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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 23 minutes ago, Artisan said:

    Do we need explicit permission to perform a climb action when using an advancement ability (ie Charge or Deception)?

    In short, yes. What you can do depends on what the effect is providing you. The two effects you mention provide entirely different permissions.

    Charge superpowers generally provide you a move action. A move action can be an advance or a climb.

    Deception allows you to advance a character. That has to follow the rules for an advance, which allow you to use the tool matching the characters speed or a smaller one and prohibit the tool from overlapping terrain larger than the characters size.

    If the tool crossed a piece of terrain larger than the character, you’d now be trying to perform a climb, which deception hasn’t given you permission to do.

  2. On 1/9/2022 at 11:37 AM, Saramin said:

    one more related question.  so reading this again you are saying it effectively costs 3 energy 2 each from the chosen model and 2 from 2 others within range 3.  the part that misled me was that is says that they May spend 2 energy.  doesn't the use of the word may imply they are not required to spend the 2 energy?  that being the case it should not really use the word "may".   simply removing the word may would make it manditory for each to pay the 2 energy.


    6 power, 2 each from 3 characters.

    This is standard wording on tactics cards and indicates that playing the card is optional. No character is forced to play the card.

    If they choose not to pay the power, they are choosing not to play the card though and the card requires 3 characters to choose to pay two power each for it to be played.

  3. You can do both your examples.

    The section of the rulebook you are describing is a reminder that you can still do those things after your two actions - that your activation does not end immediately after they are used .

    If you refer back to the sections that define active superpowers and interacting, you’ll see them described as anytime abilities.

  4. It all depends on how the effect is allowing you to move the character.

    If you are told to Advance the character(such as your example of Deception), you can use the movement tool for its speed or smaller, but you can not cross terrain larger than your size unless you have some other rule like wall crawler or flight.

    Doing so would be performing a Climb and the game effect did not provide you the ability to perform a climb, it provided you the ability to Advance the character.

    This is for both friendly and enemy effects. Whether you have a superpower allowing you to advance an enemy character or you have an attack special rule allowing you to advance after the attack, you can’t turn that into a climb.

  5. Choose and target are not the same thing.

    You can choose a dazed character, yes. 

    The chosen character is required to play the card to be able to use the Book of Cagliostro though.  All three characters have to be able to play the card.

    You also seem to have a bit of a misunderstanding about what the card does.

    The chosen character and two other characters are spending 2 each(6 total) to remove a single activation token - the token from the chosen character. You don’t remove multiple activation tokens.

  6. Quote

    When Modok Bows a character and then Jean stops it with Shield Mind, that character cannot be bowed again this activation. I've noticed Enchantress can just use her bow again and Jean would have to use Shield Mind again effectively causing a who has more power situation. Gwen, Omega, and Venom's pulls say "A character can be pushed by this superpower only once per turn". Does this mean those interactions function the same way as Enchantress?


  7. Quote

    What is the difference between your turn and your activation? 

    The rulebook never states when your activation ends only when your turn ends. 

    page 14 of the rulebook says: "as soon as the previous player has declared their turn is over, the next player begins their turn.

    page 21 of the rulebook says: If a character is dazed during their activation, their activation immediately ends. 

    This previous forum post has some weird interactions with the above parts in the rulebook.

    Am I to understand correctly that your turn ends if my character gets dazed by a enemy counter strike during it's activation, even if i don't want to declare my turn has ended? The reason for me not wanting to end the turn is to maybe use patch up or disarm with other characters. 

    The above rulings seem to contradict with the rulebook in my eyes and are very confusing. If this was intended will the rulebook be updated to say: "Your turn ends when your activation ends"

    And: "Your activation ends when you declare so"




  8. Quote

    When is the range checked for Zemo's Master Swordsman superpower checked: when he uses the superpower or during the modify dice step?


    Zemo targets Black Panther with sword strike and uses his master swordsman superpower and the target is within range 2.

    Okoye is range 2 from Black Panther on the other side and uses Bodyguard to become the target of the attack herself. Okoye is far outside of range 2 from Zemo.

    Players continue with the attack and get to the modify dice steps. Does Zemo get to use the "reroll any" from Master Swordsman?

    I feel like he does not, because his target is not within range 2


  9. Quote

    So, to better understand, if the effect is triggered and paid after step 6/7, does it mean I would be able to pay at that point for rerolls of any dice added afterwards? And thus, all rerolls would happen at the usual step. Or are these rerolls taking place at the time they are paid for?

    The timing of the actual rerolls are still in step 9 at the appropriate substep. The declaration of the ability and the payment of power is used in step 6 or 7 depending on if the character is attacking or defending, respectively.

  10. Quote

    I just want to make sure I have this right, can I check what we are saying here is:

    1) Characters who re-roll states ' After this characters rolls attack or defense dice, it may reroll X number of dice - they must now declare, and pay the power for said re-rolls before any crits are resolved?

    2) anyone where it clearly states during 'calculate success' do not have to pay for the power upfront?

    3) nothing has changed for characters that have, or provide re-rolls that are no cost?

    Is this right or have I oversimplified it? Also if 1) is correct, does the attacking player declare their re-rolls before the defending player has rolled their initial dice pool??

    1. Correct.

    2. If that is when the superpower is used, yes.

    3. It doesn’t have any connection to whether the power costs to pay for, it has a connection to the timing that the power is used. 

    4. Yes, the attacking character declares before the defender rolls their initial dice pool if the superpower is used “after rolling attack dice”

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