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If I use the attack red fury on venom. Does venom get to resolve his so many snacks before the assualt rifle attack? Because there is a period after the push does it not make the assualt rifle attack not part of the attack sequence like the push is?

Screenshot_20220731-182849_Crit! Wild!.jpg

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He does not, no.

Unless a special rule is separated by a line break or the word additionally, it is all one special rule. Unless specified otherwise, later portions of a rule will follow timing steps established in earlier portions. This means the Assault Rifle attack is still occurring within the "after the attack is resolved" timing step established earlier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How would this work for reactive superpowers that can boost defensive dice such as Cable’s Telekinetic Shield? The wording on that superpower states it can be used if he or an ally ‘is targeted by an attack’, but since the target was already declared for the initial Red Fury attack can superpowers like that also be used for the follow up Assault Rifle attack?

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1 hour ago, Klysmo said:

How would this work for reactive superpowers that can boost defensive dice such as Cable’s Telekinetic Shield? The wording on that superpower states it can be used if he or an ally ‘is targeted by an attack’, but since the target was already declared for the initial Red Fury attack can superpowers like that also be used for the follow up Assault Rifle attack?

The Assault Rifle attack also has a targeting step so Tekekinetic Shield could be used on that attack. 

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