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Everything posted by KoseyW

  1. When Emma is in Diamond Form and uses shatter it says that she may turn back into Emma normal after all attacks are resolved, when exactly does that happen? Lets say I use shatter, attack Amazing Spider-Man then attack Dare Devil with Dare Devil being the last attack, he uses his reactive super power to attack Emma, does she transform before or after DDs attack? Thank you.
  2. For the updated Wetworks leadership when it says including skull results is that referring to the die that’s being rerolled or that attack? I ask because cables builder has rerolls on it, so if he uses the leadership on that one attack can he reroll more than one skull result?
  3. Follow up question. let’s say I don’t like the symbiote for Spectacular Spider-Man and swap it with the tactical explosion from the RP Spider-Man or ASM. Is he still a legal model? Or because he has pieces from multiple boxes he isn’t anymore. I don’t want to ruin my model.
  4. Is the Rivals Panel Spider-Man model tied to a specific character? with the release of the new Core Box later this year, with an official Spectacular Spider-Man card could you field the Rivals Panel model as him?
  5. Is Mace Windu able to switch his stance before the effects of the Shatterpoint ability take place? I ask because in the rules it says a unit can switch it’s stance at anytime during it’s activation, I assume Shatterpoint takes place before anything else can happen?
  6. Does an object that is being pushed or pulled ignore the object that caused the push or pull when moving along the range ruler or movement tool or do they stop when they make contact?
  7. If the Dossier TTC is played and the player decides to give the Dossier Token to their Angela or Medusa; when the character who played the Dossier TTC attacks them may they modify their attack dice? or does their innate superpower take president over the TTC? Thank you.
  8. Can a Memory Token be spent to add defense dice to a Weapon X character that’s not the leader that has played Sacrifice? Is the leader adding defense dice or is the defender to the defense roll?
  9. Can I use the power gained from Angela’s builder that dazes or KOs a character for Angelic Assassin?
  10. On Crisis like Portals Overrun City With Spider-People under interact it states on the card “If the roll contains more Crits, Wilds, and Hit results than the number of Healthy contesting enemy characters,” I wanted to know if Deadpool is considered a “Healthy contesting enemy character” when he is on his injured side for these interact rolls? Also, I wanted to know if only Healthy characters add to the requirement for successes needed on these interact rolls? Or if the interacting character is injured would injured enemy characters contesting then add to the number of total successes needed on the interact roll? Thank you
  11. Hi, do Leadership abilities supersede what’s on a characters card? Mystiques Leadership grants an Interact ability that heroes normally do not have, does this ability also apply for heroes like Nebula/Honey Badger?
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