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Rapid Fire and Force Projection/Enchanting

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Would just like to clarify a couple of interactions with Rapid Fire attacks:

1) If I rapid fire into Magneto and he pays his power for Force Projection, does that last for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attack, or does it last for both attacks?

2) Similarly, if I rapid fire into Enchantress do I need to pay 2 power for Enchanting for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attacks?


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4 hours ago, tom80s said:

If I rapid fire into Magneto and he pays his power for Force Projection, does that last for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attack, or does it last for both attacks?


Force Projection is a Reactive superpower that applies to the attack in progress. It will need to be used a second time for the Rapid Fire attack if used on the first attack. 

4 hours ago, tom80s said:

2) Similarly, if I rapid fire into Enchantress do I need to pay 2 power for Enchanting for both the initial and subsequent rapid fire attacks?

The attacker will need to pay 2 Power for each attack. 

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