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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 5/26/2022 at 5:16 PM, Gilead710 said:

    A character can interact/pick up objective tokens through astral ring token?, if not, can still do it from the miniature?

    No, you may not interact/pick up with objectives from the Projection tokens location. A character must be within Range 1 of an objective token to interact with it and the Astral Ring Tactics Card only changes how a character contests objective tokens, not how it interacts with them.

    Yes, you may still interact with an objective token within range 1 of the character as interacting isn't related to contesting.

    On 5/26/2022 at 5:16 PM, Gilead710 said:

    2.- A Voodoo character using Astral ring, can measure his possession superpower distance  through the astral ring token?


  2. Quote

    Hi Rules Team, 

    My question is in regards to the timing during cleanup phase. Does scoring VPs comes very first during cleanup, followed by player/crisis effects?

    Im asking because the tactics card Astral Ring states that the projection token is contesting objectives, but gets removed during the next cleanup phase. Which should be the following cleanup phase of the round astral ring was played.
    So would the Token count for contesting objectives during the VP calculation step of the cleanup phase and then gets removed?

    Thx for the help and keep up the good wor


  3. On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Gilead710 said:

    1.- When i play Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath, and in that round my enemy KO one of my characters, if the round its no over yet and i return that card to my hand, the effect "this round" still remained?


    On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Gilead710 said:

    When i play Wand of Watoomb card, if i choose the first option, Elemental blast, that attack count as one of my actions in that activation?


    On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Gilead710 said:

    Hi, i have two questions

    For future questions, please remember to separate them into different topics.  

  4. 6 minutes ago, Halfazedninja said:

    How would that work as far as placing Crisis Tokens go? Would you place the tokens according to the map based on the player that has priority?

    The objective tokens are placed after battlefield edges are chosen for deployment, so nothing would change regardless of which side you pick. The tokens are always placed relative to the deployment edges.

  5. 2 hours ago, RogFor said:

    I´m in need of clarification on the Attack Special Rules.

    If I have an attack, like Sabretooth´s claw Slash, with multiple special rules on "wild", and roll 1 "wild" in my attack pool. Does it trigger both Bleed and Pierce, or do I have to choose one?

    One wild will trigger both special rules in that attack.

    The dice result requirements are not “spent” to trigger special rules, all that’s required is that the final attack roll has the listed number of dice.

    If multiple dice are required for a special rule, that individual special rule will list the multiple dice requirements.

  6. 1 hour ago, 238ra said:

    So would it be able to be used in the example I gave? After the ally attack resolves, but before the enemy "After an attack against this character" is resolved trigger? It's after the attack action, but before the enemy trigger?

    Unfortunately, no, it wouldn’t. “After the attack” abilities are actually still during the attack.

    If you check out Appendix A from the online rulebook, you can see an attack steps through 14 distinct steps all of which have various sub steps. “After the attack is resolved” is step 14, the final step of resolving an attack.

  7. 7 minutes ago, 238ra said:

    Blade's leadership ability states that it can be used "at any time during [that] allied character's activation". Does this mean it can be used whenever the allied character isn't already in the middle of something (such as performing an attack), or at literally any time?

    Option number 1. Anytime abilities are not literally anytime. Check out the “any time abilities” explanation box on page 17 of the online rulebook.

  8. On 4/16/2022 at 11:37 PM, Omnus said:

    1) When the entity takes damage because the attacker got all artifact to alter, doed that entity get power for that damage?

    2) Do the artifacts count as extract objectives for the purpose of Mystique's leadership? 

    1. Yes

    2. Not by default, but players are free to discuss and define it as one of the types if they feel it would improve the scenario for them!

  9. I will assume that the Sinister Traps is an allied effect to Lizard and an enemy effect to Baron Mordo.

    The push on Tail Whip is resolved before damage is dealt, so the order will be this:

    Step 11 - The push from Tail Whip
                 - Sinister Traps (Because an attack is occurring and the effect is an allied effect to Lizard)
                 - Sinister traps Damage
                 - Sinister traps push
                 - Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used and resolved in response to Sinister Traps now (if Baron Mordo was pushed by it)
                 - Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used in response to the push from Tail Whip now(note that it’s just used, not also resolved)

    Step 12 - Damage from the attack
    Step 13 - Attack Resolved
    Step 14 - After the attack is resolved effects

                 14b - Resolve the Vaulting Boots of Valtorr that was triggered by the attacks push.

    Note that when an effect’s resolution is “after the effect is resolved” and the triggering effect is from an attack, it resolves in step 14 of the timing sequence.

  10. 1 hour ago, lewtz said:

    do we have to play side to side (as my opponent argued) or can I request we rotate and play with the map normal forward to back

    The rules don’t dictate how players arrange themselves around the table, that’s something for you to come to an agreement with the other player on.

    Nothing in the rules forces you to play side to side if you are physically able to rotate your playing surface.

  11. You are checking the conditions of the One-Two Punch card when you are playing the card, so the attackers portion of step 2d of the attack.

    Once you've played the card, there are no conditions on the dice being added to the attack, so it doesn't change anything if the attack is body-guarded or the defender moves somehow.

    As long as the attack is still occurring, you will still add two dice to the attack against the character.

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