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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. @Samuel Sweeten@Horeath@Morgan Reid

    Both abilities should be used in 3b.

    This means the attacking player would choose whether or not to use Your Hatred Makes you Powerful first by suffering the damage.

    The defending player would then choose whether or not to use Mind Trick.

    If the attack is ended by Mind Trick, the bonus dice are then lost since they apply to that specific attack roll only.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    I'm probably overlooking something, though, so please help!

    It sounds like there is an assumption that because the crate is on the gantry, it has to be a part of the same terrain feature as the gantry.

    Players are free to define the crates as a separate terrain feature if they want them to have the functionality of stopping a push or pull though.


    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    1. At what point does Lay Low trigger? I assume Appendix A, 6.B.II as the ability adds a die result.

    Lay Low adds the result in 6.b.ii, yes.

    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    2. When does Exposed clear die results? I assume between 5 and 6 as the condition states [pg 35] "...before modifying the dice rolls"

    The results are removed at the Start of Step 6, yes.

    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    3. At what point does Tempered Aggression reroll dice?

    The dice are reolled in 6ai

    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    4. At what point does Disarmed clear die results? Are rerolled die results not effected by Disarmed?

    The results are removed at the Start of Step 6.


    On 7/19/2023 at 5:27 PM, Tirend said:

    The effect of Exposed is described as thus: "While defending, characters in this Unit cannot use defense expertise (EXPERTISE) results. The next time a character in this Unit makes a defense roll, remove any Defense Dice with defense expertise results from the roll before modifying the dice rolls". This effect seems to happen in an ambigous step between steps 5 and 6 of the attack timing chart. The way Lay Low reads is that it occurs during step 6b. The statement "While defending, characters in this Unit cannot use defense expertise (EXPERTISE) results." seems to indicate that regardless if Expertise Results are added, you cannot use them while Exposed.

    The first sentence of Disarmed and Exposed are more of a narrative description of the rules than instructions on how to implement the rules. This means if an expertise result is added during the modify step of an attack, the character will be able to make use of that result.

  4. On 8/11/2023 at 11:47 AM, karmais2phast4u said:

    Because dice were never rolled against Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter, does he lose the 3 additional dice when the attack ended because of Mind Trick?

    He does not. As it applies to the next roll and you did not reach the step that performs a roll, the bonus will still be applied to his next attack roll

    On 8/11/2023 at 11:47 AM, karmais2phast4u said:

    Or does he still have them when he makes another attack against Obi-Wan Kenobi, Out of Hiding, and loses just 2 because of Mind Trick and having to subtract 2 from the roll after changing targets?

    (Potential Roll with Stance Form IV Ataru being 7+3 from Hello There! -2 from Mind Trick = 8 Dice)

    This is correct


  5. On 6/30/2023 at 2:59 AM, HazMatt said:

    So just to clarify, even if the ability is on completely different units but has the same name can that ability only be used once per turn? 

    No, it is per Unit.

    On 6/30/2023 at 2:59 AM, HazMatt said:

    So in a turn you could trigger 212s coordinated fire, and if you did then had another eligible attack could that attack use 501st's coordinated fire?


  6. On 6/13/2023 at 10:04 PM, scott.annable said:

    I assume you follow the procedure for reserving a card normally and flip over the next card but the rules only have that clause under the section where you pay a force to reserve a card.

    This is correct. The section about what happens when a Unit Order Card is placed into Reserve is applicable to anytime a card is placed in reserve, whether through spending a Force during the reveal or otherwise.

  7. On 9/18/2023 at 12:18 PM, CoffeyTime said:

    Does this mean objectives would essentially be on the ground level if they can't completely fit on a bridge above them to prevent it overhanging

    No, the terrain would need to be moved in this situation.

    On 9/18/2023 at 12:18 PM, CoffeyTime said:

    Also if there is no legal placement, in a tournament setting would you ask the TO to move the terrain?

    How to handle this situation would be up to the event organizer.

  8. 20 hours ago, TheEnglishGent said:

    If Padme is contesting objective A whilst in faith in diplomacy, can two wounded handmaiden's contest objective B as long as they both handmaiden's are on the same objective (but different to Padme)?


    The first portion of Servant of the People allows wounded Galactic Republic Supporting characters to contest the same objective as Queen Padme Amidala, not a different one.

    20 hours ago, TheEnglishGent said:

    If two wounded handmaiden's are at the same elevation as an objective with one uninjured enemy model, if Padme moves within two of the objective but at a lower elevation, would the handmaiden's contest and hold the point? 


  9. 13 hours ago, phowell0820 said:

    Some wording on a previous ruling is confusing. For counting failure (skull) results as criticals for the Reality Gem, is each reroll step considered a separate chance to count a failure as a critical?


