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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 6 minutes ago, Zafri said:

    Can you choose a grunt character with Double Agent?


    6 minutes ago, Zafri said:

    And if so, if the grunt you chose gets KO'd before getting an activated token, when that grunt gets put back into play (through whatever means it is done by), would it still remove an activated token from Spider-Woman the next time it gains an activated token?

    No. When a character is KO’d, all effects on it expire.

  2. Rules that resolve "after the effect is resolved" will now resolve in step 14 when triggered by attack damage and immediately after the effect for other rules (for example, attack special rules or Team Tactic Cards)

    This means the above rulings will be changing to


    Example: thanos uses his builder into Ursa and gets a wild for the throw, then Ursa is thrown into a terrain piece and takes a damage (as it was before damage is dealt) then Ursa takes damage for the attack itself

    This will result in two triggers with the first instance resolving in step 11a and the second instance resolving in step 14b.


    how many times would “winter rush” trigger in the event that a “Wild: Explosive” from gambit’s kinetic ace cause 1 damage to 2 additional characters? Would it be a single effect causing damage, 1 trigger, or would it trigger twice, once of each character damaged by the effect?

    This will result in two triggers with both of them resolving in 11a.

  3. You would use the accuser at the point that ronan would be dazed or ko'd, so step 12 of the attack against him.

    You would then advance him and make his attack in step 14b of the attack against him

    If the attacker has not been dazed or KO'd, you would then proceed with any other attacks from the beam

  4. Vaulting Boots of Valtorr is reactive to the end of the push from lifesaver and is used at that point.

    You would use Vaulting Boots after finishing the move from live saver, but you would not resolve it yet as it is resolved after the effect that triggered it is resolved.

    As the effect that triggered it is lifesaver, you would then finish resolving life saver, checking if you are outside of the attacks range or the attackers LOS now.

    You would then perform the advance from vaulting boots.

    Assuming nothing else has been triggered, you would then finish resolving the attack or not, depending on how life saver resolved.

  5. 53 minutes ago, GilDK said:

    Must I use it immediately after the attack,

    It has to be used during the attack.

    Angelic assassin is used in step 12, at the point that the target character is dazed or ko’d. 

    Also, don’t forget that the rule allowing her to gain power for the damage you deal with her xiphos, the sword of the stars attack occurs in step 14a, so if she dazes or ko’s a character with that attack, she cannot use power gained from that instance of the attack to use angelic assassin because she hasn’t gained that power at the point angelic assassin has to be used

  6. 6 hours ago, TrimTheCat said:

    Question 1: Are you allowed to bend the Long movement tool 90 degrees to "pre-measure" the toward/away angles without using any abilities/attacks?

    No, you can’t premeasure an angle. You have to be actively resolving a rule that uses towards/away.

    6 hours ago, TrimTheCat said:

    Question 2: If you place a movement tool down with the end in a spot between two things (terrain/character) and go to move your model and it does not fit, are you allowed to then place that model anywhere on the movement tool? or does it have to go back to where it started the move?

    You may place it anywhere along where the tool is currently placed. You may not adjust the position of the tool.

    6 hours ago, TrimTheCat said:

    Question 3: Am I allowed to deploy a model with the 3 tool. pick up the 3 tool and then use the 2 tool to visualize where range 2 is. Pick up the range 2 tool and continue deploying other models with the range 3 tool? (the only base measuring from is the 1 deployed model)


  7. 7 minutes ago, Crazykitsune said:

    With Dormammu's Feel the Power of Darkness!, the wording starts with "After an attack targeting this character is resolved...", what counts as an attack?

    Attacks and how to identify them are defined on page 4 and 5 of the core rulebook.

    8 minutes ago, Crazykitsune said:

    1. Is it limited to a character's attack profile(builder or spender)?


    Everything else, the answer is a no because they are not attacks.

  8. When searching the forum, you will find the most success by making use of the tag system.

    If you are questioning an interaction with a specific rule, searching the forum or finding a post related to that rule will allow you to see the tags that have been applied to that post. You can see below the first post has tags related to Captain America, shield throw and another unseen tag. If at this point you click on any one of those tags, you will bring up all posts that also have that tag. We try to ensure all posts have any tags relevant to the main topic of the thread, which quickly allows you to pull up most if not all topics that may be touching on your question.


    When searching the forum, if searching from a PC version of the website, you are also able to tailor the search box to search specifically the Marvel: Crisis Protocol forum. If within this specific forum, you can select a drop down bar on the right side of the search field and select "this forum".

  9. When you first post a question to the forum, it will remain in an unapproved state until it can be officially answered, at which point it will be answered and approved. While unapproved, the post will be invisible to everyone but the original poster.

    Keeping the forum clean and organized sometimes requires us to move posts around, merge posts together, or delete duplicates. Any of these might cause your post to become invisible to you until it is published.

  10. 1 hour ago, TheGamersGuild said:

    If both Winter Solider and The Howling Commandos are in range to trigger Got Your Back after an allied character is dazed can they both use the ability?


    1 hour ago, TheGamersGuild said:

    Similar but different. Can Captain America Bodyguard an attack going into Black Widow only to then have Okoye bodyguard the attack now going into Captain America?


  11. The full Passing rules are found on page 15 of the core rule book.


    A player can end their turn without activating a character if at the start of their turn they have fewer characters without Activated or Dazed tokens than their opponent does. This is called passing. A player who passes can still play Team Tactic cards before declaring the end of their turn


  12. 2 hours ago, firbison said:

    i also had a question to this when she is in her embiggened form and she goes back to normal mode can she be placed within her profile of the large base or is it limited to only being base to base with her other form because of game mechanics 


    As per the steps in Appendix E, the new forms miniature must be placed before the current form’s miniature is removed

  13. 20 minutes ago, jffb213 said:

    My question about Embiggened is how exactly does it work. When she goes from normal to embiggened, do you place the new minature within range 1 of the normal version? Same goes with for opposite, when she trasnformes from embiggened to normal would you place the new miniature within range 1 of the embiggened minature?

    That is correct, yes.

    Notice the superpower uses the word “transform”, which is a rule you can find explained in Appendix D of the rulebook.

  14. 29 minutes ago, Shepard said:

    As I understand it, if a character with the aggressive innate superpower is damaged by an attack with the rapid fire trigger (or any trigger that generates an additional attack after the attack is resolved), the second attack from rapid fire would be resolved before the short move from aggressive.


    After the attack is resolved effects from the attacker resolve in step 14a and from the defender in 14b

    30 minutes ago, Shepard said:

    Does this mean that the character with the aggressive superpower has "lost" his/her ability to make the advance?



    When you are resolving an ability and then have to pause that resolution to resolve another, you go back to where you previously paused once the “interrupting” ability is finished resolving.

    This means you pause the first attack in step 14a, finish resolving the rapid fire attack (steps 1-14) and anything triggered by that, then go back to 14a of the first attack and continue resolving triggers from that sequence.

    32 minutes ago, Shepard said:

    Can a character with aggressive advance twice in a row if he/she was damaged by both the first and second attacks of a rapid fire attack?

    Although if often appears that this is what is occurring, technically speaking, it’s not actually twice in a row.

    You would resolve the aggressive from the rapid fire attack in 14b of that sequence. You then go to 14c of that attack. You then return to 14a of the first attack and then proceed to 14b of the first attack (and resolve the aggressive from the first attack here).

    So although it often appears to be twice in a row due to a lack of other effects occurring in the mentioned windows, there is a chance of effects occurring between the two resolutions of aggressive.

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