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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 8/22/2023 at 4:57 AM, Anarchy said:

    If Grievous would have damaged multiple characters with "I have been trained in your Jedi Arts", would all those characters be eligable as a target for the ability "Appetite for Destruction", or just the main target of Grievous attack?

    Just the character attacked by the combat action attack.

    The damage from I have been trained in your jedi arts is neither an attack nor targets the characters.

  2. On 8/1/2023 at 7:55 PM, Morgan Reid said:

    Question: Can Grievous use 'Appetite for Destruction' to have the allied Battle Droid Supporting character dash and attack Kenobi?


    On 8/1/2023 at 7:55 PM, Morgan Reid said:

    Question: Can Grievous use 'Appetite for Destruction' to have the allied Battle Droid Supporting character dash and attack Maul?

    No. The attack granted by Appetite for Destruction is limited to targeting a character that was attacked by the combat action attack. Although the attack from Mind Trick occurs during the combat action, the character targeted by it is not one of the characters targeted by the combat action attack.

  3. On 6/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, Volcano said:

    I know that if you heal as an action you can remove a strain before it triggers from the heal action, however what about heals triggered off of other actions

    There are a lot of variables that make blanket statements difficult.

    On 6/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, Volcano said:

    For example Bo-Katan with a strain token performs a focus, this triggers her 'Mandalore will Survive' ability which grants her 2 heals and a dash, if she resolves the heals first and removes the strain does this prevent the strain triggering from the focus action and dealing her 3 damage?

    This will depend on whether she decides to resolve the dash or not, which has to happen before the heals

    The timing would look like this

    Bo performs the focus Action
      - Focus action occurs
         - Focus provides its bonus
      - Focus action ends
      - Strain and Mandalore will survive are now both waiting to trigger/resolve off the end of the action
         - Player effects resolve first, so we do mandalore will survive
      - Mandalore will survive ability
         - Choose to dash or not
             - If you choose to dash, strain will trigger and resolve after the dash movement is complete
         - Heal
            - If you didn't trigger the strain by dashing, you can remove it here
         - Heal
    - Mandalore will survive ability ends
    - Strain will trigger/resolve here(because we have come back around to the end of the focus action effects) if it is still present on the character

    On 6/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, Volcano said:

    If so is it possible to chain multiple abilities in this way, so if Bo's first action is a move which triggers 'Mandalorians are stronger together' for the focus action then the 2 heals from 'Mandalore will survive' to remove the strain would that also prevent the strain from dealing her damage?

    Yes, as long as when she opts to perform the move action, she then decides to not actually make an advance, dash or climb movement

    On 6/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, Volcano said:

    Also in both examples if I were to trigger the dash from 'Mandalore will survive' first would the strain trigger off the dash and deal her 3 damage before her heals would resolve?

    Yes, if you decide to actually perform the movements, they will trigger the strain first.

    On 6/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, Volcano said:

    And in a different direction if a character resolves a heal from its combat tree to remove a strain, does that prevent the strain dealing damage from the combat action/attack? (Assuming the character doesn't resolve an effect from its combat tree that would trigger a strain before resolving the heal)


  4. On 8/27/2023 at 4:39 AM, Wogshrog said:

    Can Cosmic Ghost Rider use Cosmic Justice on wheels


    On 8/27/2023 at 4:39 AM, Wogshrog said:

    what happens if he dazes Iron Fist ?

    The attack immediately ends, meaning you will not reach step 12 and will not apply the damage to the attacked character.

    Also, If the Iron Fist player chose to resolve this special rule first, they would also not apply the second bullet due to the attack being immediately ended.

  5. On 8/19/2023 at 12:31 AM, Skox said:

    After Aurra Sing makes her attack can she trigger Double the Contract Double the Payout because it is still in Kalani's combat action?


    Although the attack is occurring during a combat action, it is not occurring as a part of a combat action.

    The attack has to be a result of the combat action to trigger this clause, but this attack is occurring as a result of Tactical Network granting an attack (but not granting a combat action)

    On 8/19/2023 at 12:31 AM, Skox said:

    If Kalani pays to trigger Tactical Network (not as a combat result) and selects Aurra Sing (after she used Pay Day), Aurra can't trigger Double the Contract Double the Payout because it isn't a combat action correct?


    On 8/19/2023 at 12:31 AM, Skox said:

    Is it also correct that the B1's Combat A.I. Protocols would only trigger after all the attacks are done? So in the first scenario only after Kalani and Aurra finished all their attacks could B1's put out a condition? They can also only do it once because even though it is innate and on all the time only a single combat action takes place?


  6. On 8/25/2023 at 6:27 PM, Sliski said:

    Step 10C of attack against model B is still during Aurra's combat actions so can she use Hit and Run at this point?

    She may not use the attack from Double the Contract, Double the payout to trigger Hit and Run, no. It is occurring during her combat action, but not as a part of her combat action (which is a requirement).

    The rule of one reactive ability per triggering event then also means she cannot use it when she returns to finish resolving the original combat action attack, as it shares the same trigger as Double the Contract, Double the Payout.

  7. On 8/30/2023 at 10:09 AM, sammyp said:

    If a multi-character unit does a combat action, can both attacks be reacted too by a separate instance of Coordinated fire?

    eg, 501st trooper A shoots, coordinated fire by 212th, 501st b shoots, coordinated fire by Padmé

    This would be fine, except that Padme’s coordinated fire can only be triggered by attacks from handmaiden units, which the 501st are not.

    On 8/30/2023 at 10:09 AM, sammyp said:

    Does a multi-character unit carrying out an action count as two instances of that action or one action with two parts?

    The unit is making a single combat action and there are two attacks being made as a part of that combat action

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