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Ant-Man (Tiny) gets to reroll his defense dice against an attack from Ultron.  He rerolls two Crits (!), having had 0 crits prior to the reroll.  Does Ultron's Analyze and Annihilate trigger from the rerolls, allowing him to reroll after the defensive reroll already took place?  Or must his rerolls occur prior to any defensive rerolls?

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Analyse and Annihilate is the attacker rerolling their own attack dice, which occurs in step 9.a.i of the Attack Timing Sequence.

Tiny Superhero is the defender rerolling their own defense dice, which occurs in step 9.a.ii of the Attack Timing Sequence.

This means Ultron must reroll his attack dice before Ant-Man rerolls his defense dice.

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