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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 7/30/2023 at 2:50 PM, Inside the DANGER room said:

    Impact [x], Sharpshooter [x], and Immunity [x], all seem to be cumulative keywords, cover [x] also exists, are any other keywords cumulative like steadfast, and protection?

    By default, the effect or special rule needs to be accompanied by a number in brackets to be counted as a stacking effect.

    Steadfast and Protection are not stacking effects.

    On 7/30/2023 at 2:50 PM, Inside the DANGER room said:

    Also is cover [x] a keyword?

    Can you expand on what the question is about?

  2. On 10/8/2023 at 9:11 AM, Crazykitsune said:

    I would like to ask clarification on what happens to the Big Dumb Hero token when a character holding it is KO'ed?

    That token is effectively gone

    On 10/8/2023 at 9:11 AM, Crazykitsune said:

    For comparison, Deadpool's tactic card (Chimichangas giving a Chimichanga token) is left on the field even when any character holding is removed from play, while Doctor Voodoo's Brother Daniel token is also removed when Doctor Voodoo is removed from play. Both example mentions what happens to their tokens.

    The difference between a Chimichanga token and the Big Dumb Hero token or Brother Daniel is that the Chimichanga is specifically an objective token.

  3. 6 hours ago, Artisan said:

    Yes. The same would also apply to objectives, though I would think the answer would be the same in both scenarios.

    I guess it could also be asked: may a range tool be used to assist in placing a mini exactly where the controller wants it while performing a move action? This question never crossed my mind 'till I read about using the base as a measuring tool. Now I'm not so sure.

    Yes. This is what is being referenced in the first answer to the quoted post.

  4. 11 hours ago, Artisan said:

    Exhibit "A"


    I agree with the answer provided in exhibit "A" about the adjusting of the mini to be within/out of range "X" after it was placed using the movement tool (free move action). Although this method is illegally used a lot, exhibit "A" (the way I read it) does not address placing the mini of choice down between 2 preexisting standard tools (that may or may not be overlapping).

    Is the base of the mini (being moved) treated as a measuring tool if more than one standard tool is already on the board? Maybe this was answered but it wasn't clear to me, I'm sorry.

    Is your question essentially…

    Can I place a range tool against enemy character x, measuring range 3 from it. Then place a movement tool against my character. Then move my character to be at the end of the range tool, assuming that is also a legal movement?

  5. 20 hours ago, Balefire_storm said:

    1) Noticed in the Earth's mightiest rulebook (can't remember if it said so before) that Grunts cannot be chosen by the effects of Allied Team Tactics cards. Does this include Eye in the          sky/Escort to safety?

    This did not change in the new version of the rulebook.

    The second part of this question is answered here -


    20 hours ago, Balefire_storm said:

    Since Grunts are not affiliated, does that affect the 51% of models in your squad needing to belong to the same affiliation to be able to use an affiliated leadership? They don't count to the roster, but can't find anything about the team you're deploying

    It does not. Grunts are not including in your squad during Squad Building, they are included as a part of your Squad when they their parent is deployed. They do not impact you meeting your affiliation requirements.

  6. @Samuel Sweeten@Horeath@Morgan Reid

    Both abilities should be used in 3b.

    This means the attacking player would choose whether or not to use Your Hatred Makes you Powerful first by suffering the damage.

    The defending player would then choose whether or not to use Mind Trick.

    If the attack is ended by Mind Trick, the bonus dice are then lost since they apply to that specific attack roll only.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    I'm probably overlooking something, though, so please help!

    It sounds like there is an assumption that because the crate is on the gantry, it has to be a part of the same terrain feature as the gantry.

    Players are free to define the crates as a separate terrain feature if they want them to have the functionality of stopping a push or pull though.


    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    1. At what point does Lay Low trigger? I assume Appendix A, 6.B.II as the ability adds a die result.

    Lay Low adds the result in 6.b.ii, yes.

    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    2. When does Exposed clear die results? I assume between 5 and 6 as the condition states [pg 35] "...before modifying the dice rolls"

    The results are removed at the Start of Step 6, yes.

    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    3. At what point does Tempered Aggression reroll dice?

    The dice are reolled in 6ai

    On 8/24/2023 at 7:34 PM, Axtium said:

    4. At what point does Disarmed clear die results? Are rerolled die results not effected by Disarmed?

    The results are removed at the Start of Step 6.


    On 7/19/2023 at 5:27 PM, Tirend said:

    The effect of Exposed is described as thus: "While defending, characters in this Unit cannot use defense expertise (EXPERTISE) results. The next time a character in this Unit makes a defense roll, remove any Defense Dice with defense expertise results from the roll before modifying the dice rolls". This effect seems to happen in an ambigous step between steps 5 and 6 of the attack timing chart. The way Lay Low reads is that it occurs during step 6b. The statement "While defending, characters in this Unit cannot use defense expertise (EXPERTISE) results." seems to indicate that regardless if Expertise Results are added, you cannot use them while Exposed.

    The first sentence of Disarmed and Exposed are more of a narrative description of the rules than instructions on how to implement the rules. This means if an expertise result is added during the modify step of an attack, the character will be able to make use of that result.

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