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Everything posted by Mc1gamer

  1. If a character gains a token for an effort that they are immune to, do they have the token at all? The reason for the ask is due to effects from abilities that trigger when a status condition is present. It's already been clarified that Omega Red take damage from his power thar does 2 to him, and to others in the area that have the Poison condition. What about other characters immune to poison? Would say an enemy Omega Red be able to get this token, and an Allied Omega red damage the enemy Omega Red with his power to damage those with the Poison token? Aa we see more abilities trigger off of conditions, this could come into play. Thanks!
  2. Quicksilver attacks Zemo with the Cyclonic Vortex. After attack is resolved, he can advance M. Zemo however has Counter Strike which also takes place after the attack is resolved. Can Quicksilver move out of range of the Counter Strike since the order is determined by the attacking active player's side? Thanks
  3. Are tactic cards that provide a means to remove status effects nullified by Scarlet Witch's ability to make removing them more difficult? Thank you!
  4. Curious how this works. Valkyrie charged Loki (the Charge superpower), spending 2 and added 1 power due to his God of Mischief superpower. Loki uses Trickster to move outside the range of her strike. Valkyrie is in range to attack another target but the Trickster ability says the attack ends, but she can perform another action. So she didn't lose her first action then? She had begun the activation using the Charge superpower, so would have a second in the bank. Does Valkyrie lose the power she spent? Does she lose the charge (ie isn't moved her advance distance) and can then decide to perform a different action before she spent the power. Or did she move and has to redirect the attack at another foe in range? I am thinking that since it's not an attack targeting multiple targets, she is at her original position, doesn't spend the power and has to choose a different action. Alternatively, she makes the move, spends the 3 power, but now has both actions as she didn't use her second one yet, and the first one is returned due to Loki's Trickster power. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  5. Figured as much. Came up in a recent game and we went with once. Thanks!
  6. A pierce attack, if it activates on a Wild, and you get multiple Wild's, do you bypass a defense roll for each, or is it just once? Thanks!
  7. So it appears that a condition (slow in this case) will override a tactics card or or superpower movement ability. Thanks!
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