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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 3/20/2022 at 4:15 AM, WilieB0bThornton said:

    Is this correct and allowed or are the gems classed as TTC's and therefore cnt be used in that UE

    Infinity Gems are not Team Tactics Cards, so this would be allowed.

    On 3/20/2022 at 4:15 AM, WilieB0bThornton said:

    2, if dormamu is at 0 presence in the clean up phase, would he be able to move upto presence 1 for free, as it states you pay power equal to your presence to power up

    You don't spend power to increase his Presence, you remove Shard tokens from the Nexus. When doing so, you remove "current presence + 1", so it will always cost a minimum of 1 Shard token.

  2. 7 hours ago, ftrchssmtr said:

    1) Could I make the Frost Blast attack, even if no enemy models would be under the beam template?

    No, there has to be an eligible target for you to make an attack.

    7 hours ago, ftrchssmtr said:

    2) If I can do number one, would this attack satisfy the attack conditions for the Kree Power Core to prevent the damage?

    Not applicable due to the answer to 1.

    7 hours ago, ftrchssmtr said:

    3) If Loki made an attack on a model, which was then Life Saver'd away, would that satisfy the attack conditions for the Kree Power Core to prevent the damage?

    Yes, it would. The attack is still considered to have been made, it was just ended prematurely by Life Saver.

  3. 3 hours ago, Alexian said:

    When you pick a Team Member (such as Ronan) do you make a decision at that time whether he would have an Infinity Gem or not - ie. 10 characters, one of which is Ronan with the power gem.

    This is the correct way

    3 hours ago, Alexian said:

    does that mean that any time you played Ronan from that roster, he must have the power gem?

    Correct. If the character has the gem, they must be played with the gem.

  4. 33 minutes ago, BeatOfADiffDrum said:

    Can you use a team tactic card, like Siege of Darkness, and have it affect an already activated character

    It depends on the particular rules on the team tactics card, so we can't give a generic "yes" or "no" answer to everything. You can do this with Siege of Darkness though, yes.

    35 minutes ago, BeatOfADiffDrum said:

    For example, Blade is activated but Moon Knight uses the card (all characters paying the appropriate cost) so both him and Wong can attack

    All three of the characters are playing the card, not just Moon Knight. If you pay power for this card, you are also playing it.

  5. 21 hours ago, PoppaWood said:

    Sorry, it occurred to me that I have a third question for a slightly different scenario - would it be legal if his model was able to balance on said building (say, by having a large base) but still over-hung the edge of the roof, given that it meets the criteria of both balancing and fitting in the space (in a 2 dimensional sense, from a top-down view of the footprint of the structure, with the staircase being beneath the overhanging portion of the model)?

    I believe this thread covers your question, but let us know if its not clear.


  6. Determining Range for an attack doesn't takes into consideration the size of characters or terrain. Range is just strictly the horizontal measurement of the appropriate range tool. Size is taken into consideration when determining Line of Sight.

    In your example, Iron Man can be attacked assuming the other character has Line of Sight to him and nothing in your example suggests the character wouldn't.

  7. 11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

    One of the guys noticed some rules on stat cards like Toads "Hop" in where you can spend 2 power to move 2 range and it's an "action" super power as it takes one of your 2 actions to use it

    The superpower Hop on toad does not have "Action:" in its text, so it does not cost an action to use. His superpower Finders Keepers has the "Action:" wording.

    11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

    action to hop when you could just move S

    Hop does not cost an action to use, but keep in mind that Hop provides a Place to Toad which is different from an Advance and interacts with various other rules in different ways then an Advance would.

    11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

    You can use 2 actions in an activation (and any super power with "action"

    As long as the superpower with the "Action:"  text is using one of those 2 actions, yes.

    11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

    but you can also use any of your super powers that doesn't have "action" before it and isnt a reactive superpower, as long as you pay the power cost related.


    11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

    Example- Toad could move once, attack once, then use "Hop" for 2 power to move 2 range?


  8. 2 hours ago, TeaKay_421 said:

    Question 1: Just for clarification. When I move Magneto, I cannot move his terrain with him? (But I can hide behind his terrain for cover?


    2 hours ago, TeaKay_421 said:

    Question 2: When my opponent destroys terrain, Magneto's leadership ability still triggers. So for example my opponent throws and destroys a size 3 terrain, Magneto gets to distribute 3 power to his team?

    He gets to select up to 3 allied characters who will each gain 1 power.

  9. On 3/13/2022 at 12:44 PM, Sleboda said:

    ...as Beam and Area Attacks never choose targets

    This part is not quite correct, every attack targets a character at some point in the process.

    After the sections you quoted, you’ll see that each section has paragraphs that include the text

    "...make a series of attacks targeting each enemy character..."

    The point of the text in the sections you quoted is that targeting doesn't occur in exactly the normal way and the later sections tell us that targeting does still occur in both cases.

    Mystic Empowerment’s wording is referencing targeting to indicate the timing step that the Leadership is triggered/resolves at though, it is not listing a requirement.

    You can see other examples of this in rules that say things like "Before damage is dealt". This doesn't indicate that damage is a requirement of the rule occurring, it is telling you the timing step of the attack that it occurs in.

  10. 8 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:

    Ok it's quite clear and will "they satisfy any conditions during each attack" included that in case of a special rule who deals a special condition (like Cyclop optic devastation concussion) one wild affect several characters ?

    That attack doesn’t cause a special condition.

    Also, no, each individual attack needs a wild in cyclops case. So if you are attacking 3 characters, you need a wild in each of those three separate attack rolls. Each wild is only applicable to the attack that it was present in.

  11. On 3/2/2022 at 6:32 PM, Whosthetank101 said:


    If multiple characters are contesting an objective, can someone not part of the majority interact to take control of it?


    By default, yes.

    Nothing about the number of characters contesting an objective prevents a characters ability to interact with it.

    Make sure to review the rules of any particular crisis to ensure their specific rules don’t override this.

  12. On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:

    Is there any operative difference in this and how an interaction with the target character would resolve had terrain actually been thrown into them?

    This is a little general to answer with a definitive statement, specific interactions are best. For the purposes of your questions, the key point is that the character is suffering a collision.

    On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:

    would Spider Sense allow dodge rerolls?


    On 2/27/2022 at 12:40 AM, bleachorange said:

    Would Brace For Impact be allowed to be played here?


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