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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 14 hours ago, floatingzero said:

    Does this mean that if someone else give General Grevious a dash (for example dooku and leader of the separatist alliance), General Grevious can spend a force to climb instead?

    No. Scuttle has to be used during General grievous’s activation as it’s an active ability. It also has to be used before he is given movement, it can’t be used reactively

  2. 2 hours ago, Wormy said:

    I thought Bar With No Doors was one of your 10 Tactics cards for list building, and when you built the team it was assigned to a character automatically, and so did not count as one of your 5

    It does take one of the 10 team tactic “slots” in your roster, yes. It has a special clause in the rules of the card that also says you get it in addition to the normal allotment of team tactics cards in your squad(so it is a “free” 6th card)

    It’s not assigned automatically, but you do have to assign it.

    2 hours ago, Wormy said:

    Does your answer mean that it does not have to be one of your 10?

    It does if you want to play it.

    The original posters wording implied that it’s added to your squad automatically just because you are a convocation affiliated squad. I was clarifying that it’s not automatic, you have to choose to include it in your squad from your roster. Once you’ve chosen to include it for that game though, you are forced to pick a character.

  3. On 8/28/2023 at 12:37 PM, floatingzero said:

    It seems like there are no abilities (currently) that require an action to use?


    On 8/28/2023 at 12:37 PM, floatingzero said:

    Does this mean that someone like asajj ventress can advance (1 action), use "Dathomarian Dexterity" (twice) using 2 force (ability), attack (action), and then "force push" (ability) someone using 2 more force?

    Yes, with one slight tweak to your wording.

    The first thing you mention her doing. She would be choosing a move action as one of the two actions she gets during her activation. Then having chosen the move action, she can choose an advance, dash or climb as her type of movement.

    On 8/28/2023 at 12:37 PM, floatingzero said:

    Or likewise, can Jango can jet pack for 1 force, focus action (and jump again), capture wire for 1 force, then attack?


  4. It more specifically triggers and can be used after she has made a combat action, not just an attack. An attack is not inherently a combat action.

    It can only be used directly after performing a combat action, in response to that specific thing occurring. It has to happen in a specific window of time. There is currently no way for her to perform a combat action outside of her activation, so no, she would be unable to use it during another Units activation.

  5. First thing to note is that objectives are controlled at the character level, not the unit level. The following answer will assume both units had the same number of characters.

    If both players have the same number of characters contesting the objective token, it is considered a tie and control of the objective does not change.

    This means that the objective would stay uncontrolled by either player in the scenario you describe.

  6. On 8/22/2023 at 12:41 AM, Dyson said:

    I am affiliated convocation, so get the Bar With No Doors added to my team tactics cards at the start of the game

    This is not a requirement, but is something you can do, yes.

    On 8/22/2023 at 12:41 AM, Dyson said:

    When I go to pick an active leadership ability, am I allowed to choose no Convocation characters to play the Bar With No Doors or do I have to choose one?

    It is not a may, so you are required to choose a character.

  7. On 8/3/2023 at 2:54 PM, Ogrez said:

    Or since "Dark Fury" just states to "roll 5 attack dice", it is not truly an attack and would not trigger "Overpowering monster"?

    This is correct. Dark Fury does not have you make an attack, you are just using attack dice to determine a result.

    On 8/3/2023 at 2:54 PM, Ogrez said:

    if "Overpowering monster" is dependent on making an attack action.

    You are not required to be making an attack as a part of an action for Overpowering Monster to resolve

  8. On 7/11/2023 at 7:33 AM, Sleboda said:

    A Mando advances toward an ingress point. At the other end of the ingress (ladder) is another Mando. I understand that the first Mando has ended his advance, which allows him to use the ingress, but does that mean the Movement action has ended?

    Neither the Advance itself nor the move action are actually ended here. The use of an Ingress point is "when a character would end...". This means it actually happens just before the movement ends. The Advance ends after putting them at the other connected Ingress Point.

    When the move action itself ends depends on whether this is a single character or multi-character unit(and then whether they are the first or second character) and whether there are other abilities triggering. As a general rule, the movement action ends when all characters in the Unit have resolved their choices from the action. This is very dependent on everything going on though, so keep in mind there may be a lot of niche interactions based on the abilities in play.

    To answer this specific example, assuming the mandalorian moving was the last character in the Unit and there are no other abilities triggering based off the movement, you would use Mandalorians are Stronger together after the use of the Ingress Point.

  9. On 6/28/2023 at 6:53 AM, Alrog said:

    Grievous attacks and wish to use I have been trained in your Jedi Arts. The defender Asajj wish to use Rispote. Both abilities have to be used when a melee attack is resolve.

    "I have been trained in your Jedi Arts" is used and resolved in 10c in this scenario

    "Riposte" from Asajj would be used and resolved in 10d

  10. 13 hours ago, Fred said:

    When I want to throw a terrain, can I throw it juste to destroy it even if  it won't be in collision with another terrain or character?


    13 hours ago, Fred said:

    When I throw a terrain on a character, does the character gets power if he gets damage

    If it’s an enemy character, yes. If you throw terrain into your own character, not by default

    13 hours ago, Fred said:

    Same question when I throw a character to another characte, oo they get power?

    If the characters being damaged are enemy characters, yes, otherwise, no.

  11. One character from one allied Unit (other than the Unit that was Wounded) may perform Heal 3 times

    When performing Heal, a character may remove one condition or damage from its Unit or another allied Unit within range 2

    So you could potentially cause conditions or damage to be removed from multiple units if those units all had characters within range 2 of the one character performing the heals.

  12. When a character moves along a range tool for a push or pull, you place the range tool with one end in contact with the base of the tool. You then move the model along the tool until the opposite side of the characters base is touching the other end of the tool (or you stop short if the base would contact another character or terrain).

    This means that assuming it doesn’t stop short, the character effectively moves the range tools length plus their base size.

    This can commonly be referred to as “front to back” movement.

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