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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 12 hours ago, Cujo8-1 said:

    Can you reference a relevant rule that applies to Web Warriors’ ability to roll all skulls in an attack role? My local group understands the single defense die application, but we haven’t experienced an instance of rerolling skulls during an attack. Thank you.

    Great Responsibility doesn’t provide the ability to reroll any dice during an attack. It provides a single reroll during defense rolls and it provides the general, blanket permission to reroll failures while holding or contesting an objective(this does not actually provide you any rerolls on failures though).

    To use the leadership during an attack, Imagine a scenario where Baron Zemo has been included on a squad that is using Great Responsibility as their leadership and he is in range 2 of an allied character.

    That allied character performs an attack against an enemy character.

    Baron Zemos strategic genius allows the attacking character to reroll one die in their attack roll. Normally, if the character rolled a failure, they wouldn’t be able to reroll it because by default you can’t modify/reroll failure results.

    Great responsibility gives you permission to modify/reroll failures though, which specifically overrides the core rule preventing it. So with the combination of the two rules, they can now reroll a failure.

    Two things to note -

    1. You need that second rule to actually perform a reroll during an attack because the great responsibility rule is only permission to modify/reroll the failures, it’s not actually giving you a modify/reroll.

    2. If the rule giving you a modify/reroll allows you to modify/reroll multiple dice, you can do so with multiple failure dice. The failure modification permission isn’t limited to one die like the defence reroll portion. The limitation here is imposed by the rule giving you the modify/reroll

  2. No, the bonus dice will only apply to a single attack roll.

    They can apply to the Bang, the Bang, Bang or the Bang, Bang, Bang attack, depending on which of the attacks that Deaths Decree is used during. Only one of the attacks can have the bonus though.

    Although the attack generated by the Bang Bang rule is occurring during the first attack sequence, it has its own separate attack sequence that counts as a separate attack.

  3. The errata'd version of "The Accuser" (available in the FAQ) is triggered and used when a character would be dazed or KO'd and prevents the Daze or KO from occurring at that point. The rest of it is then resolved later during the "after the effect is resolved" timing.

    The Circle of the Cosmos is triggered when a model is damaged and is resolved during the "after the effect is resolved" timing.

    When both rules are applicable to Ronan, since they resolve in the same timing window, you may resolve them in whatever order you wish. This means that yes, you could resolve Circle of the Cosmos prior to resolving The Accuser, allowing you to place Ronan within range 1 prior to the advance & attack granted by The Accuser.

  4. 16 hours ago, dskylark said:

    Is once per turn for the character or the book itself?

    The limit is per character.

    If a character is able to perform the attack granted by holding a Spellbook and then is able to give that Spellbook to another character, the other character will also be able to perform the attack once even if they are activating during the same turn.

    16 hours ago, dskylark said:

    Lastly Corvus and Proxima / Sin and Bones with 2 different books double activate, can they each use their separate books they are each holding during the same turn?

    Yes, they could each use their separate book granted attacks.

  5. Per page 18, you can’t make an attack without having a target, so if you are outside range 3 of the stealth character, you can’t even enter the attack sequence, it’s not a valid game state to be in.

    If you find yourself in this state before having proceeded too far, rewind to just before the attack was declared. This will be situation dependent and require a discussion between both players.

  6. The rulings on Enchanting are being changed to be a Defender effect rather than an Attacker effect. This changes the timing that the rule occurs in during step 2d slightly.

    In the case of Enchanting and Bodyguard, they now occur at the same time in 2d as they are now both a Defender effect. This means the Defender may choose the order that the abilities resolve in.

    On 3/7/2022 at 5:54 AM, TheEnglishGent said:

    If they pay two, I can then choose an ally with bodyguard to take the hit and the two power they spent to attack enchantress is still removed?

    Despite the change in the timing of the effect, yes, this is still a way that these rules can resolve. The Defender could choose to resolve Enchanting first and then after the Attacker has made their decision, the Defender can choose whether or not they wish to trigger & resolve bodyguard.

  7. 2 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:

    So in the case in the OP it would be whichever model out of SLDD or Elektra activates earlier ? 


    Which ever model u declared as the parent unit at the start of the match ?

    You do not assign Grunts to a particular Parent character, the Characters that can put that Grunt into play are its Parent characters.

    The Grunt will need to activate prior to the activation of the first Parent character chosen to activate.

  8. 4 hours ago, Roirin said:

    Thanks, for cards that do not have a target a character will grunts benefit from the card?

    If the Grunt does not need to play the card and is not specifically chosen by the allied card, they can potentially benefit from the card.

    4 hours ago, Roirin said:

    Will the ninjas be able to use their mystic defence for physical attacks when iron bound books is played?

    Yes, they would be able to benefit from that tactics card in this way.

  9. 2 hours ago, Jonah said:

    1. If you pick up multiple Extracts (eg Cubes which are identical) and then subsequently drop them because you are Dazed, or receive a Brother Daniel token, how do you determine which of them was the trapped one?

    Some type of identifier should be kept with the trapped token until the effect is gone. The particular method isn't important as long as a clear game state is maintained. The Kraven character box comes with tokens that can be used to represent the effect, but you may also use whatever tracking method you desire that marks it in a clear and understandable fashion.

    2 hours ago, Jonah said:

    2. If you have multiple Extracts, can a model with a steal ability choose whether they steal the trapped one or a different one?

    It may depend on the text of the particular rule. Amora's Kiss on the Enchantress character will for instance allow the Enchantress player to choose which token is being moved.

  10. This ruling has changed as a result of the following ruling, please see below for the updated ruling - https://forums.atomicmassgames.com/topic/7018-tactic-cards-and-unspecified-effects/

    They do not prevent The Grand Illusion.

    The card effect is causing the changes, not Mysterio himself. The reference to Mysterio changing critical results to failure results is meant to refer to the timing step the effect occurs in.

  11. On 4/1/2022 at 6:25 AM, Roirin said:

    Does this mean that they have no effect on any friendly tactics cards?

    It does not, no.

    Yes, there are limitations in place, but that doesn't mean there is zero interaction with allied tactic card rules.

    On 4/1/2022 at 6:25 AM, Roirin said:

    If a grunt is KO ed can elektra play vendetta?

    If a grunt is KO ed can you bring the discarded iron bound books back to your hand?

    Yes to both of these.

    The Grunt is not being chosen during either of these interactions

    On 4/3/2022 at 4:22 AM, marcus said:

    If a Grunt is KO removed from the board do you get "iron-bound books of shuma-gorath" back to your hand?

    12 hours ago, KPI said:

    Would KO'ing a Grunt return the tactic card "Books of Shuma-Gorath" from the discard pile back to your hand?

    16 hours ago, Hodges said:

    Will Iron Bound Books be returned to hand when a grunt is KO’d


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