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If an A-Force member is thrown into an ally and they both suffer collision damage, is that damage simultaneous? If one is dazed as a result of the collision, does that mean they would not gain leadership power because it’s simultaneous. 

Essentially if She-Hulk is thrown into Crystal and Crystal would be dazed by the collision, is she able to gain a leadership power for the damage done to She-Hulk as a result of the collision or is she already dazed?

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The damage to the thrown character and the character it collides with share timing. As per Appendix A, when this happens the owner of the throw will decide the order in which the two characters are damaged.

Page 16 of the core rulebook covers this in the call out at the top of the page. Players choose the order of their effects (not their opponents effects). Because the collision damage is an effect of the Throw, the thrower chooses the order the damage is applied.

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