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MagnaGuard's Protection Protocols is described as:

After an allied Separatist Alliance Primary Unit makes a move action, this Unit may use this ability. Choose a character in the activating Primary Unit. One character in this Unit may Advance Toward the chosen character.

The rules of Toward says:

The moving object can’t cross a straight line drawn along either arm of the angled movement tool to the edge of the table.

Here comes the question:

After Count Dooku makes a move action, the MagnaGuard triggers its Protection Protocols, using a bending movement tool to move one of its character Toward Count Dooku. However, since the arc allowed by the rules of Toward is almost occupied by a Terrain part that has a higher Elevation, the bending movement tool used is partially exceed the arc allowed by the rules of Toward. Is this OK?

In other words, when judging whether a move Toward something is legal or not, should we only look at the final position of the moving object, or even the movement tool used should not exceed the arc?

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On 6/19/2023 at 10:22 AM, 脸黑的饿货 said:

After Count Dooku makes a move action, the MagnaGuard triggers its Protection Protocols, using a bending movement tool to move one of its character Toward Count Dooku. However, since the arc allowed by the rules of Toward is almost occupied by a Terrain part that has a higher Elevation, the bending movement tool used is partially exceed the arc allowed by the rules of Toward. Is this OK?

Yes, it is. A character doesn't move along the movement tool when performing an advance, so whether or not the tool itself is outside the angle doesn't matter.

On 6/19/2023 at 10:22 AM, 脸黑的饿货 said:

In other words, when judging whether a move Toward something is legal or not, should we only look at the final position of the moving object, or even the movement tool used should not exceed the arc?

This depends on what type of movement is occurring.

A character doesn't move along the tool during an Advance, Climb, Dash or Jump, so the tools position isn't relevant.

A character does move along the tool during a Push or Pull though, so the tools position is relevant during these movements.

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  • Thoras changed the title to Toward and Away movement
  • 2 weeks later...
59 minutes ago, EvincarPresto said:

Are the magnaGuard allowed to move pass Count Dooku with Protection Protocols or must they stop once they reach Dooku?

They may pass him. The angle for Toward is set before the movement starts and remains fixed there until the movement is completed.

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