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Is a character "within range x of themself"?

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Hi There,

Is a character "within range X" of themself when resolving an effect, unless it is specified it only effects "other" characters (or "enemy" characters).

Some examples:

1. Deadpool's "dance party" move - would this damage Deadpool as it states "all characters within 2..."? Deadpool is within range 2 of himself.

2. Logan, the wolverine's "get outta my head" would not damage him or grant him power? I argue that while he is within 2 of himself, the key word is "other". Logan is the subject of the ability, he applies the word "other" from his perspective therefore he won't get damage and power.

3. Same logic should apply to the TTC deception, the key word is "other", with the "enemy character" being the subject to which "other" applies? If it didn't say "other" I could argue "I'm within r2 of myself, therefore you can't move me with deception.

Is this a correct understanding of the wording about being impacted by such abilities?

Thanks, and hope AMG and the forum team had a merry christmas.



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15 hours ago, Horeath said:

Is a character "within range X" of themself when resolving an effect, unless it is specified it only effects "other" characters (or "enemy" characters).

Characters are in range of themselves. This is on page 8 of the core rulebook. 

You have the exclusion correct. 


15 hours ago, Horeath said:

Is this a correct understanding of the wording about being impacted by such abilities?


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