacks from inside this barrier correct?


  7. 10 hours ago, Mace_Windont said:

    Perfect, thank you.

    As a follow up, the clause in Nothing Stops the Juggernaut that says an enemy can only be damaged by this once per turn. If one of the characters that can pay to reduce damage to zero (Kingpin, Crossbones, etc) would take that damage and reduce it does it count as them taking the damage already if you are able to resolve 2 accounts of Nothing Stops... into them?

    If the character doesn't actually suffer damage, they do not count as having been damaged by the superpower.

  8. 46 minutes ago, Matthews1802 said:

    Is this the same for storms placement on her leadership? 

    X-men gold has to be used during a characters activation, so there is no way for you to have a dazed character use the leadership to be placed.

    Another character activating is able to use a dazed character to satisfy the “choose an allied character within range 2” clause and place themselves within range 1 of the dazed character though. You can do this because you are not affecting the dazed character in this scenario.

  9. Quote

    In the cleanup phase step 3: "Resolve effects from Crisis cards. The player with Priority chooses the order."

    Does the "choose the order" part of this mean they priority player chooses the order to resolve multiple crisis cards? Or chooses which order the players resolve the crisis effect?

    For example, Hela (player A, has priority) and Hawkeye (player B) both have 1 stamina remaining and are both outside of range 2 of a Gamma Shelter so they will both take 1 damage in the cleanup phase. Does Hela get dazed first, or does the priority player "choose the order" and make his opponent resolve the effect first, thus gaining Hawkeye's captured soul token


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