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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 4 hours ago, JEREB said:

    I wonder if Gar Saxon spends a force to jump using the "JUMP" ability and he lands range 2 of another Mandalorian character then does he trigger "Mandalorians are stronger together"?

    He does not.

    A “move action” is a thing that lets you choose to advance, dash or climb. It is one of the types of actions your Unit can choose for its actions during an activation or could potentially be provided by a special rule.

    An advance, dash or climb is a type of movement, but not inherently a move action

    All move actions are advances, dashes or climbs, but advances, dashes or climbs are not always move actions (because they can be granted to you separate from a move action)

  2. 14 hours ago, Faustein said:

    Is it intended that Tactical Network allows Wounded units to attack


    14 hours ago, Faustein said:

    So a Wounded unit of Magnaguarda can be activated multiple times (by using Shatterpoint and Kalani's activations) to move and make 5 (more often 6) dice attacks

    The Magnaguards are not technically being activated in this scenario, but otherwise, yes, this is correct.

  3. On 6/14/2023 at 2:34 PM, Critskrieger said:

    The rulebook specifies a line must be drawn through a terrain part to provide cover. Standing on the ground of the battlefield doesn't provide cover. A line doesn't travel through the battlefield, does it? But standing on an elevated platform at the exact same level as the other character, with nothing between them, the line now does go through the terrain they are standing on? I think this is the hardest thing for people I've seen discussing it from my shared point of view to get. If I roll a ball along a metal floor, the ball isn't going through the floor. It's on top, touching, but not through. That would be the same case for a line drawn between two bases at the exact same height. 

    The line for cover should also be a horizontal check with no vertical component, the same as performing a measurement.

    This means the line is effectively viewed from a top down perspective and from that view, “Through” can be considered to mean it touches or crosses or overlaps the terrain.

  4. 21 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    A unit of B1 Battledroids attacks him in melee. The first attack Wounds Maul, triggering his Revenge. This means his Exposed goes away after the attack (because he got attacked), and the Disarmed also goes away because Revenge is his next attack, which is what Disarmed affects. Now, since both Droids are within Range 4, Maul gets another Exposed.

    Maul would not receive an exposed from combat A.I. Protocols at this point, as it only resolves at the end of the entire combat action for the unit.

    Otherwise, it sounds like you got the scenario correct, yes.

  5. On 5/22/2023 at 3:49 PM, Shadow Marvel said:

    If I reserve an unit card and then pull General Obi-Wan Kenobi's unit card, can I still active his Patience ability to move the card currently in reserve and then reserve General Obi-Wan

    On 5/28/2023 at 10:11 PM, GarnetBear said:

    Can you use General Obi-Wan’s Patience  ability to reserve his order card after just reserving a card and then revealing the General Obi-Wan card?


  6. 7 hours ago, 脸黑的饿货 said:

    I've read the change of the trigger timing when General Anakin Skywalker should use I'm Going to End This.

    Does that also mean, now General Anakin Skywalker is allowed to change his Stance rightly before he use I'm Going to End This?

    You would still be unable to flip your stance card in this scenario.

    Even though I’m going to end this is occurring outside of the attack timing chart, there is still a sequence to the events that prevents it. 

    Because you are resolving effects that trigger off this timing, you are still unable to perform “any time” rules which are not reactive (note - this isn’t a reference to reactive abilities, but abilities that resolve in response to a triggering event)

  7. 11 minutes ago, Halfazedninja said:

    Does that mean, after the rapid fire is resolved, the character with Parting Show would get two Parting Shots?

    If the defending character isn’t dazed, they potentially have the option of using it twice, yes.

    They would use and resolve it for the attack generated by rapid fire first, then after that attack is finished resolving, you go back to step 14a of the first attack. You then resolve any more 14a triggers from the first attack, then proceed to 14b of the first attack where they have an opportunity to use parting shot again.


    11 minutes ago, Halfazedninja said:

    Would the same thing apply to Counter-Strike/Slippery?


  8. 4 minutes ago, Greyleader73 said:

    If you have a ladder that has three points, a long ladder running up the side of the tower from top to bottom and going past a mid level gantry say, ending your move within range one of any of those points would allow you to get to either of the others right?  Such as getting to the bottom of the ladder means you can use the ladder to get to the gantry in the middle or the top of the tower right?


  9. 12 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Your help and expertise here is always appreciated.  Could you help me understand the distinction with regard to feature vs. part? 

    Page 24, under Push or Pull, first point: 

    "If an object would contact another object or terrain part at the same or higher  Elevation than the Pushed or Pulled object,  the movement ends immediately."


    Doesn't that mean that a pushed model leaving the gantry and trying to enter the next part (like the little attached building) would stop?

    What am I failing to understand? 


    It looks like you are using an old copy of the rulebook, the current version has changed part to feature in the bullet you quoted.

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