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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 8 minutes ago, AgroKnight said:

    How do you choose which crisis to resolve first? I have an instance for example where. Gamma wave would give 1 damage to a player holding a hammer (or any token really).

    Victory points are scored in step 1 and crisis effects are resolved in step 3.

    So, just to be clear, victory points are scored well before you would suffer damage from being outside of a gamma shelter.

    The player with priority will determine which crisis cards effects resolve first and then resolve them on their characters, then the opponent will resolve them on their characters.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:

    is a defending roll is the same thing of a dodge roll

    No, a dodge roll is not a defence roll.

    34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:

    does she can dodge or does she take the full damages without dodging

    Yes she can dodge because doomed prophecy doesn’t affect dodge rolls.

    34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:

    damages are litteraly physical attacks

    A collision does not count as physical attack.

  3. 18 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:

    does Incinerate has an effect on character who has used Doomed Prophecy

    It can, depending on the type of defense roll being made.

    It doesn't have any impact on the defending character when they are being attacked by a physical attack because they don't roll defense dice against physical attacks

    It will remove a die from its defense rolls when it is defending against an energy or mystic attack.

  4. On 1/17/2022 at 1:57 PM, GhostDeer said:

    Follow up: If Hood was base to base with Venom, could he then draw LOS to Venom?


    On 1/26/2022 at 11:36 PM, JerBear_IRL said:

    Would this also mean that because he in in the web barrier a movement tool could not be used to move him out of it? Would this basically make a character stuck in place for that round?

    No. You would still be able to perform a Climb.

  5. 39 minutes ago, JerBear_IRL said:

    Could you clarify why superpowers affecting next attack would be used/wasted if the attack is not considered to have gone off?

    I think the below portion is where there seems to be some confusion.


    Negoldar said "No. The attack never resolves (step 14) in this scenario so So Many Snacks cannot be used. This applies to single target attacks as well."

    "The attack never resolves" does not mean "the attack wasn't used".

    Notice the reference to "Step 14", which is the specific timing step that covers "After the attack is resolved" effects. The attack was used, it just ends early before it reaches that step.

    Is that the spot you were questioning? Does that help clarify?

  6. Life Saver and Escort to Safety can end an attack in progress if you meet their specific criteria.

    If you satisfy the conditions to end the attack, the attacking character has still made that attack though. It doesn’t matter whether it was ended early or whether it went through all of the timing steps.

    This means if it was a once per activation attack, the character can’t make the attack again. It also means if you had used a superpower that affected the next attack, that superpower has also been used.

  7. Quote

    A character within range of Loki's God of Mischief superpower attempts to use an active or reactive power. They spend one power before using the power.

    If they now do not have the power to use the superpower they intended to use, what happens to that power they already spent?

    Because using the superpower is a requirement of paying the one power, if a player cannot do both, they can do neither.

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