    13 hours ago, phowell0820 said:

    My question is:

    a. Does the failure generated by Witty Banter count as a critical along with the original failure, resulting in 5 total successes.

    b. Does the reality gem only count a single failure result from the finalized dice pool as a critical, resulting in 4 total successes

    Neither situation

    The Reality gem counts a single failure result from the current(not finalized) dice pool as a critical.

    Pretend instead that your situation was this

    Thanos (w/ Reality Gem) rolls 6 dice, resulting in 3 hits, a blank, and 2 failure. The failure is immediately turned into a crit and an extra die is rolled, resulting in a blank.

    Amazing Spider-Man chooses to use Witty Banter to reroll the failure being treated as a critical (which he can do because its a critical for all game purposes).

    This rerolls into a blank.

    The Reality Gem effect would then occur, changing the other failure into a Critical result. You don't get another die for this, as we've passed that step, but it will now count as a success on the attack.

    So you end up with 3 hits, 3 blanks , 1 critical (physical die showing a failure)

  10. The active ability is resolved in step 10c of the attack that generates it.

    The effects in question from knowledge and defense occur in 10d of the attack

    This means the attack generated by tactical network will occur first, inside/during the super tactical droids attack.

    If the attack generated by tactical network attacks the original defending character as well, they can choose to resolve knowledge and defense during either attack, but it will be after both have occurred.

    If the attack generated by tactical network attacks a character other than the character attacked by the super tactical droid, they can only resolve knowledge and defense during the original attack, but again, this will occur after both attacks have occured.

  11. On 8/5/2023 at 2:49 AM, Sleboda said:

    This is not reiterated under the other types of movement, just Push or Pull

    This is actually also called out in a Snip'et on page 25 with some expanded wording and is applicable to all movement.

    On 8/5/2023 at 2:49 AM, Sleboda said:

    1. Does this mean that it is acceptable to use 'stand in' empty bases (or other substitute, including just agreeing with an opponent that the model is "actually" on a spot where it cannot balance or fit) when, for example, advancing a model onto a precarious bit of terrain?

    No. A "stand in" or "proxy base" is not acceptable to use either in measuring or to replace a characters miniature. The miniature must be able to physically fit in the intended location.

    On 8/5/2023 at 2:49 AM, Sleboda said:

    Basically, we are wondering if it is intentional that his physical design limits where he can go or if players are meant to create a solution for positioning models like him

    Players are expected to assist each other in model positioning to the extent that the rules allow. As mentioned, "Stand in" or "proxy bases" are not allowed within the rules, however, players working together by rotating miniatures is something that would be expected.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Morgan Reid said:

    Thank you, so am I correct in saying that in this scenario 2:
    - Grievous could make another attack into Lord Maul
    - Grievous could then use Appetite for Destruction to have an allied Battle Droid character attack Obi-Wan (as Obi-Wan was the target of the Combat Action)

    If the first line is in reference to the attack granted by Mind Trick, yes, you have the correct scenario.

  13. On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:

    Example 1: I paly with 3 criminal syncate and 2 cabal characters, so the roster use th CS leadership

    A note on this, it would be your squad using the criminal syndicate leadership, not your roster

    On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:

    Can Red Skull (a cabal character) use dark reign as he is a cabal character?

    No. Dark Reign can only be included in the 5 Tactics cards you pick for the game if your Squad has the Cabal Affiliation. As you chose to use Criminal Syndicate while building your Squad, you were unable to pick that Tactics Card

    On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:

    Can the  other cabal character include in the liste benefit from this card even if the genenral affiliation is criminal syndicate?

    No, for the reasons above.

    On 9/7/2023 at 10:07 AM, Fred said:

    Example 2: 3 Cabal character and 1 from another affiliation, the roster use the cabal leadership:

    Coul the non cabal character use/benefit from dark reign as he is in a cabal team?

    No. Just because a Squad is Cabal Affiliated, that does not grant the affiliation to the characters in the squad.

  14. On 8/18/2023 at 10:27 AM, Sleboda said:

    If you "must" do the Shove, but "may" do either or both of the Push and Pull, couldn't you just say "I am required to do the Shove before going to the next option, but within that Shove, I chose to do neither part" thus making it actually completely optional?

    Its not completely optional, no. A Shove will still have occurred even if you choose to do neither of the effects of the shove.

    Consider a situation where something specifically triggered off of a shove occurring. That would trigger even if you opted to perform neither of its effects. This is why the distinction is potentially important.

    On 8/18/2023 at 10:27 AM, Sleboda said:

    Or to put it more clearly (for me anyway), can I move up the next option if I don't do at least one of the two parts of the Shove?

    You may continue even if you choose to do neither of the effects.

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