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That superpower is used when you daze or ko a character which occurs in step 12 of an attack when it’s from attack damage.

Angela’s attack, Xiphos, Sword of the Stars, provides her power equal to the damage dealt after the attack is resolved, which is step 14a of the attack for the attacker.

The power is not available at the time you need to use angelic assassin.

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I would like clarity on the timing of when characters gain power for damage dealt and received as it's relevant to this thread.

The rule book says on page 21 under "character damage" that "Whenever a character suffers damage (*) as a result of an enemy effect, that character gains Power (*) equal to the amount of damage suffered"

This implies the power gained from damage occurs in step 12 whereas the answer above says power is gained in step 14, which would mean that a character dazed by an attack wouldn't gain power for damage dealt as it is during step 14 (after the attack is resolved).

Can you please clarify when characters gain power for dealing and receiving damage? Is it the same for both attacker and defender?

I have played it and understood it as that when damage is applied (step 12) each damage is an individual instance and 1 power is gained per damage which occurs during that step for both players/characters. The rules have never specified power is gained after the attack is resolved, nor is that a precursor on rules of attacks.

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1 hour ago, Finkstar said:

I would like clarity on the timing of when characters gain power for damage dealt and received as it's relevant to this thread

When a character suffers damage from an enemy effect, it receives power equal to that damage at the time the damage is suffered. This means power gained for suffering damage from an attack is gained in step 12.

There is no core rule that a character gains power when doing damage. The timing for any such rule will depend on the rule providing the power.

Attacks that have special rules that provide power for doing damage generally have a timing of “after the attack is resolved”, which is the case for both Angela and X-23. 

1 hour ago, Finkstar said:

I have played it and understood it as that when damage is applied (step 12) each damage is an individual instance and 1 power is gained per damage

This is not quite correct. You would suffer one instance of damage from the attack damage, not multiple instances of 1 damage equaling the total amount.

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