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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hi,

    2 hours ago, Kolonel Kraig said:

    If a unit is deployed out if a transport has [Recon Intel] equiped - does it  get two (2) speed one moves away from the transport?  One speed one move for the disembark action + one speed one move for the Recon intel?

    No. If a unit deploys using the Transport keyword, it will be placed a speed-1 move from the Transport; its Scout X value has no impact on this placement.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hi there,

    On 7/30/2024 at 12:36 PM, Hoffburger said:

    TL;DR - Can you issue orders via Transport to a Transported unit that deploys during the Prepared Positions step of Setup?

    Yes. A unit with the Transport may select a Corps or Special Forces unit with the Prepared Positions keyword during Setup, even if that unit is ultimately placed on the battlefield during the Deploy in Prepared Positions step and not deployed using Transport. It will still issue this unit an order as instructed.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hi there,

    To represent Intel tokens when playing Intercept Signals players may use any token that doesn't represent another in-game effect. The 2024 Updated Battle Cards document has Red & Blue Player general-use tokens that may be useful for this purpose.

    They are not Asset tokens as they are not stated to be as such on the battle card; this does have consequences for gameplay (primarily, units will not "drop" Intel tokens when they panic as they would an Asset token).

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hi there,

    Anakin may perform two attack actions while under the effects of This is Where the Fun Begins. These may both be performed using attack actions, or may be using a free attack action granted by Charge.


    12 hours ago, TARDEK said:

    jump 2+ move+move+ charge and 2 attacks? or?

    No; this would be performing 3 attack actions, and would also be performing 4 actions total (two moves and two attacks)!

    12 hours ago, TARDEK said:

    jump 2+ move+ move+ charge or?

    Yes, you may perform this sequence. Note that Anakin is only performing one attack action in this example. If he wanted to perform a second, he would perform one fewer move action to be able to perform an attack action instead; or, use Charge on two moves instead of only one.

    12 hours ago, TARDEK said:

    jump 2+ move+ move+ 2 attacks?

    No, this is performing 4 actions (two moves and two attacks).

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hi,

    A unit is panicked at any time it has suppression tokens equal to or exceeding double its courage value, or a commander's courage value when eligible.

    The rally step presents an opportunity to remove suppression and no longer be panicked, it is not the point at which a unit "panics." If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it will perform no actions and remove suppression tokens equal to its courage value, which may result in the unit no longer being panicked.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hi there,

    13 hours ago, nexzst said:

    is this trying to say that a unit with the speeder x keyword ignores the pivot in step 1?

    Yes; Units with the Speeder X keyword skip the first step of notched base movement, which is the base in which you rotate the unit leader's base.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hi there,

    As stated in the Modify Attack Dice step entry, the attacking player will resolve their effects first. Impact X will occur before Armor X. There is no need to apply the Timing entry as there is no timing conflict; it is laid out in the attack sequence.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Hi there,

    On 7/25/2024 at 3:04 AM, DjangoTheRat said:

    1. Can i get 2 Victory points for 2 units with this keyword in a single round?

    Yes; if a player controls more than one unit with a secret mission token within enemy territory, they may each score 1 VP as instructed.

    On 7/25/2024 at 3:04 AM, DjangoTheRat said:

    2. It says "remove those secret mission tokens from the game". Do i get new tokens next round? E.g. can my unit with SM keyword score an additional VP more then 1 round per game?

    No; each unit may only gain a secret mission token once per game.

    On 7/25/2024 at 3:59 AM, DjangoTheRat said:

    can 2 different units use their ability in 2 consecutive rounds to get VP, or the ability is limited "once per battle" for any number of units with it.

    Each unit with Secret Mission may, once per game, gain a secret mission token at the beginning of the Command Phase. Then, during the Score VPs step, they will score 1 VP if within enemy territory with a secret mission token.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hi there,

    On 7/20/2024 at 12:07 PM, Mykaeus said:

    Is that once per game per player, or once per game per secret mission unit?

    Each unit with Secret Mission may gain a secret mission token once per game. This will be made more clear in a future update.

    In your example, both Padmé Amidala and R2-D2 may gain a secret mission token during the game, and so the Republic player could earn up to 2 VPs using the keyword that game if it all goes according to plan!

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hi there,

    As stated in the Wookiee Defenders Battle Force special rules, Wookiee Warriors, Noble Fighters count as Corps units for the purposes of army building and battle cards. Battle Cards include Objective Cards, Secondary Objective Cards, and Advantage Cards.


    7 hours ago, Abru02 said:

    So it means that the melee wookies Wookie Warriors(Noble fighters) do not count as Special forces for this scenario?

    Correct. Wookiee Warriors, Noble Fighters count as Corps for the purposes of Battle Cards, including the Bunker Assault Objective Card. They are not considered Special Forces for the purposes of this Objective Card.

    Hope this helps,

  11. Hi there,

    42 minutes ago, TwirlingTwister said:

    if both Blue and Red player for the sake of this example have 3 units with Prepared Positions and none of them have Stationary. May the blue player choose not to deploy a unit and see what red player does and then decide to place a unit

    You may not "pass" during Deploy in Prepared Positions. When it is a player's turn to deploy, they will deploy an eligible unit. If they choose not to, they are no longer alternating and will cede any further opportunities to deploy.

    42 minutes ago, TwirlingTwister said:

    must both players at the beginning of the "Deploy in Prepared Positions" step select what unit will or will not be deployed in this way.

    Players do not need to declare all units they have the intent of deploying at the start of the step. They may opt to not deploy further units.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hi there,

    "A vehicle or droid trooper that suffers wounds after defending against an attack that include a weapon with the Ion X keyword gains X ions tokens."

    If a unit was not the defender of an attack - including, for instance, suffering wounds using its Guardian X keyword - it will not be assigned any ion tokens when that attack is resolved.

    Hope this helps,

  13. Hi there,

    Bane Tokens may not overlap objective tokens.

    Graffiti tokens & priority mission tokens have no such restriction and may be placing overlapping POIs. Tokens may overlap other tokens if not otherwise specified.

    Tokens for various command card effects which do not appear in the rulebook Components list and which do not have a rules entry - such as those for Cody's Have I Ever Let you Down? or the Ewoks' Hiding in Plain Sight - do not have any gameplay effect and simply serve as a reminder to players of card effects. They can and should be moved around the table as needed for other objects and as convenient.

    Hope this helps,

  14. Hi there,

    While This is Where the Fun Begins is in play, Anakin Skywalker will have Card Action: Jump 1 and Free Card Action: Jump 2. These do not combine to form any kind of Jump 3.

    As a unit cannot perform the same action twice in a given turn except to move, Anakin may either perform the action Jump or the free Jump - not both.


    On 7/26/2024 at 10:46 AM, Hoffburger said:

    does it give him an option of performing a Free-Action Jump 2 or a Regular-Action Jump 1?

    This is correct.

    Hope this helps,

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