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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 8 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:

    Ok it's quite clear and will "they satisfy any conditions during each attack" included that in case of a special rule who deals a special condition (like Cyclop optic devastation concussion) one wild affect several characters ?

    That attack doesn’t cause a special condition.

    Also, no, each individual attack needs a wild in cyclops case. So if you are attacking 3 characters, you need a wild in each of those three separate attack rolls. Each wild is only applicable to the attack that it was present in.

  2. On 3/2/2022 at 6:32 PM, Whosthetank101 said:


    If multiple characters are contesting an objective, can someone not part of the majority interact to take control of it?


    By default, yes.

    Nothing about the number of characters contesting an objective prevents a characters ability to interact with it.

    Make sure to review the rules of any particular crisis to ensure their specific rules don’t override this.

  3. On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:

    Is there any operative difference in this and how an interaction with the target character would resolve had terrain actually been thrown into them?

    This is a little general to answer with a definitive statement, specific interactions are best. For the purposes of your questions, the key point is that the character is suffering a collision.

    On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:

    would Spider Sense allow dodge rerolls?


    On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:

    Would Brace For Impact be allowed to be played here?


  4. It does not include Failures results, no.

    To understand why...

    The core rules say that Failure results cannot be rerolled or modified (Page 7 of the online rulebook).

    We also have this section of the core rules from page 5 that explains when something says a thing can't happen, that trumps another rule saying it can happen


    Some effects say that a character can or does do something or an effect can or does happen, while others say that a character can’t do the same thing or say that the same effect can’t happen. In any case where these effects apply to the same character at the same time, the “can’t” overrides the “can.”

    So the rule saying Failures can't be rerolled "wins" over something telling you to reroll all your dice.

    There is an exception to this though, which is when a rule directly references the rule it is overriding. Take Dr. Strange as an example...he has a rule that says "This character may modify and reroll Failure dice results.". Because this directly references the rule about Failure dice, it wins in the can't vs can scenario.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Darkundo said:

    Do I need line of sight to target an enemy or an ally with a superpower?

    Not unless the superpower says it does

    5 minutes ago, Darkundo said:

    For example: do I need line of Sight to target an enemy with Web Line?

    It depends on which webline. Spiderman(Peter Parker)‘s version, no. Ghost spiders version, yes.

    They have different wording.

    7 minutes ago, Darkundo said:

    do I need line of sight to target an ally with Cosmic Portal (Thanos ability)

    You do not, since the superpower itself doesn’t list a line of sight requirement.

  6. You either declare the end of the activation yourself or there are situations that can force the activation to end (like being dazed during activation).

    It is still your turn until the end of activation is complete, but your options are more limited because your going through that sequence(For example, you won’t be able to use active superpowers while completing end of activation/turn items).

    End of activation effects are completed in this order

    Player effects (e.g. Healing factor)

    Non-player effects (e.g. Bleed)

    Crisis non-player effects (e.g. Legacy Virus)

    If there are multiple rules resolving in one of those windows, refer to the timing rules in Appendix A of the core rules. Or if you have a specific example, you can request clarification here.

  7. 1 hour ago, Cuz05 said:

    I was surprised I couldn't find anything else on this question, since by securing an objective, the contest for it becomes resolved. So, by definition, a secured objective is no longer being contested. At least until a new, contesting factor is introduced.

    This sounds like you are introducing some external definitions. 

    A character is Contesting an objective when it is within range one of the objective. By default, there are no other conditions or restrictions on this.

    Contesting and Securing an objective are not mutually exclusive either. Even while a player is securing an objective, models are still contesting that objective.

  8. 7 hours ago, Cuz05 said:

    Can you be R1 of an objective marker, a target of opportunity, and not be contesting it?

    Only if there is some other special rule in effect.

    7 hours ago, Cuz05 said:

    In other words, if only 1 character is within R1 of the marker does it count as contesting, as well as securing?

    Yes. A character within range 1 of an objective is contesting that objective  regardless of whether other characters are present and will allow its player to secure it.

  9. 11 hours ago, mh972 said:

    Follow up to that then... If allied Clea is also in beam, does Luke pay Power separately for Clea and Strange, or pays once to protect both?  Can he choose to protect one and not the other?

    He would need to pay for each separate attack that he wanted to use “too dangerous to ignore”, because each attack is a separate instance of an ally being targeted.

    Since they are separate attacks, he can choose to protect one, both or neither.

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